1 2011-01-07T00:00:06 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: for each form i tested get, post with invalid and post with valid data
2 2011-01-07T00:01:38 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
3 2011-01-07T00:01:44 * ThomasWaldmann looks at redirects
4 2011-01-07T00:09:03 * dreimark reads gci
5 2011-01-07T00:11:49 <izibi> i noticed that some views raise exception (KeyError) if they are called with incomplete arguments.
6 2011-01-07T00:12:06 <izibi> shall i fix them? what should happen instead? http error?
7 2011-01-07T00:14:02 *** grzywacz
8 2011-01-07T00:14:15 <dreimark> example?
9 2011-01-07T00:14:40 <izibi> well let's take the first view :D
10 2011-01-07T00:14:46 <izibi> just access /+dispatch/
11 2011-01-07T00:15:55 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: maybe just add a comment for now
12 2011-01-07T00:17:22 <dreimark> hmm, later on i think we should give a message and show the current item again
13 2011-01-07T00:19:58 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: yeah. but dispatch is an internal thing.
14 2011-01-07T00:20:47 <izibi> but it shouldn't crash ;)
15 2011-01-07T00:31:32 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: about the redirects: maybe you have fixed them already?
16 2011-01-07T00:31:55 <ThomasWaldmann> iirc, the point was that if there is a validation error, no redirect should happen
17 2011-01-07T00:31:57 <izibi> i didn't find any until now
18 2011-01-07T00:32:21 <izibi> yeah but the redirect is always inside the if form.valid
19 2011-01-07T00:37:35 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, strange. well, if you don't find any strange redirect, you can ignore that item.
20 2011-01-07T00:40:17 <izibi> maybe the one in the register view
21 2011-01-07T00:40:43 <izibi> would it be a better idea to show the form again if user.create_user failed?
22 2011-01-07T00:43:16 <izibi> this includes the invalid password errors
23 2011-01-07T00:43:37 <izibi> maybe this should be done in the form validation?
24 2011-01-07T00:47:32 <izibi> for now i'll just change the redirect
25 2011-01-07T00:49:23 *** jacktheripper
26 2011-01-07T00:49:55 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: the usersettings stuff has also multiple render calls
27 2011-01-07T00:50:34 <izibi> didn't i change them? oO
28 2011-01-07T00:52:44 <izibi> the redirect in the recoverpass view is similar to the one in the register view
29 2011-01-07T00:53:30 <izibi> user will get redirected to the show_root view if he entered a invalid recovery token
30 2011-01-07T00:53:41 <ThomasWaldmann> not sure if the usersettings can work with one, but try
31 2011-01-07T00:55:43 <izibi> well, they have diffenrent template variables
32 2011-01-07T00:56:22 <izibi> the code wont look much better if we use just one render_template call imo
33 2011-01-07T00:59:34 <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change notification. <- what's change notification ?
34 2011-01-07T01:01:27 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316241/ would look like this
35 2011-01-07T01:02:03 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, register should work differently
36 2011-01-07T01:02:39 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: if someone changes the page (item), someone else will get a notification.
37 2011-01-07T01:02:47 <ThomasWaldmann> by mail or somehow else.
38 2011-01-07T01:03:04 <jacktheripper> oh, ok
39 2011-01-07T01:06:04 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: well, for recoverpass: it should always work, if the form was valid. the recovery token is the stuff you got by mail as a link, so there is not much point in redisplaying the form.
40 2011-01-07T01:07:17 <izibi> if you get a link with the token, why is there a filed for it? ;)
41 2011-01-07T01:07:25 <izibi> *field
42 2011-01-07T01:09:23 <ThomasWaldmann> just for decoration. you need the form to fill in the new password+repeat.
43 2011-01-07T01:12:55 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316250/ additional to the first one (already committed)
44 2011-01-07T01:14:44 <izibi> wait. better idea.
45 2011-01-07T01:18:41 <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316253/
46 2011-01-07T01:21:43 <ThomasWaldmann> ah, register looks good
47 2011-01-07T01:22:58 <ThomasWaldmann> "is None" please :)
48 2011-01-07T01:23:33 <izibi> does it make a difference=
49 2011-01-07T01:23:35 <izibi> ?
50 2011-01-07T01:24:35 <ThomasWaldmann> as it is a comment, no
51 2011-01-07T01:24:50 <ThomasWaldmann> but in code, one shall not use "x == None", but "x is None"
52 2011-01-07T01:25:20 <izibi> oh i thought you mean ... if FormClass is None else ...
53 2011-01-07T01:26:50 <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, am I leaving the system pages entries blank for now ?
54 2011-01-07T01:27:22 <izibi> committing
55 2011-01-07T01:29:29 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: you mean page name translations?
56 2011-01-07T01:29:55 <jacktheripper> yeah those, stuff like "TitleIndex"
57 2011-01-07T01:31:29 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: for now, just use same word as msgstr
58 2011-01-07T01:31:51 <ThomasWaldmann> in case there is a translated page later, on can change that to the page name
59 2011-01-07T01:32:02 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: https://bitbucket.org/julianbrost/moin-2.0-dev/overview
60 2011-01-07T01:33:49 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, I'll pull
61 2011-01-07T01:35:02 <izibi> submitted to melange
62 2011-01-07T01:41:57 <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10221:5292dbf61252 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py: Removed redundant code from the frontend views.
63 2011-01-07T01:42:01 <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10222:abd6e82946e8 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py:
64 2011-01-07T01:42:01 <CIA-56> Combined both render_template calls in the usersettings view into one.
65 2011-01-07T01:42:01 <CIA-56> Other small changes: Modified redirect in the register view and added two
66 2011-01-07T01:42:01 <CIA-56> XXX comments to the dispatch view as it raises an exception if called
67 2011-01-07T01:42:01 <CIA-56> with invalid arguments.
68 2011-01-07T01:42:01 <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10223:7241c0b6d06a 2.0-dev/docs/user/moinwiki.rst: Merged
69 2011-01-07T01:43:20 <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, what are these -> [ATTACH], [empty], etc. Translate ?
70 2011-01-07T01:43:26 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: closed
71 2011-01-07T01:43:48 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: thx
72 2011-01-07T01:43:59 <izibi> so, which task is next? :D
73 2011-01-07T01:45:30 <izibi> is there enough time left to do 4 more tasks? :D
74 2011-01-07T01:45:58 <ThomasWaldmann> if you're quick and the tasks rather easy...
75 2011-01-07T01:46:29 <ThomasWaldmann> or the contest end gets shifted...
76 2011-01-07T01:47:34 <izibi> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129202087841
77 2011-01-07T01:47:40 <izibi> This is a continuation of "review code and templates to prepare for autoescaping with jinja2".
