Cannot Create New Page

I upgraded MoinMoin on Windows with IIS (which needs better/simplier documentation) and now I cannot create new pages. Before I would get the standard page offering templates and such, but now I just get an error from the web server saying the page is unavailable.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click on any WantedPage WikiWord


*NOTE* I've rolled back the upgrade, so I don't have an example for now.

URL: -- note: may not be accessible 24/7

Scroll down and click on the missing page 'ZoneAlarm'.


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

WinXP Pro SP2

Python Version


Server Setup

IIS 5.1

Server Details


Copy the link to the new page and add '?action=edit' to the end then submit.


Excerpt from
Since MoinMoin 1.3.5, it seems you need to change the Custom Errors setting for 404 before you can create new pages. You can accomplish this by performing the following steps:

  1. Go into the IIS Manager, right-click on 'mywiki' (or whatever your wiki instance directory is called), and select properties.
  2. Next, go to the Custom Errors tab and find the 404 entry, and click the Edit button.
  3. Set "Message type" to "Default" and click click click until you're out of all the dialogs.

It sure worked for me (ReinerSaddey). Cause to the problem might be that IIS would not allow any further output after having set status to 404, and that's what MoinMoin does for a new page (i.e. one that does not - yet - exist) before sending its template stuff. IIS will, by default, send an error page of its own that you will have to get rid of following the instructions outlined above.

I reverted the deletion of this bug. I may be wrong in doing so, but... Although it's not a MoinMoin Bug, it should be kept as such in order to augment chances for other MoinMoin users that happen to run into this pit ;-)

Hello Thomas,

we have installed MoinMoin in our company. Thank you for this great tool to achive information management.

Unfortunally we ran into the Bug you described for installation on IIS CannotCreateNewPage (page) . It took me some hours to figure out the problem. First I checke the usuall stuff (access rights, configuration...). I thing it is worth to intorduce this usefull hint into the description of setting up MoinMoin on IIS InternetInformationServer This hint might save anger and time for the admins.


It is rather unlikely that I change IIS related documentation as I have never setup moinmoin under IIS nor do I have an IIS here to check stuff. -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-05-18 15:46:03



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/CannotCreateNewPage (last edited 2007-10-29 19:20:32 by localhost)