2007-07-04T00:00:19  <dreimark> I came to that because I broke today my n770 which has used fat32 and I have files now on that device which I cant remove and which I cant fix by fsck
2007-07-04T00:00:33  <grzywacz> lol, silly
2007-07-04T00:00:50  <xorAxAx> dreimark: well ...
2007-07-04T00:00:52  <grzywacz> How can you create a file name longer than supported?
2007-07-04T00:00:52  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: sure it is not because of broken tarfile?
2007-07-04T00:01:01  <xorAxAx> fat32 doesnt have any problems
2007-07-04T00:01:06  <xorAxAx> ok, it has
2007-07-04T00:01:14  <xorAxAx> but on windows, you will first trigger the general limit
2007-07-04T00:01:32  <xorAxAx> and you can mitigate the issue by relocating your wiki down the directory tree
2007-07-04T00:02:27  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: could be too, there was one with ( starting I will get it in the office I believe, this box doesn't get /dev/sda1 here
2007-07-04T00:03:54  <ThomasWaldmann> moin-1.7 has a non broken support.tarfile
2007-07-04T00:04:36  <dreimark> grzywacz: I was wondering about that too and the result, currently the device is ro mounted and needs an fsck to get w again but that doesn't work
2007-07-04T00:04:50  <grzywacz> dreimark, sounds like broken FS in kernel or something?
2007-07-04T00:05:28  <grzywacz> xorAxAx, what kind of problems that can be mitigated by moving wiki down the tree does fat32 impose? O_o;
2007-07-04T00:05:48  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: maximum path length
2007-07-04T00:06:10  <grzywacz> weirdness...
2007-07-04T00:06:30  <xorAxAx> before mercurial, we used tla
2007-07-04T00:06:37  <xorAxAx> and tla liked to have crazy paths in the repo
2007-07-04T00:06:42  <xorAxAx> so it broke pretty soon
2007-07-04T00:07:34  <xorAxAx> some/path/repos/root/moin/main/moin-main-1/{internalfoo}/revisions-tree/foo/wiki/data/pages/(32432989832894324329843984329898432983298329843298432432)/revisions/000000001
2007-07-04T00:07:37  <xorAxAx> weee!
2007-07-04T00:07:44  <xorAxAx> i guess i am missing a few segments
2007-07-04T00:09:43  <grzywacz> uh
2007-07-04T00:53:59  <dreimark> gn
2007-07-04T07:47:24  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN \n Orphaned long file name part "794)_(d7a7d798d792d795d7a8d799d794)" which belongs to (d7a7d798d792d795d7a8d799d794)_(d7a7d798d792d795d7a8d799d794)  its in language he
2007-07-04T07:58:56  <lanius> moin
2007-07-04T07:59:19  <lanius> how can i open a tempfile with a specified codec?
2007-07-04T08:03:09  <dreimark> moin lanius,
2007-07-04T08:03:15  <dreimark> search for codecs.open
2007-07-04T08:03:22  <lanius> yeah but i want a tempfile
2007-07-04T08:03:27  <lanius> with mkstemp
2007-07-04T08:04:41  <lanius> which already returns an open file pointer
2007-07-04T08:06:20  <dreimark> gogled a bit  see how they did it there http://frenchmozilla.sourceforge.net/FTP/TEMP/uniesc2utf8.py
2007-07-04T08:10:58  <dreimark> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/introduction.htm I'll try that to have MM showing slides on a win box which hasn't python installed or does one know something else. so I can use my tpc for preparation and have only to plug it into an USB slot. so it does not depend if win or lin is used
2007-07-04T08:11:11  <dreimark> lanius:
2007-07-04T08:20:13  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: cp -are moin-1.7  -> FAT32 does not go too
2007-07-04T08:20:20  <dreimark> cp: kann Verzeichnis »/media/disk/moin-1.7/tests/wiki/underlay/pages/WikiHjemmeside« nicht anlegen
2007-07-04T08:27:23  <lanius> dreimark: yeah thx
2007-07-04T08:30:08  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:  ls "wiki/underlay/pages/(d7a4d7aad799d797d794)/attachments/
2007-07-04T08:31:42  <dreimark> that file with a question mark _?echo "hello";?_ will not work on FAT too
2007-07-04T08:32:14  <dreimark> and its in underlay since 15. Apr 2006
2007-07-04T09:08:18  <dreimark> Please can someone else try py.test on a usb stick I got lots of exceptions
2007-07-04T09:28:11  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I guess I got the trouble maker /media/disk/moin-1.7/MoinMoin/request > python
2007-07-04T09:28:25  <dreimark> import os, re, time, sys, cgi, StringIO
2007-07-04T09:28:53  <dreimark> seems to import CGI.py
2007-07-04T09:28:59  <dreimark> on that dir
2007-07-04T09:36:45  <dreimark> may be we should that rename to MM_CGI.py or something like that?
