
This entry collects the Convert errors of the GUI editor

Unknown smiley icon

  1. Open a wiki page with a picture with GUI Edit / Insert a new picture in GUI edit
  2. Change to Text Edit
  3. Get the following error "Unknown smiley icon 'xy.png'


Illegal list element p

  1. visit

  2. press Cancel or Text Mode button
  3. you will get the following error: "ConvertError Illegal list element p"

As of 1.5.3-rc2 I could save the page from gui editor with no problem. -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-04-09 11:35:38

see also ../IllegalListElementp (fixed in refactor branch)

process_blockquote: Don't support hr element

  1. open a page with GUI editor
  2. press the indent button (to make a blockquote)
  3. create a HR element with the corresponding button
  4. "Convert Error process_blockquote: Don't support hr element" error message shows up


This Wiki




MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorConvertErrors (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:16 by localhost)