2008-07-11T02:07:44 <zenhase> i am going to sleep too
2008-07-11T02:09:46 <zenhase> tomorrow i will go to cologne to visit my parents for the first time in 7 months, so over the weekend there will be perhaps not that many commits here because of internet lack
2008-07-11T02:09:56 <zenhase> but i will be working there nevertheless, even quite undistracted
2008-07-11T02:10:20 <zenhase> i expect internet on saturday, but will be available till 1400 tomorrow anyway
2008-07-11T05:38:41 <cb22> xorAxAx: ping
2008-07-11T05:41:43 <xorAxAx> moin cb22
2008-07-11T05:41:57 <cb22> antisocialness :)
2008-07-11T05:42:27 <xorAxAx> a bit
2008-07-11T07:36:11 <xorAxAx> mitsuhiko, TheSheep: survey is still missing, timeframe ends on monday, dont forget :)
2008-07-11T07:37:32 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: can you handle the program survey?
2008-07-11T07:37:56 * xorAxAx goes to bed
2008-07-11T07:40:01 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2008-07-11T07:40:15 * ThomasWaldmann stands up :)
2008-07-11T08:40:26 <TheSheep> moin
2008-07-11T08:41:37 <ThomasWaldmann> hi TheSheep
2008-07-11T08:42:16 <PawelPacana> moin
2008-07-11T08:46:17 <dreimark> moin
2008-07-11T09:18:40 <dreimark> 3334234
2008-07-11T09:19:12 <dreimark> ignore the number keyboard failiure
2008-07-11T09:19:26 <gizmach> moin all
2008-07-11T09:19:34 <dreimark> hi melita
2008-07-11T09:21:21 <gizmach> hi Reimar, what do you think I should do next after wikigroups ? (write some backend documentation? caching? or something else)
2008-07-11T09:33:09 <dreimark> gizmach: make at first the userform.admin.do_user_browser working
2008-07-11T09:33:24 <dreimark> it still uses groupnames = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=isgroup)
2008-07-11T09:33:46 <gizmach> dreimark: ok
2008-07-11T09:51:37 <zenhase> moin
2008-07-11T09:51:56 <dreimark> moin zenhase
2008-07-11T09:53:28 <dreimark> did I get this right you are from cologne ?
2008-07-11T09:54:13 <zenhase> dreimark: originally yes :)
2008-07-11T10:00:37 <zenhase> you're from cologne too, right?
2008-07-11T10:02:10 <dreimark> zenhase: I live near by and do enjoy pyCologne once a month there :)
2008-07-11T10:02:26 <zenhase> ah ok
2008-07-11T10:02:34 <dreimark> gizmach: look at the chngeset of MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/group_ldap.py
2008-07-11T10:03:07 <dreimark> I guess you don't look at hg diff before commiting
2008-07-11T10:03:12 <zenhase> hmm, i realize i've never been to any programming language user groups
2008-07-11T10:03:46 <gizmach> dreimark: usually I do, seveal times,but maybe something missed
2008-07-11T10:03:57 <dreimark> gizmach: you removed there a blank wrongly
2008-07-11T10:04:16 <gizmach> oh ...
2008-07-11T10:04:25 <dreimark> zenhase: if you like to join us it is regulary the second wednesday per month
2008-07-11T10:04:35 <zenhase> oh wait, i am wrong ... i was at the lisp user meeting during 24c3 ... which was kind of weird o_O
2008-07-11T10:05:10 <dreimark> http://pycologne.de
2008-07-11T10:05:15 <zenhase> dreimark: i will only be there from this evening to about monday
2008-07-11T10:06:17 <dreimark> ah, ok then you can enjoy the special window in the dom there
2008-07-11T10:06:51 <zenhase> special window?
2008-07-11T10:07:10 <gizmach> dreimark: can you please tell me which line
2008-07-11T10:09:22 <dreimark> gizmach: look at the diff http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.8-ldapgroups-mmihaljevic/diff/9eea221e3f3b/MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/group_ldap.py
2008-07-11T10:09:22 <zenhase> hmm, is there a reason for python 2.3 to use the base64-module instead of just .encode/.decode('base64') on unicode/strings?
2008-07-11T10:10:08 <gizmach> ah than I was looking at the wrong diff where everything looked ok
2008-07-11T10:11:49 <dreimark> zenhase: http://www.koelnfuehrungen.info/koelner-dom-domfenster-richter-fenster-fuehrung.html
2008-07-11T10:12:23 <dreimark> zenhase: do you have pulled from 1.8 shortly ?