2007-07-04T09:43:44  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: MM shows 500
2007-07-04T09:43:57  <xorAxAx> dreimark: yes, that was one of his stupid ideas :)
2007-07-04T09:44:23  <xorAxAx> to fix an import problem by upper casing the module names ...
2007-07-04T09:44:43  <dreimark> arrrrrgggggh
2007-07-04T09:45:14  <dreimark> I vote isfor a prefix MM_
2007-07-04T09:45:33  <xorAxAx> well
2007-07-04T09:45:38  <xorAxAx> i vote for absolute imports
2007-07-04T09:46:25  <xorAxAx> (which dont work on 2.3 AFAIK :))
2007-07-04T09:46:32  <dreimark> for stdlib too?
2007-07-04T09:46:57  <xorAxAx> hmm, how about an alternate name like common_gateway_interface.py?
2007-07-04T09:48:09  <dreimark> that would be fine too
2007-07-04T10:01:56  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2007-07-04T10:06:18  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: if you rename it, use request_cgi
2007-07-04T10:07:06  <ThomasWaldmann> and request_* for the others
2007-07-04T10:08:08  <dreimark> I do that later,
2007-07-04T10:10:10  <dreimark> the python 2.5 on the tbc gives a syntax warning for from wikiconfig_local import * in wikiconfig.py  import * only allowed  at module level
2007-07-04T10:11:26  <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, we already had that yesterday. that must be solved differently
2007-07-04T10:12:57  <dreimark> ok reading the wiki on the n770 does work now, the next is to check if I can install mercurial
2007-07-04T10:14:57  <xorAxAx> welll
2007-07-04T10:15:05  <xorAxAx> you need a cross compilation environment
2007-07-04T10:16:22  <dreimark> writing does work too, I have to check this bug report for the n800 again
2007-07-04T10:16:43  <dreimark> xorAxAx: is mercurial not pure python ?
2007-07-04T10:17:09  <xorAxAx> no
2007-07-04T10:20:15  <dreimark> I'll check how much work that will be. unfortunately the time is up for a bonus to buy that gadget
2007-07-04T10:20:22  <ThomasWaldmann> it could be, but it isnt
2007-07-04T10:20:49  <dreimark> yeah
2007-07-04T10:23:03  <dreimark> speed seems ok with that small processor
2007-07-04T10:23:38  <dreimark> I will later on try to sync a page :)
2007-07-04T10:24:09  <xorAxAx> hehe
2007-07-04T10:24:22  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, i suggest to simply delete the problematic stuff from moinmaster
2007-07-04T10:25:29  <ThomasWaldmann> if 2 different language's pages only differ in case, delete/rename the one created later and contact the current translator
2007-07-04T10:26:02  <dreimark> do we escape ? currently for filenames ?
2007-07-04T10:26:11  <dreimark> attachments
2007-07-04T10:27:01  <xorAxAx> no
2007-07-04T10:27:09  <xorAxAx> well, the current "escape" is utf-8
2007-07-04T10:27:32  <xorAxAx> i.e. even on windows, you will have an encoded unicode filename
2007-07-04T10:28:20  <ThomasWaldmann> i suggest to not touch that
2007-07-04T10:28:40  <xorAxAx> but illegal filenames should nevertheless happen
2007-07-04T10:28:44  <xorAxAx> dreimark: what is the filename?
