
Switching between the GUI and Text modes of the editor causes stange indentation and characters when a Horizontal Line is present.

Steps to reproduce

We have a horizontal separator

with some text under it


Example wiki markup that fail
We have a horizontal separator

with some text under it

 * now go GUI Mode | Text Mode
  * The text has moved along a bit?
 * Go GUI Mode again
  * It's moved further
 * Go Text Mode
  * Where did that . come from ?

Component selection

Gui Editor


This Wiki.


Re-edit the text after changing modes.


This is a problem caused by the way the wiki parser works currently: it splits the raw wiki src text at \n, the resulting list of lines do not have the \n any more. If you just have 2 lines of text and merge them, there would be a missing separator between the last word of first line and first word of second line. This is why it appends a trailing blank to every line before processing.

For the bug described here, this creates a paragraph with just a blank. The gui converter creates a newline after ----, so that blank gets onto the next line where it gets interpreted as indentation...



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorHorizontalLine (last edited 2008-08-07 22:23:55 by ReimarBauer)