
I have no idea where Alias name from Preferences is used.

Steps to reproduce

  1. fill Alias name in your Preferences and tell me where it is used.


Component selection


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

doesn't matter

Python Version

doesn't matter

Server Setup

doesn't matter

Server Details

doesn't matter

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)

doesn't matter



Why not asking a question (see MoinMoinQuestions) ?

It is used for example on external logins e.g. ldap or in the logfile or in the modernized theme.

AdamLiberacki: I ask RadomirDopieralski about this. He tells me that alias should appear instead username eg. on info page. Could you point me where my alias (Adaśko) appear in modernized theme on this wiki?

Go to action info of a page and point your mouse over your username of some of your edits. You see then in a tooltip box your alias name. Also you can point your mouse over your name at RecentChanges. Or anywhere where you have used your signature.

AdamLiberacki: Thanks. Maybe we need better description on HelpOnUserPreferences.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/AliasNameNeverUsed (last edited 2009-04-08 13:42:06 by AdamLiberacki)