
In a wiki farm the links to the help pages in the page editor (editor=text) can lead to another wiki from the same farm.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have a wiki farm running with a a single running process for the requests (for example with WSGIDaemonProcess moin-wsgi ... processes=1 threads=1).
  2. Restart the web server.
  3. Access one wiki (http://test/wiki1)

  4. Edit any page on this wiki: http://test/wiki1/?action=edit&editor=text

  5. Review the urls of the help links (http://test/wiki1/HilfeZumEditieren in german language, ...)

    • (./) correct url

  6. Access another wiki (http://test/wiki2)

  7. Edit any page on this wiki: http://test/wiki2/?action=edit&editor=text

  8. Review the urls of the help links (http://test/wiki1/HilfeZumEditieren in german language, ...)

    • (./) misleading url

  9. Restart the web server.
  10. Access the other wiki (http://test/wiki2)

  11. Edit any page on this wiki: http://test/wiki2/?action=edit&editor=text

  12. Review the urls of the help links (http://test/wiki2/HilfeZumEditieren in german language, ...)

    • (./) correct url

  13. Access another wiki (http://test/wiki1)

  14. Edit any page on this wiki: http://test/wiki1/?action=edit&editor=text

  15. Review the urls of the help links (http://test/wiki2/HilfeZumEditieren in german language, ...)

    • (./) misleading url

When another process starts serving it will always use the url base of the first wiki accessed for the links.

/!\ The above always leads to the situation that the base url of the first wiki accessed will be used for all further requests within a process.


Component selection


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

SunOS sun 5.10 Generic_142901-02 i86pc i386 i86pc

Python Version

Python 2.6.1

Server Setup

Apache 2.2.11 with mod_wsgi/3.1

Server Details


Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)


To spot the problem more easily I reduced the number of processes / threads to 1 with WSGIDaemonProcess moin-wsgi ... processes=1 threads=1.

The problem is there with or without shared underlay.





MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/1.9EditPageHelpLinksBroken (last edited 2009-12-14 05:56:32 by p5B174269)