2007-07-04T10:28:57  <xorAxAx> moin should convert all filenames to ones that are legal on windows filesystems
2007-07-04T10:28:59  <dreimark> _?echo "hello";?_
2007-07-04T10:29:14  <xorAxAx> are you sure that it contains questionmarks?
2007-07-04T10:29:21  <xorAxAx> that sounds like a bug
2007-07-04T10:29:27  <dreimark> its in underlay
2007-07-04T10:29:40  <dreimark> wiki/underlay/pages/(d7a4d7aad799d797d794)/attachments/_?echo "hello";?_«
2007-07-04T10:30:14  <dreimark> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs/1.6devFAT32TroubleWithUnderlayFileNames
2007-07-04T10:30:27  <xorAxAx> indeed, thats a bug
2007-07-04T10:30:41  <xorAxAx> moin should correctly replace the ? and the " with _
2007-07-04T10:31:41  <ThomasWaldmann> http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/%D7%A4%D7%AA%D7%99%D7%97%D7%94?action=AttachFile
2007-07-04T10:33:35  <dreimark> it was deleted at 2006-04-27 13:25:44
2007-07-04T10:33:52  <xorAxAx> nevertheless it should have never gotten in there, its still a bug :)
2007-07-04T10:34:12  <dreimark> two bugs it should not be in current underlay
2007-07-04T10:35:20  <dreimark> I am with the bicycle and its again raining
2007-07-04T10:40:41  <ThomasWaldmann> i added some comment to WikiHjemmeSide and Jonas got a notification mail
2007-07-04T10:42:04  <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: fixing this in 1.6 might introduce new bugs, fixing it in 1.7 could be pointless
2007-07-04T10:43:30  <xorAxAx> what, the filename escpaing?
2007-07-04T10:43:38  <xorAxAx> hmm, yes
2007-07-04T10:43:53  <xorAxAx> well, 1.6 isnt released so it might be useful
2007-07-04T10:47:10  <grzywacz> moin
2007-07-04T10:47:35  <ThomasWaldmann> moin grzywacz
2007-07-04T10:48:16  <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: please merge main, I did some changes to your files
2007-07-04T11:00:02  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, ok
2007-07-04T11:00:54  <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: still alive?
2007-07-04T11:01:36  <ThomasWaldmann> or did send_page kill you? :D
2007-07-04T11:02:23  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, cosmetic fixes or something significant?
2007-07-04T11:02:41  <grzywacz> um...
2007-07-04T11:02:44  <grzywacz> remote changed MoinMoin/events/messages.py which local deleted
2007-07-04T11:02:44  <grzywacz> (k)eep or (d)elete?
2007-07-04T11:02:45  <grzywacz> ?:P
2007-07-04T11:03:37  <grzywacz> Uh, conflicts...
2007-07-04T11:03:48  <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: i changed only whitespace
2007-07-04T11:04:17  * grzywacz fails to read kdiff's output
2007-07-04T11:04:25  <ThomasWaldmann> so you can choose to throw away my ws changes and just make sure no tests fail in your branch
2007-07-04T11:04:57  <ThomasWaldmann> (in that "Big PEP8 and whitespace cleanup" changeset)
2007-07-04T11:06:00  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, are white space checking tests already in?
2007-07-04T11:06:30  <ThomasWaldmann> in main, yes
2007-07-04T11:06:34  <grzywacz> Ok, great.
2007-07-04T11:08:16  <grzywacz> argh
2007-07-04T11:13:23  <ThomasWaldmann> hm? :)
2007-07-04T11:13:30  <grzywacz> I hate kdiff.
2007-07-04T11:13:50  <grzywacz> Now to fix 13 failing source tests.
2007-07-04T11:14:31  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, there is some disabled "auto-fix trailing ws" code inside that test
2007-07-04T11:17:29  <zenhase> moin
2007-07-04T11:17:52  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: nearer to the truth than i would prefer
2007-07-04T11:18:42  <ThomasWaldmann> you have a mentor, btw :)
2007-07-04T11:19:13  <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: does the eclipse mercurial plugin work for you?
