Quicklinks don't use 1.6 style linking

When entering a quicklink in the UserPreferences page one can't use the new link syntax. [[SomePage/SomeSubPage|label]] doesn't work. The old style [SomePage/SomeSubPage label] does.

Steps to reproduce

  1. enter [[SomePage/SomeSubPage|label]] in your quicklinks in the UserPreferences page

  2. enter [SomePage/SomeSubPage label] in your quicklinks in the UserPreferences page

  3. see the differences in your quicklinks on screen



Component selection


This Wiki.


Use old style syntax.


Code using new syntax is in 1.7, but was not merged into 1.6.

Code should be improved to share the link parsing code with the parser. Wiki parser's link parsing code can't be reused without modification because:

Same thing for navi_bar configured links.

Maybe we should provide a mig script for this change (not sure whether it's worth the effort, because that kind of link is only used by users who could also easily fix their links).

Maybe also needs documentation update / help page update.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/QuickLinksUseOldsyntax (last edited 2008-04-08 12:40:09 by ThomasWaldmann)