
If you run a farmwiki directly with uWSGI (http-server mode) and only have a "dump" front-end-proxy before your FarmWiki, MoinMoin can't split the correct subwiki path and the wikipage path itself (e.g. /subwiki/page) and binds everthing to the root e.g. subwiki = "" / wikipage = "/subwiki/page"

I belive it's because MoinMoin heavy depends on the correct PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME (both variables from wsgi stuff). And if I run the test.wsgi script I see that SCRIPT_NAME is empty and PATH_INFO containts the full path from the sever. This is becasue the server (uwsgi) doesn't know anything about my farmwiki configuration.

Under Apache with mod_wsgi you can use WSGIScriptAlias /subwiki /home/<username>/moinmoin/etc/moin.wsgi and then PATH_INFO containts only the wikipage (and subpages) adn the SCRIPT_NAME is ="/subwiki".

With uWSGI there is an example ( that you can mount a wiki to a subpath, but it depends on nginx to set the correct SCRIPT_NAME.. and I would like to run it wihtout nginx :-(

Steps to reproduce

  1. running a farmwiki behind uwsgi (http server) without apache or nginx


Working "apache with modwsgi"

Not Working "uwsgi"

uwsgi.ini (configuration file):

http =
chdir = /home/lotekuwsgi/var/moinmoin/etc
pythonpath = /home/lotekuwsgi/lib/python2.7/
wsgi-file = /home/lotekuwsgi/var/moinmoin/etc/moin.wsgi
pidfile = /home/lotekuwsgi/var/run/
master = true
processes = 3
threads = 2
harakiri = 30
vacuum = true
max-requests = 5000
reload-on-rss = 200
evil-reload-on-rss = 250
daemonize = /home/lotekuwsgi/var/log/uwsgi-moinmoin.log
memory-report = true

Component selection


MoinMoin Version

1.9.x (latest from repository)

OS and Version


Python Version


Server Setup

shared hosting

Server Details

Frontend Proxy (nginx) to locahlost:xxx

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)



I'm looking in the uwsgi stuff a similary feature like WSGIScriptAlias. As far as I dig into the UWSGI Docs I could found some hints about route to set manualy the SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO:

#route-run = addvar:SCRIPT_NAME=/subwiki
#route-run = addvar:PATH_INFO=/page

... but that's not helping 'coz both variables should be dynamic and I think maybe MoinMoin should set the correct variables if a farmwiki is active, but well I'm not sure.

At the moment my next hope is to somehow set the needed variables directly in the FarmConfig of the subwiki. But I'm not sure if ths is already to late.


I found a way to manipulate via regex the SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO in the uwsgi. with this regex I split the first part (till /) as the SCRIPOT_NAME and the Rest goes into PATH_INFO. As far as I testet, it works.

route = ^/([^/]*) addvar:SCRIPT_NAME=/$1
route = ^/(?:[^/]*)/(.*) addvar:PATH_INFO=/$1




MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/uWSGI Problem with PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME (last edited 2013-10-20 13:01:52 by MarcelHäfner)