2008-07-11T10:18:45 <zenhase> hmm
2008-07-11T10:19:07 <zenhase> about 2 days ago
2008-07-11T10:19:46 <dreimark> johill: has fixed yesterday one of this python 2.3 problems
2008-07-11T10:20:16 <dreimark> someone on the sprint recognized it on a mac
2008-07-11T10:21:52 <zenhase> i don't actually have a problem there
2008-07-11T10:23:10 <zenhase> i was just wondering because in a test i just quickly used s.encode('base64') and was wondering why there is this module anyway
2008-07-11T10:23:15 <zenhase> s/module/base64 module/
2008-07-11T10:33:27 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: sort(...) has also a problem on 2.3, see that bug report showing the problem in the parameter parser
2008-07-11T10:44:49 <gizmach> dreimark: I changed userform.admin.do_user_browser and all tests passed (except the testMoinAuthSession that was failing before)
2008-07-11T10:45:13 <CIA-53> Thomas Pfaff <yael [at] gmx dot net> default * 3824:aef3adf3f701 1.8/MoinMoin/ (parser/text_xslt.py _tests/test_parser_unicode.py):
2008-07-11T10:45:13 <CIA-53> MoinMoinBugs/DoNotConvertUnicodeToUTF8ForXsltParser
2008-07-11T10:45:13 <CIA-53> Initial patch applied and slightly improved.
2008-07-11T10:49:06 <dreimark> gizmach: you need to pull from 1.8
2008-07-11T10:49:34 <gizmach> dreimark: you mean for the test ?
2008-07-11T10:49:44 <dreimark> if the testMoinAuthSession fails again write a bug report with the failing test
2008-07-11T10:49:55 <gizmach> ah I will do that afer I commit this code
2008-07-11T10:49:56 <gizmach> ok
2008-07-11T10:50:00 <dreimark> gizmach: no I mean if there are changes in 1.8 you have to pull them
2008-07-11T10:50:07 <dreimark> you should pull often
2008-07-11T10:50:20 <CIA-53> Pawel Pacana <pawel.pacana@gmail.com> default * 4313:50e0c71374a8 1.8-mercurialbackend-ppacana/MoinMoin/storage/backends/hg.py: (hg) Unrevisioned Item handling. Added _change_item_metadata, _publish_item_metadata, _get_item_metadata and _item_lock.
2008-07-11T10:50:22 <CIA-53> Pawel Pacana <pawel.pacana@gmail.com> default * 4314:dfd906234553 1.8-mercurialbackend-ppacana/MoinMoin/storage/backends/hg.py: (hg) Fixed missing docstring and hash generation (paste error) in _trim.
2008-07-11T10:50:32 <dreimark> gizmach: do you like to show me your changes
2008-07-11T10:50:34 <gizmach> dreimark: I do that often, I think two days ago, will do that every day if there are changes
2008-07-11T10:50:38 <gizmach> dreimark: sure
2008-07-11T10:50:53 <dreimark> there were changes yesterday
2008-07-11T10:50:58 <dreimark> and today
2008-07-11T10:52:18 <gizmach> sec
2008-07-11T10:52:25 <gizmach> ok I will pull then
2008-07-11T10:57:20 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/79138/
2008-07-11T10:57:22 <gizmach> dreimark:
2008-07-11T11:02:46 <dreimark> gizmach: do you have tested it with the SystemAdmin page on your local wiki ?
2008-07-11T11:03:03 <gizmach> dreimark: No, I just run tests
2008-07-11T11:03:08 <gizmach> I will do that now
2008-07-11T11:03:31 <dreimark> there is no test for the macro I guess
2008-07-11T11:04:00 <dreimark> or may be no test for admin.py
2008-07-11T11:04:04 <gizmach> ah I taught there something is, my fault, I will test on local wiki
2008-07-11T11:46:54 <zenhase> now i am off to cologne, i take a fresh checkout of 1.8 with me and expect to be online again somewhere tomorrow evening
2008-07-11T12:15:24 <dreimark> gizmach: does it work ?
2008-07-11T12:16:18 <gizmach> dreimark: I think I found some bug, I'm tracing
2008-07-11T12:18:17 <dreimark> ok
2008-07-11T12:23:10 <dreimark> gizmach: please add also doc strings to the lines you'd changed
2008-07-11T12:23:34 <gizmach> dreimark: ok
2008-07-11T12:30:42 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: I can't even _install_ python 2.3 any more without trouble
2008-07-11T12:44:02 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, but now as you know where the problem is, you could fix it :)
2008-07-11T12:44:16 <johill> now, yes
2008-07-11T12:44:55 <johill> but it'll happen again and again, especially since the docs are not always mentioning the python version something was introduced
2008-07-11T12:45:25 <johill> grzywacz has used python 2.4 stuff in jabberbot too
2008-07-11T12:46:11 <grzywacz> huh? Did I?
