
Spaces in file links where %20 is used don't work in Internet Explorer. (They work fine in Firefox)
It seems IE doesn't replaces the %20 with a space.

Steps to reproduce

  1. make a file link to a existing file which has spaces in it's path and insert the needed %20 space placeholders

  2. try it out with Firefox and it will work (not this test link so :P). In IE the %20 placeholders will not be replaced which has as result a broken link



Since our Wiki is used in a semi huge company where many different browsers are used this is quite a annoying bug.## example: moin 1.3.0, Mac OS X 10.3.3, Python 2.3.0, Apache 2.0.48 with mod_python 3.1.2b, using SSL and Authentication

MoinMoin Version

OS and Version

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details


Only workaround for our IE users is to replace the %20 manually in such file links atm ... this is not the best workaround :P There might be some IE settings to fix this but we didn't figured them out yet. For files use three



At other places where file attachements are discussed someone mentioned the use of quotes which seems the best solution to me.

Works here. What is your version of Internet Explorer?
German IE Ver.6 with SP2 .. all in my company who are using IE instead of Firefox should have this version running.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/InternetExplorerAndSpacesInFileLinks (last edited 2010-01-10 16:29:30 by 82)