78 2011-01-07T01:47:45 <izibi> has this already been done?
79 2011-01-07T01:48:04 <ThomasWaldmann> yes
80 2011-01-07T01:48:10 <ThomasWaldmann> search for HHH
81 2011-01-07T01:48:32 <izibi> ah ok, that task was about adding these comments?
82 2011-01-07T01:48:59 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, global review and markup suspect places
83 2011-01-07T01:50:28 <izibi> claim requested
84 2011-01-07T01:54:05 <ThomasWaldmann> you have it
85 2011-01-07T01:58:49 <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316281/ probleme here is that you have to keep the flexibility (other languages may require differnt word order)
86 2011-01-07T01:59:33 <izibi> let's see if the blocktrans tag also exists in jinja
87 2011-01-07T01:59:48 <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, I finished another 258 strings.
88 2011-01-07T01:59:57 <jacktheripper> can you accept my claim here please ? http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129424870324
89 2011-01-07T02:01:51 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: great :)
90 2011-01-07T02:02:02 <jacktheripper> thanks
91 2011-01-07T02:02:26 <jacktheripper> fuzzies and system pages helped :p
92 2011-01-07T02:03:20 <jacktheripper> what are these btw -> [ATTACH], [empty], [RSS], etc ?
93 2011-01-07T02:03:55 <izibi> let's take a look at some other projects using jinja how they translate text that includes links
94 2011-01-07T02:06:11 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: usually claim first, then work :)
95 2011-01-07T02:06:21 <jacktheripper> lol okay
96 2011-01-07T02:06:48 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: iirc, ALT texts of some icons
97 2011-01-07T02:07:10 <jacktheripper> ah so I translate those
98 2011-01-07T02:07:20 <izibi> https://bitbucket.org/mitsuhiko/zine-main/src/0c233d0a90dc/zine/i18n/de/messages.po just search for "<a". seems like there's no better way but i'd move it to the template
99 2011-01-07T02:08:37 <jacktheripper> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129424870324
100 2011-01-07T02:08:40 <jacktheripper> submitted ^
101 2011-01-07T02:08:54 <izibi> http://jinja.pocoo.org/templates/#i18n-in-templates but i'd use the {% trans %} blocktag
102 2011-01-07T02:13:30 <jacktheripper> and I claim this one: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129424870451
103 2011-01-07T02:13:57 <jacktheripper> Thanks :D I have to go now. gn guys.
104 2011-01-07T02:14:47 <izibi> gn jacktheripper
105 2011-01-07T02:15:11 *** jacktheripper
106 2011-01-07T02:15:13 <izibi> login_hint() should return a HTML text that is displayed to the user right below the login form, it should tell the user what to do in case of a forgotten password and how to create an account (if applicable.)
107 2011-01-07T02:15:29 <izibi> this wouldn't work any more this way
108 2011-01-07T02:15:46 <izibi> maybe change it to just return the urls?
109 2011-01-07T02:18:02 <izibi> pretty interesting how this works at the moment :D
110 2011-01-07T02:18:05 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: need some minutes for other stuff, hang on :)
111 2011-01-07T02:32:11 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, video testing finished :)
112 2011-01-07T02:36:44 <izibi> these # HHH tags look just like someone grepped for "<" :D
113 2011-01-07T02:37:29 <izibi> for example in MoinMoin/util/diff_html.py
114 2011-01-07T02:38:02 <izibi> a function that will return html markup will of course use it internally
115 2011-01-07T02:38:51 <ThomasWaldmann> sure, the HHH marks are maybe not at the optimal place
116 2011-01-07T02:39:04 <ThomasWaldmann> but that student had a lot of stuff to review...
117 2011-01-07T02:42:23 <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316299/ don't understand that one
118 2011-01-07T02:43:42 <izibi> that's inside the <title> tag, you can't use any markup there
119 2011-01-07T02:45:06 <ThomasWaldmann> but the stuff there needs escaping?
120 2011-01-07T02:45:29 <izibi> using html_pagetitle there makes no sense
121 2011-01-07T02:45:54 <ThomasWaldmann> it's just a custom title
122 2011-01-07T02:47:01 <izibi> ah ok, i thought the html-prefix refers to the content type
123 2011-01-07T02:47:08 <izibi> but then where's the problem?
124 2011-01-07T02:47:33 <izibi> just add some more |e and be happy :D
125 2011-01-07T02:47:48 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe none. if autoescape mode would be on, it would escape that stuff (and it needs to)
126 2011-01-07T02:48:12 <ThomasWaldmann> so, i guess we can remove that HHH
127 2011-01-07T02:49:18 <izibi> layout.html
128 2011-01-07T02:49:28 <izibi> before/after header/footer and logo
129 2011-01-07T02:49:33 <izibi> move to snippets.html?
130 2011-01-07T02:50:24 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: yes!
131 2011-01-07T02:51:46 <izibi> but add the escape filters even if autoescape will get enabled later?
132 2011-01-07T02:52:33 <ThomasWaldmann> add them as long as you need them :)
133 2011-01-07T02:58:10 <izibi> where is the default value for cfg.logo set? can't find it oO
134 2011-01-07T03:01:50 <ThomasWaldmann> ('logo', None, "Text (html-escaped) or html fragment (html5, xml variant) shown as logo. [Unicode]"),
135 2011-01-07T03:01:58 <ThomasWaldmann> in config/default.py
136 2011-01-07T03:02:52 <izibi> but there it's set to None
137 2011-01-07T03:03:17 <izibi> ah
138 2011-01-07T03:03:20 <izibi> wikiconfig.py
139 2011-01-07T03:03:28 <izibi> just grepped inside MoinMoin/
140 2011-01-07T03:03:54 <ThomasWaldmann> yes
141 2011-01-07T03:14:24 <izibi> works fine :)
142 2011-01-07T03:16:49 <izibi> also move html_head to snippets.html?
143 2011-01-07T03:17:03 <izibi> pretty much the same as the other tags just inside <head>
144 2011-01-07T03:23:31 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, html_head > snippets
145 2011-01-07T03:30:42 <izibi> just call it head or might this cause problems?
146 2011-01-07T03:31:55 <izibi> or i'll just call it head_tags
147 2011-01-07T03:33:28 <ThomasWaldmann> user_head?
148 2011-01-07T03:33:46 <ThomasWaldmann> html_head?
149 2011-01-07T03:35:23 <izibi> html_head is already used
150 2011-01-07T03:45:16 <izibi> so what about html_diff.py?