2008-07-11T12:46:32 <johill> base64.b64encode
2008-07-11T12:46:50 <grzywacz> Sounds like a GHOP task, let me see...
2008-07-11T12:47:18 <johill> somebody complained about that in my new user code, but I didn't fix it in your code because I wasn't all too sure about it
2008-07-11T12:47:58 <johill> I guess what I'm saying is that there's no point in claiming python 2.3 support if nobody is testing it consistently
2008-07-11T12:49:24 <grzywacz> Reasonable, in my opinion.
2008-07-11T12:50:08 <johill> and I'm surely not going to as it would be rather painful to install python 2.3 by hand
2008-07-11T12:50:45 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: can you point me to the exact bug report?
2008-07-11T12:52:58 <ThomasWaldmann> mom
2008-07-11T12:53:26 <gizmach> dreimark: the config_backand __iter__ group mambers don't work properly
2008-07-11T12:54:02 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/ActionEqualsAttachFileAndDoEqualsViewCausesTypeError
2008-07-11T12:54:05 <ThomasWaldmann> bbl
2008-07-11T12:57:13 <johill> that one is actually easy
2008-07-11T12:57:13 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3744:3cbb709f5c5d 1.7/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py: wikiutil: fix sort() usage in UnitArgument
2008-07-11T12:57:37 <CIA-53> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 149:62a6c964e63b 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py: fixed and added docstrings
2008-07-11T13:01:49 <gizmach> ok nwm, everything's ok
2008-07-11T13:04:31 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3745:a53e20c3ebab 1.7/MoinMoin/search/queryparser.py: search: make query parser reject more invalid input
2008-07-11T13:42:58 <gizmach> dreimark: I got error "'Group' object has no attribute 'encode'" should I add encode to a group class or?
2008-07-11T13:44:27 <gizmach> 307 filename = wikiname.encode(charset) because of this in wikiutil
2008-07-11T13:46:16 <CIA-53> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3825:df0218925ef8 1.8/MoinMoin/search/queryparser.py: search query parser: if query parsing raises a BracketError, at least tell what the problem is (and not just raise empty ValueError)
2008-07-11T13:46:16 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3828:d125f175fc2e 1.8/MoinMoin/ (search/queryparser.py wikiutil.py): merge bugfixes from 1.7
2008-07-11T13:49:13 <johill> FeatureRequests/SubscribeWithEditor
2008-07-11T13:49:17 <johill> comments?
2008-07-11T13:49:47 <gizmach> johill: no comments fot that but questions about my error :)
2008-07-11T13:50:29 <johill> ok, what should I look at?
2008-07-11T13:53:13 <gizmach> <gizmach> dreimark: I got error "'Group' object has no attribute 'encode'" should I add encode to a group class or?
2008-07-11T13:53:13 <gizmach> <gizmach> 307 filename = wikiname.encode(charset) because of this in wikiutil
2008-07-11T13:53:16 <gizmach> johill:
2008-07-11T13:53:38 <gizmach> well, it happenes in:
2008-07-11T13:54:23 <gizmach> # grouppage_links = ', '.join([Page(request, groupname).link_to(request)
2008-07-11T13:54:24 <gizmach> # 39 for groupname in groupnames
2008-07-11T13:54:24 <gizmach> # 40 if account.name in groupname])
2008-07-11T13:54:39 <gizmach> in userforms admin.py
2008-07-11T13:55:06 <gizmach> qpagename = wikiutil.quoteWikinameFS(page_name) and than in Page.py
2008-07-11T13:55:53 * johill lol's at ParserMarket/SmsCoin
2008-07-11T13:56:21 <johill> gizmach: confusing
2008-07-11T13:56:33 <johill> gizmach: you surely shouldn't be adding an encode to the gropu class
2008-07-11T13:56:48 <johill> gizmach: question is, why does 'wikiname' end up to be a group object?
2008-07-11T13:57:13 <gizmach> johill: :) probably you solved some of my problems
2008-07-11T13:57:33 <gizmach> because I have a group object while cecking that a user is a member of group
2008-07-11T13:57:54 <gizmach> and than I passed group object (not a group name) to a Page
2008-07-11T13:58:28 <johill> can you pastebin the backtrace?
