
After subscribing to a page, a message appears saying You have been subscribed to this page. To unsubscribe, go to your profile and delete this page from the subscription list.

The explained method is not the only one, but the oldest and more difficult. In the action bar (exactly under the cited message in the modern default skin), the action unsubscribe in now available instead of the previous subscribe.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Subscribe to any page.


This wiki.


No workaround, it's just a message that must be reworded.


Change to message so it points to the most simple method first and then the other.

Maybe something like (just a suggestion):

I think we will not fix it in 1.3 because it needs to be updated in every language.

Are we going to change the message in 1.3.x? or do it only in next magor release?


Fix the message.


MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/SubscriptionMessageNeedsUpdate (last edited 2007-10-29 19:18:10 by localhost)