
Long names for external links, e-mail adresses and attachments cause problems when line-break happen within the long link / email adress / attachment name. As you can see on the screenshots below, the small icon which is usually added automatically by MoinMoin shows some strange behaviour: the icon isn't placed right in front of the external link / email adress / attachment name, but rather on the beginning of the line. Also some part of the icon is missing. Please look carefully at the screenshots below, to see examples of that behaviour and how one and the same page is rendered differently on different browsers. Only Opera gets it right, Firefox and evener worse IE show some user-unfriendly reactions.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Look carefully at the screenshots below.
  2. Test it yourself by entering a long url with hyphen and without hyphen in the area where the line break is performed
  3. Watch the results on IE 6, Firefox and Opera 9 (see below)


On IE 6 (on Win XP) it looks like this ie_en.jpg

On Firefox like this firefox_en.jpg

Opera gets it right... opera_en.jpg


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

XP Home

Python Version


Server Setup


Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)



Adding a hyphen to the url seems to make a big difference. I have seen this strange behaviour of external links also on this website, but can't remember where... Ahh... Just looked it up: please go e.g. to ActionMarket/PdfAction ans see attachments in heading "sample results". Check also ActionMarket heading "Release 1.0 and 1.0" -> Action "Attachment Search" for strange behaviour (at least on my IE) of external links in tables.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/RenderingProblemsWithExternalLinksAndMailadresses (last edited 2007-10-29 19:11:45 by localhost)