2008-07-11T13:58:49 <gizmach> grouppage_links = ', '.join([Page(request, groupname).link_to(request)
2008-07-11T13:58:49 <gizmach> for groupname in groupnames
2008-07-11T13:58:49 <gizmach> if account.name in groupname])
2008-07-11T13:58:54 <gizmach> johill: ok
2008-07-11T13:59:06 <gizmach> and groupname is a group object
2008-07-11T14:00:21 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/79156/ ok this is a bit ugly (very ugly)
2008-07-11T14:00:44 * johill turns off css
2008-07-11T14:01:31 <gizmach> johill: jes that's the problem I need to pass groupname
2008-07-11T14:03:15 <johill> gizmach: well not exactly, this code is a bit unworking
2008-07-11T14:03:17 <johill> the thing is
2008-07-11T14:03:28 <johill> this code tries to link to the group page
2008-07-11T14:03:36 <johill> which cannot work generally with your backend stuff
2008-07-11T14:04:12 <johill> since if there's a group called "LDAPTestGroup" you don't want to link to the LDAPTestGroup page on the wiki, it won't even exist
2008-07-11T14:04:30 <johill> so what you should probably do is remove all that linking there for now, and just display the group name
2008-07-11T14:04:44 <gizmach> johill: ok
2008-07-11T14:05:07 <johill> ultimately, we might want the links still, so your group object should probably get a "link_to" method that can be called here
2008-07-11T14:05:18 <johill> instead of getting creating a page object
2008-07-11T14:05:57 <gizmach> johill: yea that makes sense
2008-07-11T14:06:15 <gizmach> thx
2008-07-11T14:06:16 <johill> however
2008-07-11T14:06:25 <johill> how do you even get a group object?
2008-07-11T14:06:27 <johill> it seems to me that the line
2008-07-11T14:06:28 <johill> groupnames = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=isgroup)
2008-07-11T14:06:34 <johill> should have to go through the group maanager instead
2008-07-11T14:06:36 <gizmach> no I reovedit
2008-07-11T14:07:11 <johill> ok so you have something like "groups = request.cfg.groupmanager.getgroups()"?
2008-07-11T14:07:17 <gizmach> ah my fault I found another fault
2008-07-11T14:07:19 <johill> I wonder if it would be more efficient to do the other way around
2008-07-11T14:07:20 <gizmach> iter
2008-07-11T14:07:35 <gizmach> sec I found a next bug
2008-07-11T14:07:47 <johill> ok, I have to do some laundry anyway
2008-07-11T14:08:20 <gizmach> :)
2008-07-11T14:14:30 <gizmach> ok it works now, I will send you what I've done, aldough it's not smart for LDAP as you said
2008-07-11T14:15:09 <gizmach> johill: and dreimark
2008-07-11T14:15:31 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/79158/
2008-07-11T14:17:38 <johill> add a comment maybe that it should be fixed wrt. linking
2008-07-11T14:19:08 <gizmach> ok I will I will write comments there
2008-07-11T14:19:15 <gizmach> for all I done
2008-07-11T14:19:24 <gizmach> s/done/change
2008-07-11T14:23:09 <gizmach> http://img84.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotlz3.png plese don't look at the pink color :)
2008-07-11T14:25:21 <johill> looks no different :)
2008-07-11T14:25:57 <gizmach> johill: ? you mean the groups?
2008-07-11T14:26:54 <johill> I mean it looks no different than without your changes
2008-07-11T14:27:11 <gizmach> well that was the goal
2008-07-11T14:27:23 <gizmach> I only changed that to work with the new code
2008-07-11T14:27:30 <gizmach> johill: than I think it's ok
2008-07-11T14:27:35 <gizmach> hope so
2008-07-11T14:28:05 <johill> :)
2008-07-11T15:03:49 <CIA-53> Pawel Pacana <pawel.pacana@gmail.com> default * 4315:a8b8840b90da 1.8-mercurialbackend-ppacana/MoinMoin/storage/backends/hg.py: (hg) search_item simple implementation from fs backend.
2008-07-11T15:03:49 <CIA-53> Pawel Pacana <pawel.pacana@gmail.com> default * 4316:90d793377b83 1.8-mercurialbackend-ppacana/MoinMoin/storage/ (_tests/test_backends.py backends/hg.py): (hg) Added testcase for multiple metadata changes. _publish_item_metadata refactored and fixed.
