German translation is also available, see MoinMoin2/InstallDebianDE

Installation of a Moin version 2 test environment

Target and Environment:

The instructions can be adapted to many Debian based systems and distributions (e.g. Ubuntu and Raspian)

Quick start Guide:

usermod -G sudo admdebi

apt-get install -y sudo
apt-get install -y binutils
apt-get install -y git
apt-get install -y python3-pip
apt-get install -y python3-venv

sudo useradd -m -s "/usr/bin/bash" moinadm
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir moin moinwiki moin-venv-python3
sudo chown moinadm moin*

This is the faster and user-friendly installation routine. Since moin2 has not yet been officially released, the Test-Python-Package-Index is used for this. The moin package is rarely updated. At the end there is a running wiki with English help pages and a welcome page.

cd /usr/local/
python3 -m venv moin-venv-python3
. moin-venv-python3/bin/activate
pip install --pre --index-url --extra-index-url moin
cd /usr/local/moinwiki/
moin create-instance --full
moin run

This installation routine uses the latest development version from the github program sources.

cd /usr/local/moin

git clone
cd moin

. ./activate

./m new-wiki
./m run

Start SSH tunnel

ssh -f moinadm@<ip-of-moin-vm> -L 8080:localhost:8080 -N

Access in the webbrowser using http://localhost:8080/Home

MoinMoin: MoinMoin2/InstallDebian (last edited 2023-07-23 20:01:57 by UlrichB)