2007-09-03T08:57:21 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2007-09-03T09:52:28 <dreimark> moin
2007-09-03T14:08:25 <dreimark> Do we need some flags to disable some functionalities, e.g. xmlrpc?
2007-09-03T14:09:06 <dreimark> mail for example could be disabled with not setting it up.
2007-09-03T14:09:52 <tic> ThomasWaldmann, any reason for using [[ instead of <<?
2007-09-03T14:09:56 <tic> eh, the other way around.
2007-09-03T14:11:39 <dreimark> http://test17.wikiwikiweb.de/TestWiki17MainBranch?action=raw
2007-09-03T14:11:56 <dreimark> e.g. [[attachment:moinmoin.png]] no link text, no |
2007-09-03T14:12:32 <dreimark> or [[MoinMaster:FrontPage]]
2007-09-03T14:13:32 <tic> I don't get it still.
2007-09-03T14:13:37 <tic> Wasn't macros going to be << now?
2007-09-03T14:13:42 <tic> s/wasn't/weren't
2007-09-03T14:14:00 <dreimark> in 1.7 yes
2007-09-03T14:14:07 <tic> Ah, okay. Get it.
2007-09-03T14:14:11 <tic> Okay, but the reason I don't understand.
2007-09-03T14:14:28 <tic> don't think the discussion mentioned anything interesting.
2007-09-03T14:14:49 <dreimark> did your read my posting of Thomas yesterday on creole
2007-09-03T14:15:32 <tic> I skimmed through it, yeah
2007-09-03T14:15:58 <tic> "The way I'd implement that while staying in the framework of Creole 1.0 would be with plugins, which wouldn't break compatibility; e.g."
2007-09-03T14:16:06 <tic> and then /one/ example of << ... >>
2007-09-03T14:17:11 <dreimark> more this I just wanted to note that MoinMoin might support creole-like linking and transclusion as part of its default wiki parser soon (as moin's link syntax was a bit too complex, partly not doing what people expected, partly too limited,
2007-09-03T14:17:57 <tic> Alright.
2007-09-03T14:18:07 <dreimark> tic: in 1.5.x there are some parts of linking broken
2007-09-03T14:20:20 <tic> dreimark, hah. interesting?
2007-09-03T14:20:29 <dreimark> ?
2007-09-03T14:20:43 <dreimark> what :)
2007-09-03T14:20:47 <tic> that they're broken.
2007-09-03T14:21:22 <dreimark> tic: not all but we have had some special cases e.g ) in attachments names
2007-09-03T14:22:27 <tic> dreimark, ah, okay. Well, I run 1.6 now, so.. :]
2007-09-03T14:24:09 <dreimark> tic: fine, if we don't find too much converter problems this syntax will be added to 1.6 too, see http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinTodo/Release_1.6.0
2007-09-03T14:28:27 <tic> dreimark, *looking*
2007-09-03T14:28:59 <tic> yeah, saw that earlier (couple of days ago)
2007-09-03T17:35:32 <dreimark> bbl some hours
2007-09-03T20:13:26 <grzywacz> moin
2007-09-03T20:13:30 <xorAxAx> moin grzywacz
2007-09-03T20:22:23 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-09-03 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:20:22 by localhost)