2008-07-11T15:05:23 * johill tries to add multiple plugin dirs to moin
2008-07-11T15:12:02 * johill succeeds
2008-07-11T15:12:19 * TheSheep congratulates
2008-07-11T15:12:38 * johill runs tests
2008-07-11T15:12:53 * johill thanks TheSheep :)
2008-07-11T15:13:20 <johill> this should be fun
2008-07-11T15:13:38 <johill> just don't want to copy around arnica so want an extra plugin dir :)
2008-07-11T15:14:35 <PawelPacana> johill: could you check if test_item_metadata_multiple_change_after_create is legitimate use of API? http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.8-mercurialbackend-ppacana/rev/90d793377b83
2008-07-11T15:15:13 <johill> uh, no, it shouldn't be
2008-07-11T15:15:41 <johill> dennda: please add a check in Item to see if ._locked is already true and raise an error then
2008-07-11T15:15:48 <johill> PawelPacana: that would mean you lock a locked lock again or something
2008-07-11T15:16:43 * johill has one failing test
2008-07-11T15:17:11 <CIA-53> MelitaMihaljevic default * 3867:9a754eae0e8c 1.8-ldapgroups-mmihaljevic/MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/group_ldap.py: fixed pep8 error
2008-07-11T15:17:12 <CIA-53> MelitaMihaljevic default * 3868:cd2ac7ab9efd 1.8-ldapgroups-mmihaljevic/MoinMoin/userform/admin.py: make userform/admin.py code work with backend code
2008-07-11T15:17:15 <PawelPacana> johill: ok
2008-07-11T15:19:01 <CIA-53> MelitaMihaljevic default * 3877:34b592509a97 1.8-ldapgroups-mmihaljevic/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 5 dirs): merged with 1.8
2008-07-11T15:26:20 <mmihaljevic> all tests passing
2008-07-11T15:26:29 <mmihaljevic> (some skipping)
2008-07-11T15:43:40 <mmihaljevic> bbl
2008-07-11T15:47:03 <johill> ahrg
2008-07-11T15:47:06 <johill> the plugin tests are crap
2008-07-11T15:48:12 <ThomasWaldmann> mmihaljevic: + groupnames = list(group_manager.__iter__()) < explain what this does please
2008-07-11T15:49:16 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: how does testing vs. config work?
2008-07-11T15:49:36 <johill> I'm running into an issue where I probably need to run a test in a new process or something :/
2008-07-11T15:52:57 <ThomasWaldmann> i am not sure i understand what you mean
2008-07-11T15:53:27 <johill> it's hard to explain
2008-07-11T15:53:37 <johill> there's a test that creates a plugin
2008-07-11T15:53:49 <johill> and then expects it to be loadable, which is fine, but isn't really a useful test
2008-07-11T15:54:04 <johill> a much more useful test would be to then try to load it via the normal importWikiPlugin()
2008-07-11T15:54:23 <johill> but, wikiconfig.plugins.parser.modules is already set to [] because when wikiconfig was loaded the plugin didn't exist
2008-07-11T15:54:29 <johill> or rather, when it was first loaded, maybe
2008-07-11T15:55:33 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, i think i had something related with urlimport :)
2008-07-11T15:56:15 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe moin should just try to import and not keep a list of modules
2008-07-11T15:56:36 <johill> you mean remove the .modules = ... from __init__.py?
2008-07-11T15:57:06 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe. didn't try it, just a vague idea.
2008-07-11T15:59:22 <johill> that is some uber-ugly code in getPackageModules anyway
2008-07-11T16:04:37 * dreimark is a bit blocked by some server problems at home
2008-07-11T16:06:36 <mmihaljevic> ThomasWaldmann: it iters groups over group manager and saves them in a list it is needed for the Page(request,groupname)
2008-07-11T16:19:53 * johill is done
2008-07-11T16:19:54 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3829:8fea1d0ca8ac 1.8/MoinMoin/ (util/pysupport.py wikiutil.py): plugins: don't rely on modules attribute
2008-07-11T16:19:55 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3830:3af779616368 1.8/MoinMoin/util/_tests/test_pysupport.py: plugins: use importWikiPlugin for tests
2008-07-11T16:19:56 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3831:4a3c996f2d5f 1.8/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py wikiutil.py): plugins: allow multiple plugin paths
2008-07-11T16:23:56 <johill> uh huh, that broke, but why??
2008-07-11T16:24:01 <johill> and why not locally
2008-07-11T16:26:47 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3832:682fd34b9422 1.8/MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py: plugin config: fix error message
2008-07-11T16:27:37 <johill> aha
2008-07-11T16:27:43 <johill> just a bug in the extensions tree
2008-07-11T16:28:20 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 150:2250b8121f04 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/__init__.py: add data/plugin/__init__.py
2008-07-11T16:30:31 <johill> huh
2008-07-11T16:31:53 <johill> my server's dns provider went down :/
2008-07-11T16:32:15 <TheSheep> johill: no backup dns-es?
