
Title search is the default search when you type into the search box and press enter. But when the search box is empty and you paste a search term and click enter, a full search is done instead of title search.

Steps to reproduce

  1. empty the search box
  2. paste something in it
  3. click Enter

You wait... and then get a full search instead of the expected title search.


Client using Safari on Mac OS X with MoinMoin 1.3 on any server.


When you empty the box, the search buttons are disabled, so you will not send an empty search string (save an annoying error message). When you change the box value by typing or pasting, the buttons are enabled automatically. But in Safari, the onchange handler is not called when you paste, so the buttons remain disabled, and the query string does not have either 'titlesearch' nor 'fullsearch' parameter, and the fullsearch action fail.

Fixed by making more robust input checking in fullsearch.


CategoryMoinMoinBugFixed CategoryRelease1.3.5

MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/DefaultFullSearchWhenPasting (last edited 2007-10-29 19:15:31 by localhost)