2006-01-17T00:05:31 <xorAxAx> [PERIODIC ANNOUNCEMENT] Logs can be found on http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev
2006-01-17T07:45:30 <lydon> moin
2006-01-17T08:50:10 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2006-01-17T12:19:11 <xorAxAx> "+ * waiting for AlexanderSchremmer's patch
2006-01-17T12:19:13 <xorAxAx> "
2006-01-17T12:19:26 <xorAxAx> why do you wait for me?
2006-01-17T12:19:46 <xorAxAx> as i cannot guarantee anything because i wont attempt to fix your code ...
2006-01-17T12:23:39 <xorAxAx> (IMHO it needs a rewrite)
2006-01-17T12:26:41 <ThomasWaldmann> you oracled about having found out something, working on a minor patch...
2006-01-17T12:26:58 <ThomasWaldmann> if you did, just document or publish it
2006-01-17T12:27:11 <xorAxAx> this problem is two-fold
2006-01-17T12:27:17 <xorAxAx> wikidicts / packages
2006-01-17T12:27:21 <ThomasWaldmann> -> wiki
2006-01-17T12:27:30 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: goes there automatically :-p
2006-01-17T12:31:18 * ThomasWaldmann just closed it
2006-01-17T12:32:12 <xorAxAx> ok
2006-01-17T12:33:12 <ThomasWaldmann> if you have time, review that formatter patch
2006-01-17T12:33:42 <ThomasWaldmann> i am considering including it, just unsure if I should do it before 1.5.1 (soon) or better after
2006-01-17T12:36:18 <ThomasWaldmann> we either can release 1.5.1 soon or first apply patch and delay it at least 1-2 weeks.
2006-01-17T12:51:50 <ThomasWaldmann> bbl
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2006-01-17 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:13:25 by localhost)