2008-07-11T16:32:35 <TheSheep> johill: want one?
2008-07-11T16:34:54 <johill> ah that was confusing
2008-07-11T16:35:13 <johill> all my domains do have dns and backup and I never had problem
2008-07-11T16:35:28 <johill> but the resolver I use on my server, provided by the server providers, went down
2008-07-11T16:35:36 <dreimark> johill: do you have seen this dns / bind fix ?
2008-07-11T16:36:20 <johill> yeah, I've seen that, but I don't see much I can do
2008-07-11T16:36:27 <johill> I'm not running dns myself
2008-07-11T16:36:59 <johill> dreimark: http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/Photos/Canada?action=raw
2008-07-11T16:37:02 <johill> is there anything wrong with that?
2008-07-11T16:37:31 <dreimark> No is not False
2008-07-11T16:38:00 <dreimark> johill: may we want yes and no added to boolean answers
2008-07-11T16:38:15 <johill> it doesn't give me any errors either though
2008-07-11T16:38:21 <dreimark> show_tools=False is default
2008-07-11T16:39:17 * dreimark tries
2008-07-11T16:39:18 <johill> yeah but shouldn't I see error messages?
2008-07-11T16:40:33 <dreimark> johill: seems you don't have the recent version?
2008-07-11T16:40:46 <dreimark> I get arnica: Kein Argument mit Namen "front_image"
2008-07-11T16:41:00 <dreimark> so that is an error message
2008-07-11T16:41:42 <johill> I think I messed up something else, let me see
2008-07-11T16:42:43 <dreimark> hmm, can it be that only one false keyword is shown and not all wrong shown
2008-07-11T16:43:14 <johill> yes, but never mind, I messed up with my import thingie
2008-07-11T16:45:59 <johill> oddly it works for one but not for the other
2008-07-11T16:50:45 <johill> ah no
2008-07-11T16:50:52 <johill> there are more __init__.py files mising in the arnica repo
2008-07-11T16:51:08 <CIA-53> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 151:19bc57ee38a6 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/ (action/__init__.py macro/__init__.py parser/__init__.py): add __init__.py files everywhere
2008-07-11T16:53:13 <johill> dreimark: couldn't you include the css when arnica is loaded instead of requiring to configure it?
2008-07-11T17:00:38 <johill> ok all upgraded to arnica
2008-07-11T17:02:39 <dreimark> johill: like to have this too but I don't know how to do it that it works. TheSheep has some refactoring ideas too
2008-07-11T17:02:48 <dreimark> TheSheep: do you have done a mockup ?
2008-07-11T17:05:37 <johill> dreimark: does the javascript still pre-load all the images?
2008-07-11T17:06:51 <TheSheep> dreimark: give me ten minutes
2008-07-11T17:13:17 <ThomasWaldmann> mmihaljevic: ok, so why is is calling __iter__() explicitely?
2008-07-11T17:15:00 <johill> dreimark: plugin_dirs = ['/some/where/1.7-extensions/data/plugin'] :)
2008-07-11T17:15:12 <johill> works great on my web server, that was really the reason for adding multiple plugin dirs
2008-07-11T17:21:45 <dreimark> johill: great
2008-07-11T17:22:05 <dreimark> I do have currently links used, but this solution makes it much easier
2008-07-11T17:22:20 <johill> yeah I have a symlink for htdocs obviously
2008-07-11T17:22:27 <dreimark> johill: it preloads the webnails
2008-07-11T17:22:48 <johill> can we change that to just preload maybe the next one or something?
2008-07-11T17:22:58 <johill> I think I had completely disabled that
2008-07-11T17:23:21 <TheSheep> what's the use of preloading images that are being displayed immediately anyways?
2008-07-11T17:23:39 <johill> well they aren't actually always displayed
2008-07-11T17:23:45 <johill> if you just want to look at one and then hit back
2008-07-11T17:24:26 <TheSheep> ah, webnails, not thumbnails
2008-07-11T17:27:36 <mmihaljevic> urgh I dodn't need to do that ThomasWaldmann
2008-07-11T17:27:41 <mmihaljevic> will fix that
2008-07-11T17:27:44 <mmihaljevic> and re
2008-07-11T17:30:55 <dreimark> johill: we can change it to preload the next one and not all at once
2008-07-11T17:31:21 <johill> is that easy? I'll take a look later, have to buy some groceries now
2008-07-11T17:31:25 <dreimark> (if there are no missing images if you play them really fast)
2008-07-11T17:32:08 <dreimark> I do work currently on the ToDo of previous changest while thomas extends the caching part
2008-07-11T17:34:07 <johill> I don't think playing them really fast is a use case that's worth optimising ;)
2008-07-11T17:34:25 <johill> and much more common is probably that somebody just wants to see a single one and then they don't want all loaded
2008-07-11T17:38:31 <CIA-53> MelitaMihaljevic default * 3878:1456daf8eaf5 1.8-ldapgroups-mmihaljevic/MoinMoin/userform/admin.py: fixed error - changed explicit iteration to implicit iteration
2008-07-11T17:39:38 <dreimark> johill: ok
2008-07-11T17:40:29 <mmihaljevic> dreimark: do I need to change somewhere else code to work with backends code?
