
I'am alone on a standalone windows MoinMoin. I get a surge protection when I try to edit a page.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install a standalone on XP
  2. Just play with it, and try to edit OnesPage/NewPage

  3. You'll get the surge protection


Not possible


I tried that stuff:

surge_action_limits = None # disable surge protection

I tried also what is following, but does not work.

surge_action_limits = { # allow max. <count> <action> requests per <dt> secs
        # action: (count, dt)
        'show': (20, 1),
        'raw': (20, 1),  # some people use this for css
        'AttachFile': (60, 1),
        'diff': (30, 1),
        'fullsearch': (5, 1),
        'edit': (10, 1),
        'rss_rc': (1, 1),
        'default': (30, 1),
surge_lockout_time = 0 # secs you get locked out when you ignore warnings

MoinMoin Version


OS and Version


Python Version


Server Setup


Server Details


Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)



I put the following line in after the line 206 (surge_detected = len(timestamps) > maxnum): surge_detected = False


Setting surge_action_limits to high values should work. If you are already locked out, you have to delete data/cache/wikiconfig/surgeprotect/* though. Reopen the bug if that does not help.

I found the same problem on Debian's packaged moinmoin 1.5.8-5. Exactly the same problem, and the "workaround" listed does in fact work fine. Debian with apache 1.3 and moinmoin-common 1.5.8-5 installed.

(!) We need more details for debugging (i.e. what exactly you did before the surge protection kicked in). I usually use standalone mode of moin 1.6 and I never get surgeprotection except when I am going really fast (and that's not a bug, but the purpose of surge protection).


MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/UnwantedSurgeProtection (last edited 2008-05-31 08:27:11 by ReimarBauer)