
The triple-braces block quote includes the line AFTER the quoted text in addition to the quoted text.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add the example text (raw) to any page. The text "this is after the block quote" should not be included in the box.


this is inside the block quote

this is after the block quote


This issue shows up with Internet Explorer 6, but not with Flock. It also happens all over the place in this wiki. Oddly enough, the GUI editor seems to render the text correctly.

MoinMoin Version

OS and Version

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details



Can't reproduce with the text editor, probably another problem with the gui editor.

We have an interesting disconnect. I created a bug report called BlockQuoteBug. I subscribed to updates to the page. The page got renamed. My old pointers to the page were broken, and I got no notice of the rename via email. I only found it via the RecentChanges page because I wanted to find out why someone had deleted it. -- KevinKleinfelter

screenshot.png is running 1.3.latest

Well, try to find out what html or css change triggers the misbehaviour. I have no IE here, so I can't test that. -- ThomasWaldmann 2005-11-11 19:40:20

The problem seems to be caused by the <a id="line-NN"></a> anchors, within the <pre> blocks. Here is a minimal example:

<style type="text/css">
    pre { background-color: blue; }

<pre>This is a test
<a id="x"></a></pre>
<p>Text after the pre</p>


Key points are that there is a newline, then <a id="x"></a> and then the </pre>. Lose the initial newline, or add a newline after the </a> and the problem goes away. I assume it's something to do with the <a></a> being an empty element.

To fix, you can do one of the following:

There may well be other fixes, but these seem the simplest.

-- PaulMoore (updated with a more minimal example)

The <a> tags can NOT appear at any location in HTML 4 strict. Trying to validate this page show many errors.


  1. Remove all line anchors in regular page view, they are not needed.
  2. Insert the line anchors only in diffs, in a valid way.

The line anchors also trigger some rather nasty redraw bugs in IE, as well. This is a fairly serious problem for me, as I want to upgrade our internal wiki to Moin 1.5, but this will result in a lot of user annoyance. I can't suggest another browser, as corporate security policy mandates only IE can be installed (go figure :( ) -- PaulMoore 2005-11-18 13:51:01

Thanks. If you need any help with it, I'm happy to help. Before I could try to create a patch, I'd need someone to explain what the line anchors are for, so that can check that I didn't break things. On the other hand, I'll test any patch created. -- PaulMoore


The following patch seems to do the trick. Reading the HTML spec, section 12.2.3, it says The id attribute may be used to create an anchor at the start tag of any element, implying (and this is confirmed by the following text and examples) that an anchor can be created from any tag with an id attribute. I've done the simplest thing and just replaced the <a> tag with a span with display style set to "none".

This seems to work, insofar as the IE display bugs seem to have gone, and your example link works OK. I also passed a page with the new format through the W3C HTML validator, and it passed validation (I had to validate via an uploaded file, as my wiki isn't public - I guess that won't make any difference to the result.

---   2005-11-18 20:14:46.765625000 +0000
+++        2005-11-18 20:14:57.765625000 +0000
@@ -282,7 +282,8 @@
         return str
     def anchordef(self, id):
-        return '<a id="%s"></a>' % (id, ) # do not add a \n here, it breaks pre sections with line_anchordef
+        #return '<a id="%s"></a>' % (id, ) # do not add a \n here, it breaks pre sections with line_anchordef
+       return '<span id="%s" style="display:none"></span>' % (id, ) # do not add a \n here, it breaks pre sections with line_anchordef
     def line_anchordef(self, lineno):
         return self.anchordef("line-%d" % lineno)

Hope this is of some use - let me know if there are any problems with it. -- PaulMoore 2005-11-18 20:29:29

This code now runs on moinmoin site, thanks for the patch! -- ThomasWaldmann 2005-11-18 22:20:26

Patch does NOT work for Firefox. If you click on the diff line-number link, it doesn't jump to that line number. Hmm, sometimes it does, sometimes not. I reverted to old method, we need to find another solution.

Rats. I did test on Firefox, and Opera, but only with inline links, not diff links. I see the problem, now. I'll see what I can do.

Sigh. It's the "display:none" which causes the problem on Firefox. One option would be to use <span class="anchor"> and put in some stylesheet hacking specific to IE to add display:none to that class. This is hugely ugly, as it would need to be added to every theme, in theory :(

I think switching to using <span> is the right thing to do - as Nir pointed out, <a> simply isn't valid HTML in some of the positions it gets used. I can argue that IE-specific class hacking is reasonable, as it's working round IE bugs.

Try the following (works for me on IE, Opera and Firefox on Windows XP SP2 - both inline and diff links).

---   2005-11-18 20:14:46.765625000 +0000
+++        2005-11-19 11:07:20.312500000 +0000
@@ -282,7 +282,8 @@
         return str
     def anchordef(self, id):
-        return '<a id="%s"></a>' % (id, ) # do not add a \n here, it breaks pre sections with line_anchordef
+        #return '<a id="%s"></a>' % (id, ) # do not add a \n here, it breaks pre sections with line_anchordef
+       return '<span id="%s" class="anchor"></span>' % (id, ) # do not add a \n here, it breaks pre sections with line_anchordef
     def line_anchordef(self, lineno):
         return self.anchordef("line-%d" % lineno)

--- screen.css.orig     2005-11-15 20:50:40.812500000 +0000
+++ screen.css  2005-11-19 11:12:16.609375000 +0000
@@ -477,3 +477,7 @@
 #content .figure.left {float: left; margin: 0 20px 0 0;}
 #content .figure.right {float: right; margin: 0 0 0 20px;}
 #content .figure p {margin: 0; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;}
+/* Spans for line-anchors - uses * html hack so that the rule only applies to
+ * IE (where omitting the "display: none" triggers rendering bugs */
+* html span.anchor { display: none; }

OK, i activated that for mm site and modern theme. Curious if it works. :)

I still see some occasional redraw issues on IE6/Win (titles not displaying until you scroll the screen down and up again) which I thought were related, but may not be. I can't reproduce consistently enough yet to file a separate bug (let alone supply a patch!) Does anyone else see this? -- PaulMoore 2005-11-20 14:45:34

I am seeing this issue with moin 1.5.2 in IE 7.0 Beta 2 Preview. I'm not sure if it is a problem with IE 7 that will be fixed with the final release. -- RichardHiers 2005-01-10

This fix makes lines get indented by a little bit. When you have a long page, like SyntaxReference, you'll notice by the time you get to the bottom with IE, the text has been indented quite a bit (when it shouldn't). When I delete the <span class="anchor"></span> tags, it fixes this problem. -counterpoke 2006-11-13



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/PreformattedTextInInternetExplorer (last edited 2007-10-29 19:17:25 by localhost)