1 2009-11-14T00:10:21  <dreimark> gn
   2 2009-11-14T00:42:30  <JosefMeier> gn8
   3 2009-11-14T01:05:44  *** Spitzohr has quit IRC
   4 2009-11-14T01:30:40  *** JosefMeier has quit IRC
   5 2009-11-14T03:21:24  *** grzywacz has quit IRC
   6 2009-11-14T09:49:34  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
   7 2009-11-14T09:51:54  <dreimark> moin
   8 2009-11-14T11:39:13  *** JosefMeier has joined #moin-dev
   9 2009-11-14T11:39:49  <JosefMeier> Moin Moin
  10 2009-11-14T11:41:43  <ThomasWaldmann> moin JosefMeier
  11 2009-11-14T11:44:35  <JosefMeier> ThomasWaldmann: Is it possible to bring the new image dialog for the gui editor in 1.9 ? When is the release?
  12 2009-11-14T11:45:02  <ThomasWaldmann> i am still busy with fixing xapian
  13 2009-11-14T11:45:53  <ThomasWaldmann> so you'll have at least another week :)
  14 2009-11-14T11:46:44  <dreimark> moin JosefMeier
  15 2009-11-14T11:48:43  <JosefMeier> Hi dreimark
  16 2009-11-14T11:50:18  <JosefMeier> dreimark: can we use the extension_mapping dict also for .png, .jpg, ... ?
  17 2009-11-14T11:51:24  <JosefMeier> or is it better to only have drawing extensions there?
  18 2009-11-14T11:51:47  <ThomasWaldmann> the framework doesnt care
  19 2009-11-14T11:52:59  <JosefMeier> I like to have all texts for the gui dialog in the dict in multiconfig, so I don't have to take care about localisation, ... in javascript code.
  20 2009-11-14T11:54:38  <ThomasWaldmann> moin solves that at other places by putting i18ned strings into js vars
  21 2009-11-14T11:54:58  <JosefMeier> thats also my purpose
  22 2009-11-14T11:56:11  <JosefMeier> but I like to have the i18ned strings in the multiconfig dictionary where also the available drawing methods (.adraw, .tdraw) are described. So if someone extends the drawing method list by a new drawing tool like SVG edit, the gui editor dialog could be extended automatically without reprogramming it.
  23 2009-11-14T11:57:01  <JosefMeier> I simply iterate through the available drawing tools in extension_mapping dict and use the information there for drawing the dialog in the gui editor
  24 2009-11-14T12:01:18  <JosefMeier> dreimark: Wouldn't it be more straight to add also the remaining image extensions to the extension_mapping list ?
  25 2009-11-14T12:01:21  <dreimark> the question is what do you want to have translated and how the complete string is build
  26 2009-11-14T12:02:29  <JosefMeier> I like to have a label over the "new image name" field. something like "Name of the AnyWikiDrawing + .adraw". Also I like to have translated radio button labels for each drawing extension
  27 2009-11-14T12:02:46  <dreimark> JosefMeier: I am not sure if that change will go in 1.9 because that needs changes also on various places
  28 2009-11-14T12:03:24  <JosefMeier> multiconfig + fck_image.js + fckdialog.py
  29 2009-11-14T12:03:29  <dreimark> "Name of" + "AnyWikiDrawing + %(extension)"
  30 2009-11-14T12:04:00  <dreimark> and the string AnyWikiDrawing can be resolved from the dict by a simple mapping
  31 2009-11-14T12:04:11  <JosefMeier> that's the idea
  32 2009-11-14T12:04:25  <dreimark> while "Name of" is a constant and don't need to be sent
  33 2009-11-14T12:04:42  <dreimark> and extension is alos a varibale which comes from the dct
  34 2009-11-14T12:04:43  <JosefMeier> But also this constant should have a i8n translation
  35 2009-11-14T12:05:04  <dreimark> does other stuff in fck have an i18n translation yet?
  36 2009-11-14T12:05:34  <JosefMeier> No. That's why I rather like to have this feature in 1.9 than doing stuff which formerly wasn't done like i8n for the dialogs
  37 2009-11-14T12:07:13  <dreimark> JosefMeier: the problem is that you have to translate then everything in fck and not obly the new dialog
  38 2009-11-14T12:07:39  <dreimark> and I rather don't think that this is it worse to change that at this time and in the moins version of fck
  39 2009-11-14T12:08:19  <dreimark> js also can have translations i18n as I have learned by svg-edit
  40 2009-11-14T12:08:34  <JosefMeier> So you would agree with me that we could live with the current state of my modified image dialog without i8n ?
