This entry collects the Convert errors of the GUI editor
Unknown smiley icon
- Open a wiki page with a picture with GUI Edit / Insert a new picture in GUI edit
- Change to Text Edit
- Get the following error "Unknown smiley icon 'xy.png'
I observed this when I uploaded the image to share/moin/theme/img - the problem came because there was not an entry for the image in the config:smileys list in Workaround: put the image in share/moin/theme/graphics or similar instead. -- 2006-03-31
Illegal list element p
- press Cancel or Text Mode button
you will get the following error: "ConvertError Illegal list element p"
As of 1.5.3-rc2 I could save the page from gui editor with no problem. -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-04-09 11:35:38
see also ../IllegalListElementp (fixed in refactor branch)
process_blockquote: Don't support hr element
- open a page with GUI editor
- press the indent button (to make a blockquote)
- create a HR element with the corresponding button
- "Convert Error process_blockquote: Don't support hr element" error message shows up
This Wiki
Yes, I get this error frequently too using the GUI editor. -- RyanK 2006-01-02 17:12:03
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status: fixed as of 1.5.3-rc2. For future bugs, please provide example pages and do only 1 bug per bug report. Use the bug template.