2008-04-15T00:02:55 <dreimark> ok
2008-04-15T00:03:45 <dreimark> is something changed in 1.7 for using mimetypes_xss_protect = []
2008-04-15T00:04:54 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm?
2008-04-15T00:05:22 <dreimark> I wanted to test a flash file
2008-04-15T00:05:35 <dreimark> Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file campfire.swf because of its mimetype application/x-shockwave-flash.: campfire.swf
2008-04-15T00:06:06 <dreimark> http://localhost:8080/Example?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=campfire.swf
2008-04-15T00:07:59 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: my fault
2008-04-15T00:09:23 <dreimark> hve missed to add it to the mimetypes
2008-04-15T00:11:32 <dreimark> good night
2008-04-15T00:13:03 <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
2008-04-15T08:33:11 <gizmach> moin
2008-04-15T08:56:09 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2008-04-15T09:19:35 <dreimark> moin
2008-04-15T10:14:02 <CIA-47> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3507:792fd08a05b6 1.7/MoinMoin/macro/EmbedObject.py: macro.EmbedObject: bug fix for missing movie param see MoinMoinBugs/EmbedObjectMissesToEmitParamMovie and emitting param values of "False" too.
2008-04-15T10:25:35 <CIA-47> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 2620:f04db57b7ea8 1.6/MoinMoin/macro/EmbedObject.py: macro.EmbedObject: bug fix for missing movie param see MoinMoinBugs/EmbedObjectMissesToEmitParamMovie and emitting param values of "False" too. (backport from 1.7)
2008-04-15T11:13:22 <fgs> later
2008-04-15T12:37:10 <johill> wikisym? where does that spam come from?
2008-04-15T12:40:09 <dreimark> ?
2008-04-15T12:40:29 * TheSheep rises a brow
2008-04-15T12:43:33 <johill> got mail for a conference called 'wikisym' in porto
2008-04-15T12:43:40 <johill> I don't see why I should have
2008-04-15T12:43:54 * dreimark too
2008-04-15T12:52:36 <johill> odd
2008-04-15T14:05:09 <gizmach> bbl
2008-04-15T14:43:23 <xorAxAx> johill: they spammed everybody related to moin at least :)
2008-04-15T14:51:24 <johill> fun. I moved it to spam...
2008-04-15T14:52:20 <xorAxAx> because they dont accept mathematical papers? :)
2008-04-15T14:52:48 <johill> heh. mostly because I didn't ask for their mail
2008-04-15T15:21:06 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: I think wikisym is a well-known wiki conference. I also got that mail. Yet, I never attended it because it was too expensive (and often too far away).
2008-04-15T15:24:56 * ThomasWaldmann liked the wikimania in frankfurt. although it was initially advertised as a wikipedia/mediawiki thing, there were many non-wp/mw folks and it was not too expensive and interesting.
2008-04-15T15:25:56 <johill> I think I'm not that much interested in wikis that I'd ever go to a conference
2008-04-15T15:26:31 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, will you attend europython? :)
2008-04-15T15:27:21 <johill> don't think so, I don't even know where/when/.. it is :)
2008-04-15T15:27:24 <johill> but I'm going to OLS ;)
2008-04-15T15:27:36 <ThomasWaldmann> europython.org
2008-04-15T15:34:32 <kikka> Hey
2008-04-15T16:24:59 <gizmach> moin
2008-04-15T16:37:05 <ThomasWaldmann> moin gizmach
2008-04-15T17:17:18 <gizmach> hi ThomasWaldmann how's goin
2008-04-15T17:39:58 * ThomasWaldmann at work, looking for some nice parts for a new server/workstation :)
2008-04-15T17:47:19 <zenhase> what is it going to be?
2008-04-15T17:47:54 <ThomasWaldmann> thinking about a quadcore phenom with lots of cheap ram
2008-04-15T17:50:37 <zenhase> hm
2008-04-15T17:51:29 <zenhase> though i've been using AMD systems for about 7-8 years now, i would currently go for intel again
2008-04-15T17:52:37 <ThomasWaldmann> I won't invest that much so that intel would be faster.