  41 2009-11-14T12:08:55  <JosefMeier> cause before it was only in english
  42 2009-11-14T12:09:33  <dreimark> you don't need to do i18n for only one feature. that must be done in the fck project
  43 2009-11-14T12:09:47  <JosefMeier> ok
  44 2009-11-14T12:10:02  <JosefMeier> What should I do with the dialog to bring it in 1.9
  45 2009-11-14T12:10:15  <JosefMeier> I won't do anything with multiconfig.py
  46 2009-11-14T12:10:31  <JosefMeier> but only in two files which weren't affected by 1.9 up to now
  47 2009-11-14T12:10:55  <JosefMeier> cause 1.9 has no improvements for gui editor up to now
  48 2009-11-14T12:11:31  <JosefMeier> my image dialog (and maybe something similar to the attachment dialog which I have almost reade) would be nice to see it in 1.9
  49 2009-11-14T12:11:46  <dreimark> I can look later on the ui and try to change it to what I think is needed, and somewhere in between your opinion and mine may be the right solution
  50 2009-11-14T12:12:10  <dreimark> currently i think it is to restrictive and a bit complicated
  51 2009-11-14T12:12:46  <JosefMeier> ok. I make a suggestion for dynamically enhance the image dialog through scanning extensions_mapping content like you wished yesterday
  52 2009-11-14T12:12:52  <dreimark> e.g. if you know the extension you can sort it into drawing or attachment
  53 2009-11-14T12:13:26  <dreimark> ok, I wait for that
  54 2009-11-14T12:13:28  <JosefMeier> that's a sensitive topic I think. Cause both images and drawings can reside on the attachments
  55 2009-11-14T12:13:44  <JosefMeier> so drawing is a type, and attachment is the location
  56 2009-11-14T12:14:01  <dreimark> well you can also do attachment:example.svg
  57 2009-11-14T12:14:04  <JosefMeier> I'm not convinced that we should that pack together
  58 2009-11-14T12:14:21  <JosefMeier> I could also do http://test.svg
  59 2009-11-14T12:14:36  <JosefMeier> We have two constraints: the location and the type
  60 2009-11-14T12:14:47  <dreimark> you can aqdd a drawing plugin for png
  61 2009-11-14T12:14:48  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, if someone has a bit free time: it would be nice to have less large example drawings on master19
  62 2009-11-14T12:15:12  <dreimark> but they should not again be linked to another page
  63 2009-11-14T12:15:25  <ThomasWaldmann> i.e. rather 2KB than 200KB
  64 2009-11-14T12:15:30  <dreimark> because then on a real wiki they can't be altered
  65 2009-11-14T12:16:17  <JosefMeier> In my proposal then you would choose: location = attachment
  66 2009-11-14T12:16:19  <JosefMeier> and
  67 2009-11-14T12:16:27  <JosefMeier> type = png editor
  68 2009-11-14T12:16:30  <JosefMeier> extension = .png
  69 2009-11-14T12:17:01  <JosefMeier> and in the multiconfig dict
  70 2009-11-14T12:17:04  <JosefMeier> there would be a new line
  71 2009-11-14T12:17:38  <JosefMeier> '.png': { 'modify': 'pngeditoraction'}
  72 2009-11-14T12:17:43  <JosefMeier> right?
  73 2009-11-14T12:17:47  <dreimark> yes
  74 2009-11-14T12:17:55  <JosefMeier> this would make sense
  75 2009-11-14T12:17:56  <dreimark> or in your wikiconfig
  76 2009-11-14T12:18:06  <JosefMeier> sounds good
  77 2009-11-14T12:18:30  <dreimark> currently a drawing action is nothing more than an editable attachment
  78 2009-11-14T12:18:53  <dreimark> if we would be musicans we may be have added a midi editor
  79 2009-11-14T12:18:57  <JosefMeier> And also the image dialog would get automatically a new radio button for "svgeditoraction"
  80 2009-11-14T12:19:12  <dreimark> at that point it would have been clear that we would need a migration script
  81 2009-11-14T12:19:14  <JosefMeier> cause the dialog get's an array of all available drawing actions
  82 2009-11-14T12:19:33  <dreimark> but because we only interested in drawings we don't have to think on that
  83 2009-11-14T12:19:41  <JosefMeier> migration for static image to png drawing syntax ?
  84 2009-11-14T12:20:03  <JosefMeier> ok
  85 2009-11-14T12:20:04  <dreimark> migration for drawing: to attachment_extension: or some other better word
  86 2009-11-14T12:20:29  <JosefMeier> Do you agree with my "location + image type" approach ?
