
I love the new "." bulletless list mark up. However, I noticed that if you have a relative wiki link near the list that the parser get's confused.

Steps to reproduce

Consider this wiki mark up

 . List Item
   . Indented Item
   . Another Indented Item


The ../SeeMoreExamples should show up as a link and instead is considered part of the list (removing the leading dot).


This Wiki (feature added with 1.5.2 release)


The marked I used before is the work around. Force the link into the extended link syntax ["../SeeMoreExamples"]


This is expected. You also can't begin an itemized list item with a "*".

But now that you point that out I don't believe the my star'ed sentence should render as it does

The documentation HelpOnLists, states that a space must preceded and follow the mark up "**" does not follow that.

This is a markup regression, severe IMHO. -- AlexanderSchremmer 2006-02-08 22:33:49

Again: this is not a bug, it works as designed. If you want it to work different, make a better proposal. BTW: If we enforce that blank following, others will complain "this worked before", so what!?



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/BulletlessListParseProblem (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:06 by localhost)