151 2011-01-07T03:45:38 <izibi> as it generates html output, i'd say html tags are no problem ;)
152 2011-01-07T06:33:12 *** Trip____
153 2011-01-07T06:54:46 *** izibi
154 2011-01-07T06:56:54 *** izibi
155 2011-01-07T07:23:48 *** kursor
156 2011-01-07T08:44:23 *** izibi_
157 2011-01-07T08:46:04 *** kursor
158 2011-01-07T08:47:26 *** izibi
159 2011-01-07T09:01:51 *** kursor
160 2011-01-07T09:08:30 <dreimark> moin
161 2011-01-07T09:09:04 <dreimark> btw. if people use the mailed url we don't need that second form
162 2011-01-07T09:09:20 <dreimark> may be it is better to give users one form ?
163 2011-01-07T09:15:48 *** kursor
164 2011-01-07T10:05:05 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
165 2011-01-07T10:11:28 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: i tried oid with a different account and moin tells "There is no user with this OpenID."
166 2011-01-07T10:21:28 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: did you enter the oid into your user profile?
167 2011-01-07T10:26:12 <dreimark> oh, i guess i missed that step
168 2011-01-07T10:26:17 <dreimark> damn
169 2011-01-07T10:26:57 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: how do i do this, i have only openid auth configured
170 2011-01-07T10:27:26 <dreimark> i mean it makes no sense if i have to create first a wiki account
171 2011-01-07T10:27:41 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: i didn't try it practically yet
172 2011-01-07T10:28:33 <dreimark> normally you have only to do the steps "in a nutshell"
173 2011-01-07T10:28:35 <dreimark> http://openid.net/get-an-openid/start-using-your-openid/
174 2011-01-07T10:28:43 <dreimark> on the right hand
175 2011-01-07T10:28:44 <ThomasWaldmann> i was thinking about the scenario: first have a moin login / profile, later use openid
176 2011-01-07T10:28:59 <dreimark> you don't want
177 2011-01-07T10:29:42 <dreimark> if moin is provider then this makes sense too
178 2011-01-07T10:29:54 <dreimark> but not for client only
179 2011-01-07T10:30:28 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe we need to offer registration / creating a new profile
180 2011-01-07T10:30:49 <ThomasWaldmann> associating with an existing profile is a bit dangerous :)
181 2011-01-07T10:30:54 <dreimark> for the others it is just autocreate=True
182 2011-01-07T10:31:08 <dreimark> yeah
183 2011-01-07T10:33:09 <dreimark> bbl
184 2011-01-07T10:39:52 *** Roobolo
185 2011-01-07T10:40:43 <ThomasWaldmann> hi Roobolo
186 2011-01-07T10:43:32 <Roobolo> Hi thomas
187 2011-01-07T10:44:34 <ThomasWaldmann> http://master19.moinmo.in/MoinI18n/es?action=CheckTranslation < see that page
188 2011-01-07T10:45:51 <Roobolo> yeah I read some of the links
189 2011-01-07T10:45:51 <ThomasWaldmann> you see there are a lot of warnings for minor details (without having you translate anything)
190 2011-01-07T10:45:58 <Roobolo> yes
191 2011-01-07T10:46:26 <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. CambiosRecientes already exists, but misses some special tags at top of the page
192 2011-01-07T10:47:15 <ThomasWaldmann> you can see how exactly they must look like at other translations of RecentChanges
193 2011-01-07T10:47:50 <ThomasWaldmann> so, a first pass would be to fix all ##master-date and ##master-page
194 2011-01-07T10:48:55 *** izibi_
195 2011-01-07T10:48:57 <izibi> moin
196 2011-01-07T10:49:04 <ThomasWaldmann> then you see some page names that are translated, but where the translated page has no content
197 2011-01-07T10:49:12 <Roobolo> yeah
198 2011-01-07T10:49:28 <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. HelpContents -> ContenidosDeAyuda
199 2011-01-07T10:50:10 <ThomasWaldmann> if you find nothing suggestion another method, that could be fixed by changing the page name "translation"
200 2011-01-07T10:50:27 <ThomasWaldmann> i.e. replace ContenidosDeAyuda by HelpContents
201 2011-01-07T10:50:35 <ThomasWaldmann> so it just uses the english page
202 2011-01-07T10:50:58 <ThomasWaldmann> (esp. since translating lots of Help pages is NOT your task)
203 2011-01-07T10:51:30 <ThomasWaldmann> the translation of page names is on MoinI18n/es page
204 2011-01-07T10:51:52 <ThomasWaldmann> in general, you need an account on master19 wiki and need to add your wiki username to MoinPagesEditorGroup
205 2011-01-07T10:52:02 <Roobolo> ok
206 2011-01-07T10:52:04 <ThomasWaldmann> moin izibi
207 2011-01-07T10:52:08 <Roobolo> 4perfect
208 2011-01-07T10:52:48 <ThomasWaldmann> finally, you have to select just the page groups given in the task (see links at top of checktranslation output)
209 2011-01-07T10:53:55 <ThomasWaldmann> http://master19.moinmo.in/4ct10n/CheckTranslation/MoinI18n/es?action=CheckTranslation&pageset=essential_system_pages&language=es
210 2011-01-07T10:54:08 <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. that is for essential_system_pages
211 2011-01-07T10:54:37 <ThomasWaldmann> there you have to look what pages should get translated
212 2011-01-07T10:55:10 <ThomasWaldmann> some pages might not need a special spanish version (most of them are in this "untranslated" group)
213 2011-01-07T10:55:26 <ThomasWaldmann> for other, you have to provide a spanish version of the page
214 2011-01-07T10:56:02 <ThomasWaldmann> you task is done if that checktranslation output looks much less red/orange :)
215 2011-01-07T10:56:28 <ThomasWaldmann> for some pages, you might also have to update the page
216 2011-01-07T10:56:55 <ThomasWaldmann> you see this if the last change of the spanish page is older than the last change of the original/english page
217 2011-01-07T10:57:08 *** jacktheripper
218 2011-01-07T10:57:55 <ThomasWaldmann> then you could either just make sure the spanish is in sync with the current english content (by looking at full content), or look at the diff of the current vs. old english page
219 2011-01-07T10:58:35 *** rfw
220 2011-01-07T10:58:54 <ThomasWaldmann> about SystemPagesInSpanishGroup: this page shall DIE :)
221 2011-01-07T10:59:26 <Roobolo> haha ok perfect sooo
222 2011-01-07T10:59:31 <Roobolo> In the case of:
223 2011-01-07T10:59:42 <ThomasWaldmann> it is not used any more. so you can maybe find some hints about existings spanish pages there, but after your task is done, all information of that page should be in MoinI18n/es
224 2011-01-07T10:59:43 <Roobolo> Indice por palabras
225 2011-01-07T11:00:01 <ThomasWaldmann> and the SystemPagesInSpanishGroup shall be deleted then
226 2011-01-07T11:01:52 <Roobolo> ok in the case of
227 2011-01-07T11:02:15 <Roobolo> findpage -> Buscar página
228 2011-01-07T11:02:35 <Roobolo> I need to update because buscar página was created on 2008
229 2011-01-07T11:02:48 <Roobolo> and find page last modification was on 2009
230 2011-01-07T11:02:56 <ThomasWaldmann> yes
231 2011-01-07T11:03:07 <ThomasWaldmann> s/created/last updated/
232 2011-01-07T11:03:07 <Roobolo> And continue with all the pages
233 2011-01-07T11:03:15 <Roobolo> a yes
234 2011-01-07T11:03:35 <ThomasWaldmann> you should fix all metadata of all pages
235 2011-01-07T11:03:37 <Roobolo> last updated i mean
236 2011-01-07T11:03:55 <ThomasWaldmann> but major work only has to be done to the specified page groups
237 2011-01-07T11:04:09 <Roobolo> ok.