  87 2009-11-14T12:21:23  <dreimark> not really. because drawing is the wrong word for this feature, see above
  88 2009-11-14T12:21:33  <JosefMeier> the image dialogs greatest feature is that it automatically provides a drop down list with attachments where you can select images of. The same new feature will be available in my improved attachment dialog for gui editor which is almost ready
  89 2009-11-14T12:21:35  <dreimark> and the function is then wrong described too
  90 2009-11-14T12:22:13  <JosefMeier> we should create some glossar for moin related terms
  91 2009-11-14T12:22:26  <JosefMeier> e.g. describe what a drawing is
  92 2009-11-14T12:22:32  <ThomasWaldmann> great, i have 0 .. 2 randomly failing search tests X)
  93 2009-11-14T12:22:43  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: :)
  94 2009-11-14T12:22:49  <dreimark> frseh wiki?
  95 2009-11-14T12:23:01  <JosefMeier> dreimark: maybe "a drawing is an image which can be edited inside of your browser"
  96 2009-11-14T12:23:03  <dreimark> JosefMeier: the word drawing is obsolete in 2.0
  97 2009-11-14T12:23:16  <dreimark> there it is only an item
  98 2009-11-14T12:23:17  <JosefMeier> but also in 2.0 we will have editable images
  99 2009-11-14T12:23:23  <dreimark> editable item
 100 2009-11-14T12:23:34  <JosefMeier> ok
 101 2009-11-14T12:23:54  <JosefMeier> but 2.0 will have new image dialogs too so I could leave everything as is for now ;-) ?
 102 2009-11-14T12:24:00  <dreimark> and now drawing in 1.9 is quite the same just we have a difference between a page and an attachment
 103 2009-11-14T12:24:13  <JosefMeier> thats right
 104 2009-11-14T12:24:31  <dreimark> JosefMeier: I think it needs refactored for 2.0 because there is no attachment and no drawing
 105 2009-11-14T12:25:10  <dreimark> lets start with the simple part (i guess)
 106 2009-11-14T12:25:25  <JosefMeier> You see: I'm fighting for the current image dialogs state cause it makes things a bit better for < 2.0 and if we want to make it perfect we can do it for 2.0
 107 2009-11-14T12:25:33  <dreimark> if there are attaachments you have now a dialog which shows them in a pull down list
 108 2009-11-14T12:26:14  <dreimark> if one selects one of that list, it can be examined automaticly if it gets a drawing: or attachment: prefix
 109 2009-11-14T12:26:24  <ThomasWaldmann> from the search results list: 0.0k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 2009-11-14 11:24:37
 110 2009-11-14T12:26:37  <dreimark> JosefMeier: is there anything more needed?
 111 2009-11-14T12:26:44  <JosefMeier> yes
 112 2009-11-14T12:26:48  <JosefMeier> to create new drawings
 113 2009-11-14T12:26:53  <JosefMeier> thats why I made the radio buttions
 114 2009-11-14T12:26:56  <ThomasWaldmann> bug: rev 1 is not current, rev 2 is. rev 2 is deleted.
 115 2009-11-14T12:27:01  <dreimark> that is a different approach
 116 2009-11-14T12:27:07  <JosefMeier> cause we have people which aren't able to think in wiki syntax
 117 2009-11-14T12:27:08  <dreimark> lets discuss the first feature only
 118 2009-11-14T12:27:15  <dreimark> selecting an existing image
 119 2009-11-14T12:27:33  <dreimark> is there something more needed
 120 2009-11-14T12:27:48  <JosefMeier> to select pictures which are on a different page
 121 2009-11-14T12:28:07  <JosefMeier> cause if you reference a picture often you don't want to add it to each page which needs it
 122 2009-11-14T12:28:29  <JosefMeier> it's better to reference it. But then you have to know which attachments are on a different page
 123 2009-11-14T12:28:38  <dreimark> but then you want  as user them also shown in the pull down list
 124 2009-11-14T12:28:44  <dreimark> and don't want to type
 125 2009-11-14T12:28:51  <JosefMeier> right
 126 2009-11-14T12:29:14  <dreimark> so the first is to enter the pagename then to list the attachments there and then to select one
 127 2009-11-14T12:29:16  <JosefMeier> thats why you can enter the remote page's name and can list the attachments from this page by pressing search
 128 2009-11-14T12:29:32  <JosefMeier> this works already in my live demo
 129 2009-11-14T12:30:19  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: is the test faster than rebuilding the index?