2008-07-11T17:45:50 <dreimark> mmihaljevic: search yourself for page_group
2008-07-11T17:46:09 <mmihaljevic> I did some before, uh I think I have that saved
2008-07-11T17:46:14 <mmihaljevic> somewhere
2008-07-11T17:48:57 <CIA-53> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 152:7438cd3fdfba 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py: text_x_arnica: removed internal duplicate of _get_files
2008-07-11T17:48:58 <CIA-53> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 153:3abe0bd083b2 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py: text_x_arnica: added formatter to self and replaced wikiutil.escape with formatter.text
2008-07-11T17:48:58 <CIA-53> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 154:67697aaa2b88 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/ (4 files in 4 dirs): merged main
2008-07-11T17:53:45 <TheSheep> dreimark: I was thinking about something lke that: http://sheep.art.pl/misc/arnica.html
2008-07-11T17:55:24 * dreimark looks
2008-07-11T17:55:44 <TheSheep> dreimark: it requires to make an additional 'get' subaction and to allow GET requests for the slideshow
2008-07-11T17:56:03 <TheSheep> (using button to display thumbnails is not a good idea, usually)
2008-07-11T17:57:32 <TheSheep> (I didn't fill in all the icons)
2008-07-11T17:57:49 <dreimark> I guessed that
2008-07-11T17:58:05 * dreimark plays with resizing of the browser
2008-07-11T17:58:17 <dreimark> and likes the rearrangements
2008-07-11T17:59:30 <dreimark> TheSheep: can we get from the thumbnail page some of the data
2008-07-11T17:59:48 <dreimark> I've sended to the action without sending it
2008-07-11T18:00:31 <dreimark> because if there are lots of or long descriptions the get url can become long and ugly
2008-07-11T18:00:37 <TheSheep> dreimark: yeah, I guess some of the hidden fileds I skipped were required
2008-07-11T18:00:59 <TheSheep> ah, you mean that
2008-07-11T18:01:49 <TheSheep> I think it's important that the thumbnail image is a real <img> with a clickable link
2008-07-11T18:02:14 <TheSheep> otherwise exotic browser and google images might have trouble with them
2008-07-11T18:02:19 <dreimark> ok
2008-07-11T18:02:20 <TheSheep> exotic browsers
2008-07-11T18:02:55 <TheSheep> besiades, I often right-click on images in gallery and select "copy address" when I want to show an image to someone
2008-07-11T18:03:04 <TheSheep> you can't do it with a button
2008-07-11T18:03:46 <TheSheep> I need to work on it a little more for msie
2008-07-11T18:03:53 <dreimark> right
2008-07-11T18:06:15 <dreimark> we can leave the get url exotic long list as open question for later
2008-07-11T18:07:25 <dreimark> TheSheep: it looks very good, when do you think you can do a commit
2008-07-11T18:08:42 <dreimark> I don't know if I continue with the small refactoring and adding sendcached if this will need a lot of merging
2008-07-11T18:08:49 <dreimark> then
2008-07-11T18:10:07 <TheSheep> dreimark: I'm afraid it will definitely be after the sprints
2008-07-11T18:10:32 <TheSheep> dreimark: so continue working on it, it won't collide
2008-07-11T18:10:37 <dreimark> ok
2008-07-11T18:10:44 <dreimark> thanks !
2008-07-11T18:11:34 <TheSheep> I will work on the html and css first, *then* I will start putting it into the code, I guess most of the work is just changing the strings
2008-07-11T18:13:26 <dreimark> :)
2008-07-11T18:13:47 <dreimark> mmihaljevic: did you find something which needs changes?