238 2011-01-07T11:04:15 <Roobolo> so i need to modify
239 2011-01-07T11:04:24 <Roobolo> the 10 pages on essential_system_pages group
240 2011-01-07T11:04:27 <Roobolo> thats correct?
241 2011-01-07T11:04:38 <Roobolo> o any other of the 4 groups
242 2011-01-07T11:04:49 <Roobolo> * not_translated_system_pages (make sure the translation refers to the english page) * essential_system_pages * optional_system_pages * obsolete_pages
243 2011-01-07T11:05:00 <ThomasWaldmann> you'll need to modify many pages, but often it is just fixing that ##master-... stuff
244 2011-01-07T11:05:25 <ThomasWaldmann> translating/updating is needed for the given groups
245 2011-01-07T11:05:36 <ThomasWaldmann> (which are often rather short pages)
246 2011-01-07T11:06:20 <Roobolo> ok
247 2011-01-07T11:06:30 <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. you do not have to translate most of the long help pages
248 2011-01-07T11:07:24 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, the date format required by ##master-date can be copy&pasted from info action output
249 2011-01-07T11:08:24 <ThomasWaldmann> it is the revision date of the english page that corresponds to the content of the spanish page
250 2011-01-07T11:13:00 <Roobolo> ok i think I gotcha
251 2011-01-07T11:13:41 <Roobolo> So in wikitipoftheday because is in the group of untranslated y don't need to make any change
252 2011-01-07T11:14:19 <Roobolo> because my task isn't translate the whole document, only fix the date of the revision day
253 2011-01-07T11:14:31 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, if you have to update a page, maybe change those ##master-date entry while/after updating, not before, you can save some work by that
254 2011-01-07T11:14:36 <Roobolo> master-date
255 2011-01-07T11:16:52 <ThomasWaldmann> afaics, it is not in the group of not_translated_system_pages
256 2011-01-07T11:17:29 <ThomasWaldmann> but, this is a page that doesn't necessarily needs translation. we can live with the english tips also.
257 2011-01-07T11:19:03 <ThomasWaldmann> but for example MissingHomePage is something you should translate
258 2011-01-07T11:19:44 <ThomasWaldmann> while WikiWikiweb is something that could be translated, but is not that important
259 2011-01-07T11:20:40 <Roobolo> YES! Thank you for saying this so i will create that page,
260 2011-01-07T11:20:44 <Roobolo> and then
261 2011-01-07T11:20:56 <Roobolo> go for the #master-date
262 2011-01-07T11:21:25 <ThomasWaldmann> if you want to do the task, claim first :)
263 2011-01-07T11:22:12 <Roobolo> and update the date of last modification to 2011-01-07 17:24:08
264 2011-01-07T11:22:26 <Roobolo> ok yes but before I claim the task
265 2011-01-07T11:22:43 <Roobolo> I want to know exactly what I need to do
266 2011-01-07T11:23:07 <Roobolo> because I dont like to withdraw tasks :/
267 2011-01-07T11:24:23 <Roobolo> and beacause the contest only have 3 days to finish too..
268 2011-01-07T11:26:46 <Roobolo> No entendi mucho la parte de #Master-page
269 2011-01-07T11:27:35 <Roobolo> sorry I don't understand that much waht to do if I find that tag in the page.
270 2011-01-07T11:29:10 <ThomasWaldmann> ##master-page is on translated pages and refers back to the original english pagename
271 2011-01-07T11:31:18 <Roobolo> so i need to change the name of e.g. "índice por titulos" and go back to "TitleIndex"
272 2011-01-07T11:31:56 <Roobolo> put the name in english replacieng the one in spanish
273 2011-01-07T11:32:04 <ThomasWaldmann> on the spanish translation of TitleIndex, there will be a ##master-page TitleIndex
274 2011-01-07T11:33:13 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, i think best procedure is to start with the page groups that you should have a closer look
275 2011-01-07T11:33:38 <ThomasWaldmann> you can update translation, page contents and ##master stuff there at the same time
276 2011-01-07T11:34:15 <ThomasWaldmann> and after you have finished with those groups, have a look at the global list (it will already have some entries less then)
277 2011-01-07T11:34:29 <ThomasWaldmann> so you can avoid touching the same stuff multiple times
278 2011-01-07T11:34:56 <Roobolo> ok perfect i will claim the task
279 2011-01-07T11:35:18 <Roobolo> and work all night long
280 2011-01-07T11:35:54 <Roobolo> I will start fixing:
281 2011-01-07T11:36:02 <ThomasWaldmann> or at least as long as you can do concentrated work :)
282 2011-01-07T11:36:52 <Roobolo> MissingHomePage
283 2011-01-07T11:37:12 <jacktheripper> msgid "------------------------" msgstr "------------" <- is this intended ?
284 2011-01-07T11:37:41 <Roobolo> HelpContents
285 2011-01-07T11:37:54 <Roobolo> HelpOnActions
286 2011-01-07T11:38:12 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: it is for the actions menu. should be a bit longer than the other stuff seen there.
287 2011-01-07T11:38:15 <Roobolo> HelpOnSlideShows
288 2011-01-07T11:38:46 <Roobolo> HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction
289 2011-01-07T11:38:53 <Roobolo> and so on
290 2011-01-07T11:39:16 <ThomasWaldmann> Roobolo: MoinI18n/es for that, is that clear?