 130 2009-11-14T12:30:52  <JosefMeier> If you didn't see that feature up to now, maybe it's not intuitive enough. Or maybe it only needs a help page. A help page for the gui editor in general would be nice
 131 2009-11-14T12:31:00  <JosefMeier> could create one
 132 2009-11-14T12:32:18  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ?
 133 2009-11-14T12:32:25  <JosefMeier> dreimark: ?
 134 2009-11-14T12:32:50  <JosefMeier> maybe dreimark is testing my live demo :-)
 135 2009-11-14T12:33:14  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: if rev2 is current but the next step is to delete it. is the search in between?
 136 2009-11-14T12:33:25  <dreimark> JosefMeier: I was responding to ThomasWaldmann
 137 2009-11-14T12:34:05  <ThomasWaldmann> rev2 = 0 bytes, no file
 138 2009-11-14T12:35:33  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: and current points to rev1?
 139 2009-11-14T12:37:16  <dreimark> JosefMeier: if one wants work with existing images or drawings the dialog is right:
 140 2009-11-14T12:37:24  <dreimark> "Name of page with attachments"
 141 2009-11-14T12:37:49  <dreimark> but not when there are no images / drawings yet
 142 2009-11-14T12:38:14  <dreimark> and after you cahnge the pagetitle there, the list
 143 2009-11-14T12:38:18  <dreimark> "Choose image or create a new one"
 144 2009-11-14T12:38:23  <dreimark> does not update automaticly
 145 2009-11-14T12:39:10  <JosefMeier> you have to press search button first
 146 2009-11-14T12:39:17  <JosefMeier> then the list will be updated
 147 2009-11-14T12:39:50  <JosefMeier> first I tried to access a page while you type it's name so you have a live update. but this access can be slow so I invented the search button
 148 2009-11-14T12:40:14  <dreimark> I know it would be more clearer if the other buttons, lists can't be selected
 149 2009-11-14T12:40:50  <JosefMeier> you mean, if someone changes the pages name, than everything should be greyed?
 150 2009-11-14T12:40:58  <dreimark> yes
 151 2009-11-14T12:41:07  <dreimark> until he says what he wants
 152 2009-11-14T12:41:22  <JosefMeier> but if he decides to rather take the list instead, than he cant
 153 2009-11-14T12:41:54  <dreimark> well the dialog mixes currently two functions.
 154 2009-11-14T12:42:02  <dreimark> a) use an existing attachment
 155 2009-11-14T12:42:02  <JosefMeier> yes
 156 2009-11-14T12:42:07  <dreimark> b) create a new one
 157 2009-11-14T12:42:24  <dreimark> it is not clear which is needed for a) or b)
 158 2009-11-14T12:42:59  <JosefMeier> maybe I should make a new field with the name of the page where the list belongs to
 159 2009-11-14T12:43:24  <dreimark> or make two dialogues
 160 2009-11-14T12:43:35  <dreimark> one is for creating and one for using
 161 2009-11-14T12:43:40  <dreimark> an existing one
 162 2009-11-14T12:44:24  <dreimark> or grey out the not needed stuff, if one has decided what he wants
 163 2009-11-14T12:44:54  <JosefMeier> Ok. I'll make a modified live demo proposal in around one hour.
 164 2009-11-14T12:45:25  <dreimark> I can look later on it but have also to do some other work
 165 2009-11-14T12:46:24  <JosefMeier> ok. thanks
 166 2009-11-14T12:48:45  <dreimark> bbl
 167 2009-11-14T13:20:11  *** Spitzohr has joined #moin-dev
 168 2009-11-14T13:21:14  *** Spitzohr has left #moin-dev
 169 2009-11-14T13:30:30  <CIA-43> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5276:195db0fdbb80 1.9/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 5 dirs): (log message trimmed)
 170 2009-11-14T13:30:30  <CIA-43> Fixed and cleaned up Xapian based search (details below)
 171 2009-11-14T13:30:30  <CIA-43> Queue(s) for delayed indexing:
 172 2009-11-14T13:30:30  <CIA-43> We had 2 queues: update-queue and remove-queue. Problem: keeping correct
 173 2009-11-14T13:30:30  <CIA-43> order, doing the right thing.
