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<b>Please note:</b> This is the <b>master19 wiki</b> for moin 1.9.x content.
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<span id="pagelocation">Preview of "FrontPage"</span>
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<span id="textcha-question">A friend gives you an apple and eats one himself, he has none left. How many apples did he have before?</span>
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<li><a href="" title="This site uses the MoinMoin Wiki software.">MoinMoin Powered</a></li><li><a href="" title="MoinMoin is written in Python.">Python Powered</a></li><li><a href="" title="MoinMoin is GPL licensed.">GPL licensed</a></li><li><a href="" title="Click here to validate this page.">Valid HTML 4.01</a></li>

<ul id="timings">
<li>getACL = 0.004s</li>
<li>getPageList = 0.084s</li>
<li>i18n_init = 0.008s</li>
<li>init = 0.009s</li>
<li>loadLanguage = 0.000s</li>
<li>load_multi_cfg = 0.007s</li>
<li>run = 0.313s</li>
<li>send_page = 0.002s</li>

<li>send_page_content = 0.000s</li>
<li>total = 0.322s</li>

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1.9 beta3

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MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/InvalidHtmlInPreview (last edited 2009-09-12 14:26:27 by FranklinPiat)