Attachment ''


   1 --- ./MoinMoin/formatter/	2012-02-07 23:36:48.000000000 +0200
   2 +++ ./MoinMoin/formatter/	2012-07-31 19:08:49.220375050 +0300
   3 @@ -68,3 +68,9 @@ class Formatter(FormatterBase):
   4      table_row = table_cell = attachment_link = attachment_image = attachment_drawing = null
   5      transclusion = transclusion_param = null
   7 +    # Adding all other functions used by parser from
   8 +    # MoinMoin/formatter/text_html*. Macro in particular caused havoc
   9 +    # as macros are fairly common in group pages.
  10 +    macro = lang = anchordef = span = line_anchordef = sysmsg = null
  11 +    startContent = escapedText = line_anchorlink = null
  12 +    div = endContent = anchorlink = interwikilink = null

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