291 2011-01-07T11:39:31 <Roobolo> the translation and the master-date I think I can do it good
292 2011-01-07T11:43:28 <Roobolo> yes
293 2011-01-07T11:43:31 <Roobolo> http://master19.moinmo.in/4ct10n/CheckTranslation/MoinI18n/es?action=CheckTranslation&pageset=all_pages&language=es
294 2011-01-07T11:43:42 <Roobolo> Based on: MoinI18n/es
295 2011-01-07T11:47:02 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, if you find something unclear, just ask here
296 2011-01-07T11:47:12 <Roobolo> thanks
297 2011-01-07T11:49:24 *** greg_f
298 2011-01-07T11:49:30 <jacktheripper> what does "Wiki Markup" mean ?
299 2011-01-07T11:50:50 <ThomasWaldmann> it is the kind of text you enter on a wiki page, e.g. '''bold''' to get something bold
300 2011-01-07T11:53:06 <jacktheripper> oh the 'language'
301 2011-01-07T11:54:26 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, it is a so called "markup language"
302 2011-01-07T11:56:13 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, gtg / brb
303 2011-01-07T11:56:28 <ThomasWaldmann> Roobolo: if you have more questions, just ask here and wait
304 2011-01-07T11:56:55 <Roobolo> ok i have requested the task (:
305 2011-01-07T11:56:59 <Roobolo> thanks
306 2011-01-07T12:01:57 *** Trip__
307 2011-01-07T12:09:30 <Roobolo> I add my name to http://master19.moinmo.in/MoinPagesEditorGroup
308 2011-01-07T12:14:45 <Roobolo> When I want to change the ##Master-date it says "No tienes permisos para editar esta página. "
309 2011-01-07T12:23:32 <Roobolo> brb im working on the red stuffs using de raw of the original and crating new pages (:
310 2011-01-07T12:34:01 *** Samm
311 2011-01-07T13:03:14 *** cosmos_thought
312 2011-01-07T13:03:17 <cosmos_thought> moin
313 2011-01-07T13:10:05 *** cryptw
314 2011-01-07T13:10:48 <cryptw> hi
315 2011-01-07T13:11:25 <cryptw> i was interested in doing the mercurial screencasts on GCI, but i just wanted some clarification on "GOOD development cycle (include hg status, hg diff, hg merge) " and "show how to use bitbucket repo and explain why one would want it"
316 2011-01-07T13:12:55 <cryptw> is bitbucket relating to the fork/pull request stuff?
317 2011-01-07T13:19:20 <cryptw> ThomasWaldmann: would you happen to be online?
318 2011-01-07T13:25:30 <dreimark> re
319 2011-01-07T13:26:05 <cryptw> .
320 2011-01-07T13:30:42 <cryptw> dreimark: would you be able to answer that?
321 2011-01-07T13:31:37 <dreimark> cryptw: please give me tasdk link
322 2011-01-07T13:31:58 <dreimark> good development cycle means
323 2011-01-07T13:32:04 <cryptw> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129037965314
324 2011-01-07T13:32:04 <dreimark> that you change something
325 2011-01-07T13:32:28 <dreimark> veryfy by diff again that it is what you want to change
326 2011-01-07T13:32:43 <cryptw> i'm just confused by the hg merge part
327 2011-01-07T13:32:55 <dreimark> e.g. no typos, good names, etc
328 2011-01-07T13:33:22 <dreimark> well if you have a fork or clone you need to merge to keep uptodate
329 2011-01-07T13:33:59 <cryptw> how would it be used? i'm used to just using pull
330 2011-01-07T13:34:49 <dreimark> in most cases automated merge does everything silently
331 2011-01-07T13:35:04 <dreimark> but not if two people change the same lines
332 2011-01-07T13:35:31 <dreimark> then you need a merge tool, usually one uses a 3way diff tool
333 2011-01-07T13:35:50 <cryptw> so i could demonstrate it by cloning a tree
334 2011-01-07T13:35:58 <cryptw> and making a different change to the same line
335 2011-01-07T13:36:04 <cryptw> and commiting in both
336 2011-01-07T13:36:10 <cryptw> then trying to merge the 2nd one into the first one?
337 2011-01-07T13:36:31 <dreimark> somehow it would be better if it is not too much like an example
338 2011-01-07T13:36:55 <cryptw> what would be the best way to incorporate it?
339 2011-01-07T13:36:56 <dreimark> look here http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev
340 2011-01-07T13:37:12 <dreimark> the easiest would be to have a clone
341 2011-01-07T13:37:27 <dreimark> then wait until someone has added something to the main repo
342 2011-01-07T13:37:40 <dreimark> change something of that before you pulled
343 2011-01-07T13:38:13 <dreimark> then you are in the normal path and have to merge
344 2011-01-07T13:38:43 <dreimark> before you can submit your cs
345 2011-01-07T13:39:19 <cryptw> so i have a tree cloned in advance before i do the video
346 2011-01-07T13:39:46 <cryptw> then do the video and clone as normal and it'll have extra commits in it
347 2011-01-07T13:39:52 <dreimark> yes, we have nearly daily commits
348 2011-01-07T13:40:06 <cryptw> then i make a change in the old tree
349 2011-01-07T13:40:11 <cryptw> and try to merge into the fresh one
350 2011-01-07T13:40:25 <dreimark> you don't need two trees
351 2011-01-07T13:40:36 <dreimark> e.g. you clone now
352 2011-01-07T13:40:45 <dreimark> we push something
353 2011-01-07T13:40:57 <dreimark> you change something in your clone
354 2011-01-07T13:41:02 <dreimark> you try to commit
355 2011-01-07T13:41:09 <dreimark> -try
356 2011-01-07T13:41:27 <dreimark> after you commit you push
357 2011-01-07T13:41:53 <dreimark> ehem. may be you are right, you will need an example tree or one on bitbucket
358 2011-01-07T13:41:59 <cryptw> then i'd have a like a day gap in the screencast and it might be kinda tacky
359 2011-01-07T13:42:08 *** Trip__
360 2011-01-07T13:42:21 <cryptw> should i do a conflicting or non-conflicting merge in the video?
361 2011-01-07T13:42:23 <dreimark> cryptw: i don't think so,
362 2011-01-07T13:42:33 <dreimark> at first you need to prepare a schedule
363 2011-01-07T13:42:49 <dreimark> like a plat what you want to explain how
364 2011-01-07T13:43:15 <dreimark> s/plat/plan
365 2011-01-07T13:43:16 *** jacktheripper
366 2011-01-07T13:43:34 <cryptw> ok
367 2011-01-07T13:43:36 <dreimark> cryptw: both
368 2011-01-07T13:43:57 <cryptw> also, regarding the bitbucket thing
369 2011-01-07T13:44:05 <cryptw> is that about forks and pull requests and such?
