The current monobook theme renders very strange (narrow) output on some pages.
Steps to reproduce
set theme to monobook in this wiki
look at page MoinMoinPatch
When you scroll further down you notice that the visible content (number of characters) gets more and more narrow until the point where you have just 1 character per line! This is probably due to some bad markup on the page, but it does not happen with other themes (well, at least not with modern).
MoinMoinPatch (revision 126)
This Wiki
Using IE 6.00
Use other theme.
BTW in multiple themes on this wiki I have noticed that the rectangle drawn around PRE areas is too high - it overlaps with the next paragraph content.
After this problam has been ignored for about a year, it started to reappear in our Wiki, so I went exploring again. I found that both monobook rendering issues - the text getting more and more narrow and the wrong PRE border box - are caused by the same rendering bug that has been discussed in MoinMoinBugs/PreformattedTextInInternetExplorer. The problem is that for the monobook theme it is apparently not enough to include the CSS fix into screen.css. After I copied the following line also to monobook.css all problems disappeared:
* html span.anchor { display: none; }
I positioned this rule directly before the rule for pre
It would be nice if somebody could fix monobook.css on this wiki as described, so I can read some of the long pages on this wiki again without having to switch themes.
-- RobertSeeger 2006-11-02 13:37:45
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
Status: this is not a MoinMoin bug, but a problem in a 3rd party theme - you should get in contact with theme author to get this fixed in the theme archive (see ThemeMarket).
BTW, I put
span.anchor { display: none; }
at the end of common.css of all themes that are included in moin.
The * html stuff only works on IE6, but not on IE7 (although IE7 has the same problem!). But in this case, there is no reason to restrict the stuff to IE, the spans are only used as anchors and need not to be displayed anywhere.
-- ThomasWaldmann 2006-11-20 21:32:37