2007-07-04T11:19:45  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: i talked to him yesterday
2007-07-04T11:19:47  <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: i dont use it. last time i tried, it somehwat worked a bit, but was not very useful.
2007-07-04T11:19:59  <grzywacz> lanius, does not for me.
2007-07-04T11:20:17  <grzywacz> (not a helpful answer, I guess  ;p)
2007-07-04T11:20:38  <lanius> well at least i know that i can give up trying ;)
2007-07-04T11:21:13  <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: maybe try to do smaller steps if bigger don't work
2007-07-04T11:21:38  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, I'm reactivating after tomorrow's exam, btw ;)
2007-07-04T11:22:04  <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: good luck :)
2007-07-04T11:22:35  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, thanks, some good luck would be handy. ;D
2007-07-04T11:26:24  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: i somehow lost faith in the idea of getting this template engine into moin in a clean manner
2007-07-04T11:27:00  <zenhase> it's a mixture of many influences
2007-07-04T11:27:47  <zenhase> one is that i won't manage to refactor send_page (and much is happening there which i would like to control to make templates work nicely)
2007-07-04T11:28:29  <zenhase> others are some quite demotivating talks i had with other experienced web devs on the matter and on moins codebase in general
2007-07-04T11:29:30  <grzywacz> zenhase, ;(
2007-07-04T11:29:33  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe you need rather some motivating talks :)
2007-07-04T11:29:37  <zenhase> i also tried reaching JH on this subject
2007-07-04T11:29:47  <zenhase> but he did not answer my email yet
2007-07-04T11:30:05  <ThomasWaldmann> he's very busy
2007-07-04T11:30:53  <ThomasWaldmann> so my suggestion is you break down that big problem into smaller ones and either solve them or document what exactly is blocking you
2007-07-04T11:30:54  <zenhase> yeah, that's what some coworkers said too, when i asked them for help on reaching him
2007-07-04T11:32:29  <ThomasWaldmann> (and I am not sure JH has worked with the theming related stuff recently)
2007-07-04T11:32:53  <zenhase> the email i send was more about send_page
2007-07-04T11:33:15  <zenhase> sent
2007-07-04T11:34:26  <zenhase> which is the big problem i was trying to break into smaller ones the last week and almost drove me nuts
2007-07-04T11:36:51  <ThomasWaldmann> see suggestion above
2007-07-04T11:36:56  <zenhase> the main thing is, and i told that ffesti too, that i currently believe that trying to push templates deeper into the current codebase will result in workarounds all over the place
2007-07-04T11:37:10  <ThomasWaldmann> as long as there are no concrete questions, don't expect concrete answers
2007-07-04T11:37:14  <zenhase> (that's if i don't touch send_page)
2007-07-04T11:39:20  <zenhase> i don't think that this will in any way contribute towards managable code
2007-07-04T11:40:36  <ThomasWaldmann> document that in detail (in the wiki), then suggest an alternative and why it works better
2007-07-04T11:40:44  <ThomasWaldmann> brb
2007-07-04T11:40:55  <zenhase> i think it's similar approaches that drove send_page out of proportions in the first place
2007-07-04T11:41:07  <zenhase> ok
2007-07-04T11:41:27  <zenhase> i will have to get some breakfast too
2007-07-04T11:41:40  <grzywacz> zenhase, I must say that from my brief review of Moin's code, your task seems really difficult. ;) But then, maybe produce a messed-up hybrid first and clean it up when it actually starts to work? It's usually easier to work in small (and maybe messy) steps, rather than to rewrite everything cleanly. :)
2007-07-04T11:42:16  <ThomasWaldmann> (you can also include your insights you got from the misc. talks you had with your mentor and others, so maybe you get some more input from new people on that)
2007-07-04T12:04:19  <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: query
2007-07-04T12:04:27  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, it's a little bit annoying that test_sourcecode doesn't show all errors
2007-07-04T12:04:48  <grzywacz> It seems to stop on first one in a given file or something.
