
In the /FollowingBugExample, you can see that the line immediately following the code formatting block {{{ }}} is included in that format markup when it should not be.

I can't get it to reproduce here, but it's happening on my MoinMoin installation.

Steps to reproduce

If there is any "newline" whitespace before the ending marker }}} you will see this error. See the /FollowingBugExample (too see the cause, edit that page in text mode).

I can't get it to reproduce here, but it's happening on my MoinMoin installation.


See above.


Using MoinMoin 1.5.3 and IE for my browser.


No "newline" whitespace after the highlighted markup. This only works for text editing; there is no workaround that I can find for users that edit via the GUI interface.

Here is a /WorkaroundExample.


This looks pretty related to MoinMoinBugs/PreformattedTextInInternetExplorer

I think this is the same as you mentioned above. I can't get it to reproduce here on, but it's happening on my MoinMoin installation. I am running 1.5.3 and using IE. I'll try it tomorrow with Firefox too. The bug you mentioned above talks about CSS issues and I will try to see if that applies to my CSS. Were there any fixes for this in 1.5.4?

Let me know if I should add this information to the bug listed above and close out this one as a duplicate.

Please can one verify if this behaviour is on too -- ReimarBauer 2007-04-20 21:59:15

Could not reproduce this bug and MoinMoinBugs/PreformattedTextInInternetExplorer with IE7 on WinXPHome Sp2 in this wiki nor in 1.6 testwiki. All seems to work fine. -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-04-21 11:45:23



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/CodeFormattingError (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:02 by localhost)