
After applying the workaround for bug MoinMoinBugs/BinMoinHasNoExecutePermission1.5.3, I run bin/moin:

# ./moin
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./moin", line 2, in ?
    from MoinMoin.script.moin import run
ImportError: No module named MoinMoin.script.moin

The script is very basic:

from MoinMoin.script.moin import run

... so it is obvious that it will not work. Why does it assume that MoinMoin.script.moin is installed in python's library?

Reported by Hans Deragon (




The script works for a MoinMoin installed to system standard location (because it is in sys.path then). It doesn't work for a non-standard installation location.

I added some comment to moin command (for POSIX platform) about how to fix it if it doesn't find the MoinMoin module. After some searching in distutils documentation and source code, I didn't find an easy way to get the install location of the MoinMoin package for the build_scripts stuff. If somebody wants to invest more time on that than me, feel free to submit a patch or other useful info. :)



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/BinMoinCannotImport1.5.3 (last edited 2008-05-01 21:14:56 by ThomasWaldmann)