
Add the Macro  <<PageList>>  on a page and watch the memory usage of your wsgi processes. In my case the single process went up from 80MB to 500MB. Imaging what happens if I got 100 calls every minute :-(

Steps to reproduce

  1. you need have a wiki with ~1'000 pages or more
  2. add the macro  <<PageList>> 

  3. call the page a few times and watch our memory usage.


On this Wiki I added it temporarly under WikiSandBox, you just can see atleast that it needs some time to complete the request:

MoinMoin PoweredPython PoweredGPL licensedValid HTML 4.01
Page.execute = 34.971s _moinSearch = 23.282s antispam = 0.683s getACL = 12.630s getPageCount = 0.041s getPageList = 22.079s init = 0.003s loadLanguage = 0.001s load_multi_cfg = 0.000s parsePageLinks = 0.014s run = 40.476s send_page = 35.093s send_page_content = 35.005s total = 40.479s

Component selection


MoinMoin Version

latest revision (1.9.5)

OS and Version

Linux (64bit)

Python Version


Server Setup

wsgi 3.2

Server Details

apache 2.2.17

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)

de (en)



Its not per se a bug, more if you running your wiki in a limited hosting enviroment, you're required to carefully use your ressources (e.g. memory, cpu, ...). In my case removing/disabling the macro is ok. -- MarcelHäfner 2012-09-27 12:51:07

Was this the same with 1.9.4 or is this a regression for 1.9.5? -- ThomasWaldmann 2012-09-28 11:07:10

I don't know. I just found it out a few days ago. In generaly its similary with this report ../DisadvantageousSearchLeadsToHighMemoryUsage. -- MarcelHäfner 2012-09-28 11:13:14



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/PageList uses too much memory (last edited 2012-09-28 11:13:15 by MarcelHäfner)