
I cannot seem to include list item inside table cell, because table cell use || as separator, and relies on the contents of all cells in a row to be on one line, whereas list item relies on each item on a separate line by itself

Steps to reproduce

  1. create table

row 1 column 1

row 1 column 2

row 2 column 1

row 2 column 2

  1. now how to insert list item into row 1 column 1? It requires multiple lines for list items, but the newline will break the table cell.


Component selection


This wiki


Don't use list item in table?


Nested markup in tables is not supported yet, see HelpOnTables

You can use the Include macro or the macro MiniPage from MacroMarket. -- ReimarBauer 2007-04-24 17:58:52

We have also run across this feature. It can also cause crashes when previewed. That is the gui editor allows you to set up a list in a table cell, you hit preview and moinmoin barfs with a traceback. Embedded in the traceback is the error message that LI is not supported inline



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/ListItemInTableCell (last edited 2008-04-04 07:23:25 by ReimarBauer)