370 2011-01-07T13:44:39 <dreimark> thomas has a fork on bitbucket
371 2011-01-07T13:44:45 <dreimark> of the major repo
372 2011-01-07T13:44:54 <dreimark> you have to make your fork of that
373 2011-01-07T13:45:09 <cryptw> ah. that's as i thought
374 2011-01-07T13:45:19 <cryptw> then i push into my own fork
375 2011-01-07T13:45:22 <dreimark> yes
376 2011-01-07T13:45:32 <cryptw> and do i demonstrate a pull request?
377 2011-01-07T13:45:44 <dreimark> yes. you can pull from main
378 2011-01-07T13:45:58 <dreimark> or pull to local clone
379 2011-01-07T13:46:29 <cryptw> i meant this https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0-dev/pull
380 2011-01-07T13:47:01 <dreimark> yes you make a fork of that
381 2011-01-07T13:47:08 *** cryptw
382 2011-01-07T13:47:31 *** cryptw
383 2011-01-07T13:47:49 <dreimark> on bitbucket and clone it to your machine
384 2011-01-07T13:48:05 <cryptw> sorry, i think i missed the last few lines
385 2011-01-07T13:48:51 <dreimark> you can make a fork on bitbucket, explain that, and clone it to your system
386 2011-01-07T13:49:44 <dreimark> explain that too
387 2011-01-07T13:50:02 <dreimark> work on your system, show variuos hg commands
388 2011-01-07T13:50:43 <cryptw> ok
389 2011-01-07T13:51:13 <cryptw> so you think it would be best to start off with the fork?
390 2011-01-07T13:52:10 <dreimark> yes
391 2011-01-07T13:52:34 <cryptw> cool
392 2011-01-07T13:56:35 *** jacktheripper
393 2011-01-07T14:49:23 <cryptw> http://privatepaste.com/download/e67f3a4784
394 2011-01-07T15:06:29 *** NikitaUtiu
395 2011-01-07T15:06:33 <NikitaUtiu> moin
396 2011-01-07T15:07:24 <NikitaUtiu> ThomasWaldmann: i tried the patch you sent me yesterday, but the patching failed
397 2011-01-07T15:23:15 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: do you have seen my last comment, i tried with google
398 2011-01-07T15:23:34 <NikitaUtiu> no haven't why ?
399 2011-01-07T15:23:50 <dreimark> i get "There is no user with this OpenID."
400 2011-01-07T15:24:07 <dreimark> does this mean i need an account / profile beforehand?
401 2011-01-07T15:24:12 <NikitaUtiu> yes
402 2011-01-07T15:24:16 <dreimark> aha
403 2011-01-07T15:24:40 <dreimark> is this autocreate mechanism also possible?
404 2011-01-07T15:24:40 <NikitaUtiu> you can either specify one at registry or modify it from settings->personal settings
405 2011-01-07T15:25:28 <dreimark> workflow is not so good
406 2011-01-07T15:25:28 <NikitaUtiu> you mean registring an account with this openid after login?
407 2011-01-07T15:25:46 <dreimark> because if i have already a moinauth account, why should i want openid ?
408 2011-01-07T15:26:41 <dreimark> http://openid.net/get-an-openid/start-using-your-openid/
409 2011-01-07T15:26:50 <dreimark> In a nutshell
410 2011-01-07T15:27:58 <dreimark> yes, it needs to create a profile on moin and associate the user with that openid to the new profile
411 2011-01-07T15:29:29 <dreimark> may be that is all the reason why it had not worked for me
412 2011-01-07T15:29:47 <dreimark> I try from home later with an existing profile
413 2011-01-07T15:30:07 <cryptw> lol tried recording something
414 2011-01-07T15:30:41 *** kursor
415 2011-01-07T15:31:34 <dreimark> cryptw: i've not seen a claim request, have you claimed?
416 2011-01-07T15:31:40 <cryptw> not yet
417 2011-01-07T15:31:51 <cryptw> got something else stuck in the melange pipeline
418 2011-01-07T15:31:55 <cryptw> kinda screwed up because hg merge popped up some 3 way diff thing
419 2011-01-07T15:32:09 <cryptw> instead of telling me to do resolve and manually edit the file like it did on another test system
420 2011-01-07T15:32:35 <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: well that's how i made it work, this shouldn't mess up the redirect stuff
421 2011-01-07T15:33:03 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: yes, just add a note i was not able to guess this
422 2011-01-07T15:33:28 <dreimark> so now i understood why you have had first auth.append()
423 2011-01-07T15:33:55 <dreimark> so your example, should be moin_auth, openid
424 2011-01-07T15:34:28 <cryptw> lol i took 20 minutes
425 2011-01-07T15:34:57 <NikitaUtiu> yes, there should be another stage for creating the user
426 2011-01-07T15:36:45 <cryptw> i think i'll probably have to do this again
427 2011-01-07T15:36:51 <cryptw> but i'll encode it and upload for feedback anyway
428 2011-01-07T15:37:57 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: do you figured why it did not work with the launchpad account?
429 2011-01-07T15:38:33 <dreimark> I try to redo my test with google id after i'm at home
430 2011-01-07T15:38:52 <NikitaUtiu> it's the redirect stuff, i can't pronounce until it's fixed. i presumed it's because the memory store i used doesn't span over processes
431 2011-01-07T15:39:37 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: ^
432 2011-01-07T15:39:38 <NikitaUtiu> and if you get intrerrupted by the debugger you get forked to another process
433 2011-01-07T15:40:07 <cryptw> man how on earth do i encode theory
434 2011-01-07T15:40:09 <cryptw> *theora
435 2011-01-07T15:40:46 <dreimark> mencoder?
436 2011-01-07T15:41:06 *** m4k3r
437 2011-01-07T15:41:15 <dreimark> htg bbl
438 2011-01-07T15:43:45 <cryptw> can i just show you guys my prototypes in H264 then just do theora for the final one
439 2011-01-07T15:43:55 <cryptw> because theora is very slow
440 2011-01-07T16:11:18 *** Samm
441 2011-01-07T16:41:38 <jacktheripper> what's stemming in "Stemming for Xapian" ?
442 2011-01-07T16:58:59 *** achshar
443 2011-01-07T17:01:56 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: it works for me if i have my openid added together with moin auth into my user account
444 2011-01-07T17:02:10 <dreimark> for google oid
445 2011-01-07T17:18:32 <dreimark> jacktheripper: xapian is a additional search machine. if stemming is available you can search by stems. e.g. it did not matter of singular or plural or the different cases a word has
446 2011-01-07T17:19:09 <dreimark> you get more results as only of exact match
447 2011-01-07T17:19:36 <dreimark> the default is to only get results for what exactly is in the index
448 2011-01-07T17:23:20 <jacktheripper> oh, I don't think I would translate such a term then.
