
When a non-existant pagelink is created, an extra anchor close tag </a> tag is added, causing validation warnings

Steps to reproduce

Add a link to a non-existant page, such as:



The above link is turned into the following HTML

<a class="nonexistent nonexistent" href="/DoesNotExist">?</a>DoesNotExist</a>

The class name "nonexistent" is duplicated, and there are two anchor close tags (/a), one after the question mark, one after the page title.

This can be seen live on the SyntaxReference page, amoung others.


This Wiki.


Under HTML 4.01, this is just a validation warning, which most browsers appear to workaround, so it could be safely ignored. It does prevent the page from validating cleanly.


I'm working on a HtmlConverter, and used SyntaxReference as a test case, which is how I noticed it. Clean validation is probably a very low priority, but this one looks like it should have a simple fix. This might be related to the fixed MoinMoinBugs/</a>IsNotGenerated -- JohnWhitlock



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/ExtraCloseTagForNonexistantLinks (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:48 by localhost)