MonthCalendar wrongly assumes the Wiki page itself does not contain % letters, which is the case with (quoted) non-ASCII letters.
Steps to reproduce
Create a wiki page containing non-ASCII letters - like this: VelkomstKomitéen
Add the MonthCalendar to that page
This Wiki.
How to deal with the bug until it is fixed
Use a local copy of MonthCalendar patched with the following:
1 --- 2006-03-28 23:16:55.000000000 +0200
2 +++ 2006-05-06 16:34:46.000000000 +0200
3 @@ -311,11 +311,11 @@
4 p = Page(request, thispage)
5 qpagenames = '*'.join(map(wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL, parmpagename))
6 qtemplate = wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(parmtemplate)
7 - querystr = "calparms=%s,%d,%d,%d,%%d,%s" % (qpagenames, parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset, qtemplate)
8 - prevlink = p.url(request, querystr % (parmoffset2 - 1), 0)
9 - nextlink = p.url(request, querystr % (parmoffset2 + 1), 0)
10 - prevylink = p.url(request, querystr % (parmoffset2 - 12), 0)
11 - nextylink = p.url(request, querystr % (parmoffset2 + 12), 0)
12 + querystr = "calparms=%%s,%d,%d,%d,%%d,%%s" % (parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset)
13 + prevlink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 1, qtemplate), 0)
14 + nextlink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 1, qtemplate), 0)
15 + prevylink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 12, qtemplate), 0)
16 + nextylink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 12, qtemplate), 0)
17 prevmonth = formatter.url(1, prevlink, 'cal-link') + '<' + formatter.url(0)
18 nextmonth = formatter.url(1, nextlink, 'cal-link') + '>' + formatter.url(0)
19 prevyear = formatter.url(1, prevylink, 'cal-link') + '<<' + formatter.url(0)
- Priority:
Assigned to: ThomasWaldmann
- Status: fixed by changeset 617:42958bb7e500