449 2011-01-07T17:46:31 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: can you look at the dejavu patch, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316620/
450 2011-01-07T17:47:04 <dreimark> i have applied it manually because yours didn't want to be patched
451 2011-01-07T17:47:28 <dreimark> it solves the traceback issue.
452 2011-01-07T17:47:49 <dreimark> i have no idea why I am so tired, not that I get a cold
453 2011-01-07T18:11:23 <ThomasWaldmann> re
454 2011-01-07T18:11:51 * ThomasWaldmann is still at work, but can now look at stuff. please urls.
455 2011-01-07T18:15:12 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: do you know what the difference between launchpad and google oid is?
456 2011-01-07T18:15:49 <NikitaUtiu> only that launchpad oid service sends a redirect url rather that raw html
457 2011-01-07T18:17:18 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: the patch was on a clean moin2 repo without your stuff
458 2011-01-07T18:17:26 <ThomasWaldmann> so if you apply it first, it should work
459 2011-01-07T18:18:06 <NikitaUtiu> could you tell me the revision so i can revert to it ?
460 2011-01-07T18:18:19 <NikitaUtiu> rather than clone it again
461 2011-01-07T18:18:20 <ThomasWaldmann> what revision?
462 2011-01-07T18:18:51 <NikitaUtiu> what revision you applied the patch on
463 2011-01-07T18:18:53 <ThomasWaldmann> if you don't have a clean workdir, you could hg diff > mystuff.diff (that's your backup then)
464 2011-01-07T18:19:01 <ThomasWaldmann> hg revert --all
465 2011-01-07T18:19:12 <ThomasWaldmann> hg pull -u # update repo
466 2011-01-07T18:19:20 <ThomasWaldmann> patch -p1 < mypatch
467 2011-01-07T18:19:32 <NikitaUtiu> ok
468 2011-01-07T18:19:43 <ThomasWaldmann> and then try to apply mystuff.diff
469 2011-01-07T18:20:19 <ThomasWaldmann> as soon as my patch is tested, i can also commit it separately to main repo
470 2011-01-07T18:20:54 <ThomasWaldmann> i did some rudimentary testing, but no real-life tests or openid tests
471 2011-01-07T18:21:45 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: it did not for me too
472 2011-01-07T18:21:54 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: your repo is not merged
473 2011-01-07T18:22:06 <NikitaUtiu> ?
474 2011-01-07T18:22:13 <NikitaUtiu> no it's not
475 2011-01-07T18:22:40 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ?
476 2011-01-07T18:22:45 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: your patch manually entered solves the traceback
477 2011-01-07T18:22:58 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: i pulled from moin-2.0-dev
478 2011-01-07T18:23:04 <ThomasWaldmann> what is "manually entered?"
479 2011-01-07T18:23:21 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: and i was not able to import or patch your patch file
480 2011-01-07T18:23:41 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: manually patched
481 2011-01-07T18:23:43 <ThomasWaldmann> it was a patch made with hg diff >thatpatch
482 2011-01-07T18:23:55 <dreimark> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316620/
483 2011-01-07T18:23:55 <ThomasWaldmann> not hg export, thus maybe not usable with hg import
484 2011-01-07T18:24:12 <ThomasWaldmann> patch -p1 < thatpatch
485 2011-01-07T18:24:15 <NikitaUtiu> i pulled from your repo, but it still fails
486 2011-01-07T18:24:20 <dreimark> it fails
487 2011-01-07T18:24:26 <dreimark> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316620/
488 2011-01-07T18:24:30 <dreimark> compare it with this
489 2011-01-07T18:25:57 <ThomasWaldmann> i am not at my notebook right now, but it looks similar to my patch
490 2011-01-07T18:26:06 <NikitaUtiu> worked with hg import
491 2011-01-07T18:26:18 <dreimark> i hope i have not overseen a line, or indenting
492 2011-01-07T18:26:50 <ThomasWaldmann> To import a changeset into a repository is to apply a patch file that was earlier exported from another repository. This causes the change to be applied to the importing repository.
493 2011-01-07T18:26:56 <ThomasWaldmann> from mercurial wiki
494 2011-01-07T18:27:26 <ThomasWaldmann> so, you might be simply expecting too much if you try to feed simple patches to hg import
495 2011-01-07T18:27:32 <dreimark> it should work, mine was also done by hg diff > patch
496 2011-01-07T18:27:36 <ThomasWaldmann> all the metadata it needs for a real import is missing
497 2011-01-07T18:27:50 <ThomasWaldmann> like author, commit comment etc.
498 2011-01-07T18:28:09 <ThomasWaldmann> so, don't use hg import for simple patches
499 2011-01-07T18:28:11 <dreimark> i tried patch and i got 2 of 2 not
500 2011-01-07T18:28:51 <dreimark> everything rej
501 2011-01-07T18:28:59 <NikitaUtiu> so have i, both hunks failed
502 2011-01-07T18:30:30 <dreimark> also i got
503 2011-01-07T18:30:32 <dreimark> patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
504 2011-01-07T18:30:53 <ThomasWaldmann> enter a \n at the end of last line
505 2011-01-07T18:31:05 <ThomasWaldmann> i have to do that all the time recently, not sure why
506 2011-01-07T18:31:06 <NikitaUtiu> i'd rather check your code and apply it manually on my working dir, so i dont have to make all changes
507 2011-01-07T18:31:21 <ThomasWaldmann> someone / something might be stripping the final \n
508 2011-01-07T18:31:32 <NikitaUtiu> maybe pocoo
509 2011-01-07T18:31:46 <dreimark> there are many empty lines at the end
510 2011-01-07T18:32:06 <dreimark> i add an other one
511 2011-01-07T18:32:15 <dreimark> now it is 54 lines
512 2011-01-07T18:32:47 <dreimark> patch -p1 < 315841
513 2011-01-07T18:32:52 <dreimark> and yes it works
514 2011-01-07T18:33:03 <dreimark> Hunk #2 succeeded at 271 (offset -3 lines).
515 2011-01-07T18:33:17 <dreimark> thats only a info
516 2011-01-07T18:34:30 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: back to my question do you have an idea what the difference between google and launchpad oid is?
517 2011-01-07T18:35:09 <NikitaUtiu> sorry, but no, i don't know how the services differ, other than what i said before
518 2011-01-07T18:35:59 <dreimark> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openid/+bug/318972
519 2011-01-07T18:36:32 <dreimark> The session_type request parameter was optional in OpenID 1.1, defaulting to no encryption. It no longer appears to be optional in OpenID 2.0.
520 2011-01-07T18:36:51 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: can it be something like this?
521 2011-01-07T18:37:19 <dreimark> that google is 1.1 and launchpad 2.0 ?