2008-04-15T17:53:18 <zenhase> well, is amd really faster?
2008-04-15T17:54:11 <zenhase> for 170 you get a quad-core phenom with 2.2ghz and 2megs of cache ... or a dual-core core 2 with 2.66ghz and 6megs of cache
2008-04-15T17:55:10 <zenhase> and i don't really know how those clock speeds relate to each other nowadays :o
2008-04-15T17:58:06 * TheSheep 'd like to have Intel's compiler
2008-04-15T17:59:43 <zenhase> TheSheep: :)
2008-04-15T18:00:20 * dreimark doesn't like AMD
2008-04-15T18:00:32 * dreimark oops doesn't like INTEL
2008-04-15T18:00:38 <dreimark> to slow
2008-04-15T18:01:18 <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: intel currently wins when looking at clockspeed and cache sizes due to their better manufacturing process
2008-04-15T18:01:20 <dreimark> btw way what was the name of this long line splitter
2008-04-15T18:01:51 <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: amd wins when looking at memory interface, hypertransport
2008-04-15T18:02:15 <TheSheep> dreimark: par?
2008-04-15T18:02:26 <TheSheep> dreimark: fmt?
2008-04-15T18:03:10 <dreimark> TheSheep: we do add a space to the comments by some wikiutil function
2008-04-15T18:04:02 <TheSheep> ah
2008-04-15T18:05:22 <dreimark> it was in the past something like clean_comment
2008-04-15T18:05:28 <dreimark> searching for comment is fun
2008-04-15T18:07:17 * dreimark dislikes emulating double precision
2008-04-15T18:19:40 <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: well yes, the mem controller in the cpu and hypertransport are a definite plus
2008-04-15T18:20:13 <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: though i think board manufactures can easily bring those advantages down to nothing :/
2008-04-15T18:23:59 <ThomasWaldmann> as soon as there is something between cpu and dimm, you can only compensate with big caches - this is what intel is doing right now.
2008-04-15T18:25:01 <ThomasWaldmann> but I suspect that especially benchmarks like this (small code, running in long loops), while real loads on 4 cores rather step each other on the toes when trying to access the memory via the single fsb.
2008-04-15T18:26:16 * zenhase wants a niagara workstation :P
2008-04-15T18:26:46 <zenhase> a T1 would be ok already, don't need the new T2 ones ;)
2008-04-15T18:27:52 * ThomasWaldmann hands zenhase a bucket of water :)
2008-04-15T18:29:06 <zenhase> :)
2008-04-15T18:36:56 <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: btw, if you compare, make sure to use the B3 stepping (that doesn't need the TLB fix)
2008-04-15T18:37:35 <ThomasWaldmann> s/fix/workaround/
2008-04-15T19:12:09 <dreimark> bbl
2008-04-15T21:15:38 <CIA-47> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 2621:d8469f49fb0f 1.6/ (MoinMoin/search/queryparser.py docs/CHANGES): search: match categories even if there are comment lines (backport from 1.7)
2008-04-15T21:15:40 <CIA-47> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 2622:92ae8f75a390 1.6/ (MoinMoin/config/__init__.py docs/CHANGES): enable notes: protocol for URLs (for Lotus Notes)
2008-04-15T21:15:41 <CIA-47> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 2623:b0127b212d02 1.6/MoinMoin/macro/EmbedObject.py: merged main
2008-04-15T21:17:40 <CIA-47> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3508:87c26058d9c0 1.7/MoinMoin/config/__init__.py: enable notes: protocol for URLs (for Lotus Notes)
2008-04-15T21:17:42 <CIA-47> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3509:da1d5a2165f5 1.7/MoinMoin/macro/EmbedObject.py: merged main
2008-04-15T23:26:05 * zenhase is back from climbing
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2008-04-15 (last edited 2008-04-14 22:15:02 by IrcLogImporter)