2008-07-11T18:16:35 <mmihaljevic> dreimark: I was looking at xmrpc/UpdateGroup.py but it only search the regexp so I don't know if I need to change that. and also the same is in wikiutil
2008-07-11T18:18:47 <dreimark> mmihaljevic: you have to think for UpdateGroup it makes sense if the configbackend is used in the wiki
2008-07-11T18:19:11 <dreimark> or what it should do in this case
2008-07-11T18:19:32 <dreimark> or when it only makes sense
2008-07-11T18:19:55 <dreimark> and where do you have found it in wikiutil
2008-07-11T18:21:12 <mmihaljevic> return request.cfg.cache.page_group_regexact.search(pagename) is not None for wikiutil ( def IsGroupPage)
2008-07-11T18:21:36 <mmihaljevic> and for the UpdateGroup
2008-07-11T18:25:06 <mmihaljevic> well I'm not sure because here only checks acl right and if the pagegroup matches page_group_regex
2008-07-11T18:26:05 <dreimark> and what happens if one has ldap or config ?
2008-07-11T18:26:35 <dreimark> "create or overwrite a group definition page" makes no sense or
2008-07-11T18:27:14 <mmihaljevic> blah, true
2008-07-11T18:28:49 <mmihaljevic> there should be check for all types of group backend
2008-07-11T18:34:06 <dreimark> mmihaljevic: you want to think as johill already proposed about a flag in the definition of the backend similiar to the auth stuff
2008-07-11T18:34:21 <dreimark> which knows where which actions are needed
2008-07-11T18:35:09 <dreimark> so that there is no need to update lots of methods if there will be a new backend been added
2008-07-11T18:35:38 <dreimark> s/been//
2008-07-11T18:35:41 <mmihaljevic> can you please try to expalain the last sentence
2008-07-11T18:35:47 <mmihaljevic> ah
2008-07-11T18:46:17 <dreimark> mmihaljevic: ? do you have understand it ?
2008-07-11T18:47:12 <mmihaljevic> dreimark: I didn't understanded "there is no need to update lots of methods" to where?
2008-07-11T18:55:01 <mmihaljevic> brb dinner
2008-07-11T19:00:35 <dreimark> mmihaljevic: if you add in UpdateGroup a if not .. and not ..
2008-07-11T19:01:06 <dreimark> then this needs to be updated after adding 2C2Cif there will be an other backedn
2008-07-11T19:01:20 <dreimark> then this needs to be updated after adding an additional backend
2008-07-11T19:01:46 <dreimark> so you should find a way to ask if in the used backend it makes sense
2008-07-11T19:18:03 <CIA-53> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 155:3d5773a1e24b 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py: text_x_arnica: output text by the formatter
2008-07-11T19:18:11 <dreimark> bbl
2008-07-11T19:20:00 * johill returns
2008-07-11T19:20:11 <johill> stuffed from dinner
2008-07-11T19:26:06 <dreimark> we will have dinner soon
2008-07-11T19:26:40 <dreimark> I think they kick us quite soon to leave the sprint room
2008-07-11T20:48:42 <mmihaljevic> dreimark: also when you have time please look at my WikidictsTrace MM supbapge created yesterday
2008-07-11T23:26:26 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2008-07-11T23:27:14 <ThomasWaldmann> they rent segways in vilnius :)
2008-07-11T23:28:33 <johill> I've seen them in Paderborn a week ago or so
2008-07-11T23:28:42 <xorAxAx> cool
2008-07-11T23:28:59 <xorAxAx> johill: but they are not allowed on public property, right?
2008-07-11T23:29:13 <johill> I thought so too
2008-07-11T23:29:18 <johill> (because they lack brakes)
2008-07-11T23:29:31 <johill> but they were in the city center, round where Thalia is
2008-07-11T23:29:51 <johill> and with license plates too
2008-07-11T23:30:43 <johill> we saw a great use of them
2008-07-11T23:30:47 <johill> http://www.strassentheater-detmold.de/index.php?tblnr=1&category=3
2008-07-11T23:31:01 <johill> (find Glissssssssendo)
2008-07-11T23:31:20 <xorAxAx> :)
2008-07-11T23:31:24 <johill> you couldn't see, but I'm sure they used segways
2008-07-11T23:31:39 <johill> (and I did in fact see a wheel once because one of them had a rip in their dress)
2008-07-11T23:32:04 <dreimark> re
2008-07-11T23:33:26 <johill> what? there's .cat?
2008-07-11T23:33:32 <johill> where's that bot?
2008-07-11T23:34:31 <dreimark> ?
2008-07-11T23:34:45 <johill> ah, catalan
2008-07-11T23:36:40 <johill> mitsuhiko: ever continued writing that python webmail? :)
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2008-07-11 (last edited 2008-07-11 00:15:02 by IrcLogImporter)