2007-07-04T12:04:59  <grzywacz> Because I fix everything, and on the next run there's more of them.
2007-07-04T12:05:06  <grzywacz> (different ones)
2007-07-04T12:06:04  <ThomasWaldmann> it should onle suppress same-class errors
2007-07-04T12:06:26  <grzywacz> Like trailing whitespace? ;)
2007-07-04T12:06:27  <ThomasWaldmann> i tried with --repeat, too, but it repeated too much
2007-07-04T12:06:49  <ThomasWaldmann> as I told, you dont need to fix THAT manually
2007-07-04T12:08:05  <grzywacz> ...
2007-07-04T12:13:11  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2302:80c083a0e4a7 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_tab.py: tests: test for source files containing tabs, thanks to Armin Rigo
2007-07-04T12:13:14  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2303:01f6172dabd0 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 3 dirs): remove tabs from source files, remove excludes from test_tab
2007-07-04T12:13:15  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2304:023e0f0d264e 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (3 files in 2 dirs): tests: rename test_tab to test_sourcecode, also test for sourcefiles not ending with a newline char
2007-07-04T12:13:16  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2305:e56af6f9b2cc 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: tests: test for crlf in Python sourcecode
2007-07-04T12:13:17  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2306:5638ffa2fb38 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (4 files in 4 dirs): replace crlf in python src files by lf
2007-07-04T12:13:20  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2307:9df10b5358b5 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: add test for trailing spaces (currently disabled), other minor changes
2007-07-04T12:13:23  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2308:938d6761519f 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: ignore/test/fix modes for trailing spaces, fixed file mode to use binary
2007-07-04T12:13:26  <CIA-20> moin: Alexander Schremmer <alex AT alexanderweb DOT de> * 2309:27cd29db1b96 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/conftest.py: Fix conftest to allow generative tests.
2007-07-04T12:13:33  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2310:a6a4eaa948aa 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/ (test_sourcecode.py pep8.py): test_sourcecode: added PEP8 checker
2007-07-04T12:13:36  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2311:bb9853b194f7 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/conftest.py: merge main
2007-07-04T12:13:39  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2312:959d0815e149 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): pep8: don't count stuff we ignore, added comments about pep8 test usage
2007-07-04T12:13:42  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2313:71f7bde1077b 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: trying to use generative tests (doesn't work yet)
2007-07-04T12:13:45  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2314:751e149a9a0a 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: fix generative test
2007-07-04T12:13:52  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2315:01f05e74aa9c 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (212 files in 55 dirs): Big PEP8 and whitespace cleanup
2007-07-04T12:13:55  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2316:0005f996ff92 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/wikidicts.py: wikidicts: add comment about (empty) dict entry syntax
2007-07-04T12:13:58  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2317:0f44ed5ed2a1 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): test_sourcecode: remove tests that pep8 checker also does, enable warnings, add crlf check to pep8 checker
2007-07-04T12:14:04  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2318:9d347f8bfd1c 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: fixed docstring
2007-07-04T12:14:07  <CIA-20> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2319:49188b1e803c 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: only yield tests for *.py files, fixes test count
2007-07-04T12:14:10  <CIA-20> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2320:10be78f1fa97 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (216 files in 55 dirs): Merge main.
2007-07-04T12:14:15  <CIA-20> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2321:1d85514968a2 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (7 files in 4 dirs): Fix remaining excessive white space characters.
2007-07-04T12:16:47  <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: 0 failing?
2007-07-04T12:17:54  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, seems so
2007-07-04T12:18:52  <ThomasWaldmann> good :)
2007-07-04T12:19:31  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: whats the topic for today's exam? :)
2007-07-04T14:14:35  <grzywacz> xorAxAx, tomorow's. Banking. ;)
2007-07-04T14:14:37  <grzywacz> xD
2007-07-04T14:15:03  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: as in, accounting?
2007-07-04T14:15:54  <grzywacz> xorAxAx, more like loans, interest rates, etc.
