
The comments (lines starting with #) in quotations "{{{" get a newline when being displayed but when there is no newline in the written source.


It seems to depend on browser screen width so here is a screenshot:

Life example

   1 for database in `echo SHOW DATABASES\; | mysql -u $db_user -p$db_pass`
   2 do
   3   if [ "$database" = "Database" ]; then
   4     # do nothing                                                                                              
   5     true
   6   elif [ "$database" = "information_schema" ]; then
   7     # do-nothing
   8     true
   9   else
  10     # optimize
  11     # dump
  12     mysqldump -f -u $db_user -p$db_pass  --databases $database | gzip -c > $dest_dir/`date +%Y%m%d`_$database.sql.gz
  13     echo $database saved
  14   fi
  15 done

(!) Note: the issue only happens if there are a lot of trailing blanks at the end of the comment that is strangely broken.

Component selection

It's not quite clear. Could be also css or moin's formatter, or ...


Works fine on - please update the version.

Note: pygments 1.5 (latest release) breaks python 2.4 compatibility.

Some issues were fixed after 1.5, but there is no release with the fixes yet. Also, I am not sure the issue is fixed by pygments 1.5.


Remove trailing blanks from comments.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/PygmentsOld (last edited 2012-09-16 21:35:20 by ThomasWaldmann)