
The script "" creates users with "real_language=". MoinMoin crashes (even for non-logged users!) if there are users with "real_language=".

Steps to reproduce

  1. cd /usr/share/pyshared/MoinMoin/script
  2. python --wiki-url=http://your.url --config-dir=/etc/moin/ account create --password=the_password_here --name=NameHere

Result: a "mywiki/lib/data/user/1405067356.24.3866" file is created, which among others contains the line

If you visit the wiki, you will get an error page (traceback attached).

Component selection

(I don't even know if the bug is the creation of the line "real_language=" or the fact that MoinMoin crashes on it)


Traceback: traceback.txt

MoinMoin Version

1.9.4 (Debian package 1.9.4-8+deb7u1~bpo60+2 )

OS and Version

Debian testing (to-be jessie)

Python Version


Server Setup


Language you are using the wiki in



Change the line "real_language=" to

, delete the cache of the wiki, and the error disappears.


I tried to reproduce using the current moin code (repo code), but could not.

Created that user file, started the wikiserver and accessed the wiki, all normal. Also, I had a look into some other user files created before that: all of them have real_language= - so I doubt a misbehaviour is related to this.

When looking at that traceback, I rather see some misbehaviour moin exposed now and then relating to the i18n initialization.

What you could try is to clean the i18n cache and restart moin, maybe that helps. See data/cache/.../i18n/*



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/ScriptCreatesUserWithoutLangWhichCrashesWiki (last edited 2014-07-14 20:51:39 by ThomasWaldmann)