2007-07-04T14:16:36  <xorAxAx> ah
2007-07-04T14:17:33  <ThomasWaldmann> sounds extremely interesting X)
2007-07-04T14:18:06  * grzywacz slaps ThomasWaldmann :P
2007-07-04T14:18:31  <xorAxAx> hehe
2007-07-04T14:19:14  * ThomasWaldmann has often had all sorts of interesting coding ideas while preparing such exams :D
2007-07-04T14:19:18  <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, no worries, I'm not going to pass it with a high grade :D
2007-07-04T14:19:40  <grzywacz> Haha, yes. I'm trying not to have ideas, otherwise the poor exam would suffer even worse. ;)
2007-07-04T14:26:48  <lanius> xorAxAx: i am thinking how to implement read only data
2007-07-04T14:27:02  <lanius> xorAxAx: because in my current design you have both, read and write, on the same data
2007-07-04T14:39:28  <CIA-20> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2129:5e7ea29716a6 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/ (5 files in 2 dirs): cleanups; locking; add mode parameter to data
2007-07-04T14:54:50  <xorAxAx> lanius: :-)
2007-07-04T15:01:34  <lanius> are you happy about my commit or about my question
2007-07-04T15:01:52  <xorAxAx> about your sentence
2007-07-04T15:01:56  <xorAxAx> i didnt see any question
2007-07-04T15:02:02  <lanius> ok
2007-07-04T15:02:26  <lanius> well i implemented the mode parameter on get_data_backend again in my last commit
2007-07-04T15:19:23  <tic> How's the work StorageRefactoring work coming along?
2007-07-04T15:23:48  <lanius> i'm currently trying to get the locking done right
2007-07-04T15:24:14  <lanius> page reading and writing is already implemented, also refactored in Page/Editor.py
2007-07-04T15:29:50  <ThomasWaldmann> tic: you wanna help? :)
2007-07-04T15:36:42  <tic> ThomasWaldmann, don't really have the time.. I'm investigating MoinMoin as a replacement for Trac.
2007-07-04T15:42:25  <xorAxAx> tic: i wrote a SSO solution for trac/moin
2007-07-04T15:46:43  <CIA-20> moin: Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs DOT helsinki DOT fi> * 2337:ded9ab42a724 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/ (action/SisterDiff.py script/xmlrpc/manimport.py): fix some overactive 80 character edits
2007-07-04T15:58:11  <tic> xorAxAx, what's SSO?
2007-07-04T15:58:31  <tic> xorAxAx, nm
2007-07-04T15:58:38  <tic> xorAxAx, what I want is really just a better Wiki than Trac.
2007-07-04T16:06:34  <johill> single-sign-on
2007-07-04T16:36:59  <xorAxAx> tic: yes, on a project i am using trac as an svn browser and bugtracker and moin as the wiki
2007-07-04T16:37:05  <xorAxAx> tic: all moin accounts can be used in the trac
2007-07-04T18:01:11  <vpv> wow, the first time I'm using PyDev debugging with Moin, I'm actually impressed :)
2007-07-04T18:04:40  <dreimark>  http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/introduction.htm is cool.
2007-07-04T18:07:10  <dreimark> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/introduction.htm is cool, no installation required just unzip and now I can use the N770 to prepare a slideshow and could beam it using the N770 as usb stick from a linux and a windows system.
2007-07-04T18:07:37  <xorAxAx> 404
2007-07-04T18:08:10  <dreimark> btw. I have ported action Slideshow and added it to NirSoffer's page
2007-07-04T18:08:34  <dreimark> (single page slideshow)
2007-07-04T18:10:15  <dreimark> xorAxAx: url += 'l'  # sorry missed that
2007-07-04T18:10:33  <xorAxAx>  TypeError: Strings are immutable
2007-07-04T18:11:23  <dreimark> '%s'  !!!
2007-07-04T18:55:54  <dreimark> bbl
2007-07-04T20:48:23  <Fabi> re
2007-07-04T21:08:50  <ThomasWaldmann> moin fabi
2007-07-04T21:26:36  <zenhase> re
2007-07-04T22:02:49  <dreimark> renaming fun
2007-07-04T22:22:39  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: your sourcetester is quite good it does find missing renamings from eclipse :)
2007-07-04T22:26:15  <ThomasWaldmann> how that?
