If interwiki is disabled, logo is smaller as moin logo or is disabled or logo has some text the page is not perfect rendered.
Steps to reproduce
try to change the configuration in wikiconfig to see it.
here is a patch I have tested for rtl and ltr formatted pages by changing things in wikiconfig to get following examples. I did this for classic, modern and rightsidebar theme.
Examples images for ltr and rtl for modern theme. I have used firefox 1.5 on linux. Probably if the patch could be added to current moin here others could test this too. I do have time later this day to fix things if it's necessary. -- ReimarBauer 2006-01-03 00:19:57
example logo and interwiki
example logo string and text interwiki
example logo string and text no interwiki
example logo string no interwiki
sorry for the mouse selection of text
Needs more tests on other browsers. MoinMoin Version OS and Version Python Version Server Setup Server Details
Assigned to: ThomasWaldmann
example no logo string interwiki
example no logo string no interwiki
example string and text interwiki
example string and text no interwiki