
moved here from the main page

The numbering for headers in subpages is incorrect, see the example at my home page MarkProctor

The issue seems to be in (line 180) where you have:

level = 1


This resets the level of headers creating the effects visible in MarkProctor.


This Wiki. see MarkProctor.



I think this problem is deeper. HelpOnMacros/Include tells us that the level arg of the macro sets the level of the auto generated heading which is inserted before including the page. But what happens with the headings in the included page? Are they moved deeper? Or do they not get changed? -- OliverGraf 2004-08-02 11:46:59

See here for status with moin--main--1.3: MarkProctor

Ok, now its correct I think... looks still stupid, but whatever, Include and TOC are mysterious anyway. Perhaps the arguments of Include should get an overhaul? Or keep Include for compability and make a NewInclude? -- OliverGraf 2004-08-10 06:26:03



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/WrongIncludeHeadingNumbers (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:02 by localhost)