2007-07-04T22:32:46  <dreimark> later on I ve seen it was conftest.py wrong
2007-07-04T23:22:28  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: xorAxAx can we find out by py.test if a routine principle could be used similiar to the pep8 tests. Otherwise we have only pep8 conform code but if there is typo in an import we don't get that
2007-07-04T23:22:36  <dreimark> the routine doesn't work
2007-07-04T23:23:17  <xorAxAx> please rephrase in correct english :)
2007-07-04T23:23:58  <dreimark> can we get py.test to find syntax failures in routines or missing modules
2007-07-04T23:25:14  <xorAxAx> well
2007-07-04T23:25:26  <xorAxAx> if you have good code coverage, that happens automatically
2007-07-04T23:25:39  <xorAxAx> our conftest can automatically calculate the code coverage
2007-07-04T23:25:51  <xorAxAx> the unittests just have to made code coverage aware
2007-07-04T23:27:53  <dreimark> hmm, it would be nice if a failure in renaming could be tested too
2007-07-04T23:28:01  <xorAxAx> "in renaming"?
2007-07-04T23:29:14  <dreimark> we have had several times that eclipse using find/replace doesn't find everything
2007-07-04T23:31:03  <dreimark> I like pep8 clean code but I like a test which shows no missing modules etc. too
2007-07-04T23:32:17  <dreimark> (sorry I am awake since 4 today)
2007-07-04T23:38:46  <xorAxAx> dreimark: as i said, you need to maximise code coverage to find missing modules reliably
2007-07-04T23:39:54  <dreimark> xorAxAx: I know and I am working on that too.
2007-07-04T23:41:24  <dreimark> if we call setup.py all files will be compiled to pyc and not if there is something missing
2007-07-04T23:42:28  <xorAxAx> thats not true
2007-07-04T23:42:35  <xorAxAx> hmm
2007-07-04T23:42:49  <xorAxAx> dreimark: imports arent on module level in every case
2007-07-04T23:43:30  <grzywacz> Function level-ones happen as well, true.
2007-07-04T23:44:13  <grzywacz> Hm. I should get some sleep as well...
2007-07-04T23:44:26  <dreimark> My wish is for example if i do from MoinMoin.request import request_cgi
2007-07-04T23:45:00  <dreimark> and then CGI(properties=config.properties) which isn't defined
2007-07-04T23:45:06  <dreimark> to show an error
2007-07-04T23:45:33  <xorAxAx> dreimark: thats not an import
2007-07-04T23:45:43  <xorAxAx> and nothing else than full code coverage can find such issues reliably
2007-07-04T23:51:31  <dreimark> yes and no.
2007-07-04T23:52:35  <xorAxAx> ?
2007-07-04T23:53:15  <dreimark> Its an other kind of testing. It depends on if the lib modules are available and a file could be compiled using it dependencies
2007-07-04T23:53:32  <dreimark> and if not it should show a failure
2007-07-04T23:53:37  <xorAxAx> thats wrong
2007-07-04T23:53:48  <dreimark> in which case
2007-07-04T23:53:49  <xorAxAx> dreimark: thats a runtime failure and not a compile time failure
2007-07-04T23:54:01  <xorAxAx> just believe me and have a nap :)
2007-07-04T23:55:08  <dreimark> ok, then we speak about runtime failures, we should detect them with a test.
2007-07-04T23:55:41  <dreimark> so that we could detect routines which are not able to run
2007-07-04T23:56:51  <xorAxAx> thats what unit tests are about :)
2007-07-04T23:57:03  <xorAxAx> and yes, they are crucial for painfree refactorings
2007-07-04T23:58:46  <dreimark> its not about to reduce unittests its more about to have generic unittests which helps to find out typos, immediatly.
2007-07-04T23:59:16  <xorAxAx> nothing generic can replace good unittests reliably

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-07-04 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:03 by localhost)