 174 2009-11-14T13:30:32  <CIA-43> The new 1 queue system fixes and simplifies this by just storing hints like
 175 2009-11-14T13:30:36  <CIA-43> (pagename, attachname, revno) and the indexer then later finds out itself
 176 2009-11-14T13:31:13  <ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: ^^
 177 2009-11-14T13:33:50  <CIA-43> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5277:110efceb9e28 1.9/MoinMoin/search/Xapian/indexing.py: xapian index: remove redundant and unused fulltitle field
 178 2009-11-14T13:55:20  *** JosefMeier has quit IRC
 179 2009-11-14T13:57:23  <CIA-43> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5278:66f7fd87b2ae 1.9/MoinMoin/search/ (Xapian/indexing.py builtin.py): xapian search: improve docstrings
 180 2009-11-14T13:58:37  *** JosefMeier has joined #moin-dev
 181 2009-11-14T14:19:01  *** JosefMeier has quit IRC
 182 2009-11-14T14:19:36  *** JosefMeier has joined #moin-dev
 183 2009-11-14T14:31:22  *** JosefMeier has quit IRC
 184 2009-11-14T14:31:31  *** grzywacz has joined #moin-dev
 185 2009-11-14T14:31:40  *** JosefMeier has joined #moin-dev
 186 2009-11-14T14:38:57  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:  12 failed, 985 passed, 69 skipped in 274.67 seconds with py.test version 1.0.1 / I try the other box too
 187 2009-11-14T14:39:12  <dreimark> MoinMoin/search/_tests/test_search.py ..............................................F..FFFF....FFF...FFF....F..........................................................................s..
 188 2009-11-14T14:39:48  <ThomasWaldmann> interesting. i had 0 .. 2.
 189 2009-11-14T14:40:10  <ThomasWaldmann> well, maybe the tests need improvement. :)
 190 2009-11-14T14:40:28  <dreimark> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/150583/
 191 2009-11-14T14:41:21  <dreimark> hmm +- 1
 192 2009-11-14T14:41:32  <ThomasWaldmann> did you run all tests or just the search tests?
 193 2009-11-14T14:41:48  <dreimark> that was all test, but I repeat i now
 194 2009-11-14T14:42:04  * dreimark kills again tests/wiki
 195 2009-11-14T14:53:01  <dreimark> ok now with a fesh run 0 failures.
 196 2009-11-14T14:53:09  <dreimark> s/fesh/fresh/
 197 2009-11-14T14:53:21  <dreimark> 997 passed, 69 skipped in 516.66 seconds
 198 2009-11-14T14:55:45  <dreimark> repeating without deleting the testwiki gives
 199 2009-11-14T14:55:50  <dreimark> 1 failed, 996 passed, 69 skipped in 113.98 seconds
 200 2009-11-14T14:56:09  <dreimark> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/150584/
 201 2009-11-14T14:56:26  *** JosefMeier_ has joined #moin-dev
 202 2009-11-14T14:56:41  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: ^^
 203 2009-11-14T14:57:14  <ThomasWaldmann> that test output is not very useful
 204 2009-11-14T14:58:42  <dreimark> is this the same test fails for you too?
 205 2009-11-14T14:58:56  <dreimark> +which
 206 2009-11-14T15:01:23  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: interesting py.test 1.1 tells http://paste.pocoo.org/show/150585/
 207 2009-11-14T15:05:54  <ThomasWaldmann> i would rather appreciate some useful stuff
 208 2009-11-14T15:06:22  *** JosefMeier has quit IRC
 209 2009-11-14T15:10:17  *** JosefMeier_ has quit IRC
 210 2009-11-14T15:10:34  *** JosefMeier has joined #moin-dev
 211 2009-11-14T15:49:08  * ThomasWaldmann looks at xapian locking
 212 2009-11-14T16:28:55  *** JosefMeier has quit IRC
 213 2009-11-14T16:29:33  *** JosefMeier has joined #moin-dev
 214 2009-11-14T16:38:15  *** JosefMeier has quit IRC
 215 2009-11-14T17:14:35  *** JosefMeier has joined #moin-dev
 216 2009-11-14T19:02:44  <ThomasWaldmann> re
 217 2009-11-14T19:27:25  * ThomasWaldmann removes threading
 218 2009-11-14T19:34:19  <ThomasWaldmann> back to 2 failing tests...
 219 2009-11-14T21:30:47  *** franklin_ has joined #moin-dev
 220 2009-11-14T21:47:35  *** franklin1 has quit IRC
 221 2009-11-14T22:33:56  *** tpfennig has joined #moin-dev
 222 2009-11-14T23:15:47  *** tpfennig has quit IRC

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2009-11-14 (last edited 2009-11-13 23:15:02 by IrcLogImporter)