
Using Mozilla Firefox with Firebug installed and enabled, having the Firebug option "Break on all errors" enabled.

Navigating away from a page causes Firebug to break javascript execution in the "before_unload" handler, when the following line of code is encountered:

try {return confirmleaving();}

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install the Firebug extension for Mozilla Firefox, restart Firefox.
  2. Navigate to

  3. Ensure both "Disable Firebug" and "Disable Firebug for" are both not checked in the Tools > Firebug menu.

  4. Open Firebug from the Firebug menu.
  5. In the Script tab, under Options, ensure "Break on All Errors" is enabled.
  6. Navigate to *any* other page, either by clicking an in page link, typing any address into the address bar, selecting a bookmarked page, etc.


Component selection


All MoinMoin Wiki sites, including This Wiki.



You should test to see if confirmleaving is a function before attempting to call it:

--- common.js   2008-06-30 12:50:38.000000000 +1000
+++ common_fixed.js     2008-06-30 12:50:23.000000000 +1000
@@ -234,8 +234,10 @@
     // TODO: Better to set this in the editor html, as it does not make
     // sense elsehwere.
     // confirmleaving is available when editing
-    try {return confirmleaving();}
-    catch (e) {}
+    if(typeof(confirmleaving)=="function") {
+        try {return confirmleaving();}
+        catch (e) {}
+    }

 // Initialize after loading the page



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/BeforeUnloadHandlerCausesFirebugToBreakOnError (last edited 2008-06-30 06:53:43 by ThomasWaldmann)