When trying to insert simple line breaks (<BR> with CTRL+ENTER), the lines go concatenated and the line break is ignored.
Steps to reproduce
- Using the GUI editing mode, type some text.
- Hit CTRL+ENTER (on IE) to insert a simple line break.
- Type more text.
- Hit the "Preview" button.
- You will see that the line breaks will not be there (even in the editor now).
IIRC, this is on purpose.
We don't transform BR tags to [[BR]] in general, because some browsers insert lots of BR at unexpected and unwanted places.
- Can you help me understand this better? When do the browsers do this, in posting the data back to the server?
Therefore, you need to insert a BR macro with the 2nd button from right.
What applications use Control + Enter for line break?
- Any Microsoft one. Lyx doesn't, it uses Alt+Enter. Firefox uses Shift-Enter.
I think this all boils down to the lack of support for WYSIWYG of a line break. The markup should have a simple way to do this (not a macro), and it should be supported just like headers, bold, paragraphs, tables, etc. It is not a rare occurrence to need a line-break, and it is extremely incovenient to have it so poorly supported. Suggest something like DokuWiki uses, \\ followed by whitespace. Not sure what issues FCKeditor might have with supporting this. -- SteveDavison 2006-05-04 20:13:24
I agree with SteveDavison. No real WYSIWYG application like Word or Dreamweaver needs a macro or special order to make line breaks. I took MoinMoin, because of its WYSIWYG abilities (and of course its other cool features) for our Intranet, but my (not technical) associates don't like the way, how you have to handle with line breaks. Perhaps the developers could think about this. Unfortunately, I don't know Python. -- BenSchwarz 2006-05-04 20:13:24
Well the other WYSIWYG apps just hide this special sign. If I remember right you can make them visible by clicking on an icon which looks like a pi symbol. -- ReimarBauer 2008-08-07 22:31:35
Seems to me this is still a major problem with MoinMoin that really limits its usability. I don't want blank spaces between every line, and I don't want to have to type BR's. Surely it's not too much to ask for an addition to the wiki syntax to allow line breaks - something like \\ ? (Alex Bowyer, new Moin Moin user. mynamewithnospaces at googlemail dot com).
May be you want to add your Feature Request to the fckeditor team, see On my Firefox Browser I don't get a linebreak by CTRL+ENTER. Looks like it is not implemented there. -- ReimarBauer 2009-03-19 17:28:18 Looks like the page better becomes refactored.
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status: Not a bug, should be documented