522 2011-01-07T18:37:54 <NikitaUtiu> you mean that you have check the oid with thomas's patch and it sstill doesn't work properly?
523 2011-01-07T18:39:57 <NikitaUtiu> just a sec
524 2011-01-07T18:40:06 <NikitaUtiu> i'll debug it
525 2011-01-07T18:40:46 <dreimark> google works, launchpad not
526 2011-01-07T18:41:22 <NikitaUtiu> i know, the patch solve the redirect but i still get an error, it might be the store stuff i told you
527 2011-01-07T18:41:25 <NikitaUtiu> about
528 2011-01-07T18:41:49 <ThomasWaldmann> so, does the patch work (== redirecting works from auth code?)?
529 2011-01-07T18:42:23 <NikitaUtiu> yep
530 2011-01-07T18:46:10 <dreimark> yes
531 2011-01-07T18:47:14 <NikitaUtiu> is the standalone moin server forking or threading ?
532 2011-01-07T18:47:23 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: google oid works for you too?
533 2011-01-07T18:47:38 <NikitaUtiu> yes, it does, but lp doesn't
534 2011-01-07T18:48:07 <dreimark> i think we should first try to understand what the difference between both is
535 2011-01-07T18:48:19 <dreimark> can you verify the protocoll version?
536 2011-01-07T18:48:58 <NikitaUtiu> i'll try
537 2011-01-07T18:50:53 <NikitaUtiu> i've found this though, and it quite matches my error
538 2011-01-07T18:50:54 <NikitaUtiu> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3887564/failureresponse-on-otherwise-successful-openid-login-server-denied-check-authent
539 2011-01-07T18:58:04 <NikitaUtiu> fixed it :D
540 2011-01-07T19:00:44 <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316673/ check this out and tell me if it works for lp now
541 2011-01-07T19:03:08 <dreimark> works :)
542 2011-01-07T19:03:15 <ThomasWaldmann> \o/
543 2011-01-07T19:03:53 * dreimark verifies google
544 2011-01-07T19:04:12 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: can you please hg diff | pastebinit ?
545 2011-01-07T19:04:33 <NikitaUtiu> ^ that's the fix
546 2011-01-07T19:05:19 <ThomasWaldmann> oh, was it each time a new store? :D
547 2011-01-07T19:05:30 <NikitaUtiu> yeah, didn't notice that
548 2011-01-07T19:05:36 <dreimark> google works too
549 2011-01-07T19:05:52 <NikitaUtiu> and there's no other problem wit memory store
550 2011-01-07T19:06:05 <dreimark> so why is it no problem for google oid?
551 2011-01-07T19:06:19 <dreimark> beforhand
552 2011-01-07T19:06:52 <dreimark> brb
553 2011-01-07T19:06:52 <NikitaUtiu> that's what i'm trying to figure out, it's very strange
554 2011-01-07T19:09:22 <ThomasWaldmann> @copyright: 2010 MoinMoin:Nichita Utiu
555 2011-01-07T19:09:22 <moinBot> ThomasWaldmann: Error: "copyright:" is not a valid command.
556 2011-01-07T19:09:32 <ThomasWaldmann> do you have a blank in the home page name?
557 2011-01-07T19:09:53 <NikitaUtiu> oh, no i don't
558 2011-01-07T19:10:05 <NikitaUtiu> is that an issue ?
559 2011-01-07T19:10:24 <ThomasWaldmann> no, the homepage is fine, maybe just adjust that "interwiki" link
560 2011-01-07T19:10:56 <NikitaUtiu> what do you mean by this ?
561 2011-01-07T19:11:01 <NikitaUtiu> interwiki link
562 2011-01-07T19:12:55 <ThomasWaldmann> the (c) line
563 2011-01-07T19:13:13 <ThomasWaldmann> MoinMoin:foo is like an interwiki link (MoinMoin wiki, page foo)
564 2011-01-07T19:13:49 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, could you summarize the difference between your openid implementation and the one we had in 1.9?
565 2011-01-07T19:14:11 <NikitaUtiu> the lack of features :D
566 2011-01-07T19:14:17 <ThomasWaldmann> hehe
567 2011-01-07T19:15:11 <NikitaUtiu> not much, i inspired myself from the python-openid example and 1.9 auth which is almost entirely based on it
568 2011-01-07T19:16:38 <NikitaUtiu> some more integration with the new framework maybe
569 2011-01-07T19:17:07 <ThomasWaldmann> if you'ld find some easy to do stuff, that could create nice followup tasks
570 2011-01-07T19:17:17 <ThomasWaldmann> assuming that the basic stuff works now :)
571 2011-01-07T19:17:45 <NikitaUtiu> i could sure think of some
572 2011-01-07T19:18:25 <NikitaUtiu> like, another stage for the login for new account creation
573 2011-01-07T19:19:00 *** cosmos_thought
574 2011-01-07T19:19:02 <NikitaUtiu> and forced service and pape implementation for it
575 2011-01-07T19:19:26 <NikitaUtiu> i would say the last one's easy
576 2011-01-07T19:20:09 <ThomasWaldmann> To work properly python-openid needs to be at least 2.2.4-1.
577 2011-01-07T19:20:24 <ThomasWaldmann> check REQUIREMENTS file and put that there
578 2011-01-07T19:22:36 <NikitaUtiu> well i'm not sure what's the minimum required version of python-openid, that's just the version i used
579 2011-01-07T19:23:15 <ThomasWaldmann> did you use latest?
580 2011-01-07T19:23:35 <NikitaUtiu> yes
581 2011-01-07T19:23:50 <NikitaUtiu> i mean the latest the ubuntu repo has
582 2011-01-07T19:23:54 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, then document that there as working (and everything else on own risk :)
583 2011-01-07T19:24:20 <Roobolo> Hi thomas are you busy?
584 2011-01-07T19:25:55 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: # create a callable multistage object
585 2011-01-07T19:25:55 <ThomasWaldmann> 140
586 2011-01-07T19:25:56 <ThomasWaldmann>
587 2011-01-07T19:25:56 <ThomasWaldmann> 140
588 2011-01-07T19:25:56 <ThomasWaldmann>
589 2011-01-07T19:26:00 <ThomasWaldmann> # XXX
590 2011-01-07T19:26:03 <ThomasWaldmann> oops
591 2011-01-07T19:26:21 <ThomasWaldmann> does that XXX refer to "create a callable multistage object"?
592 2011-01-07T19:26:53 <ThomasWaldmann> Roobolo: I'll have more time in ~50 mins
593 2011-01-07T19:27:04 <NikitaUtiu> residual comments :)
594 2011-01-07T19:27:10 <Roobolo> ok i'll wait (:
595 2011-01-07T19:27:29 <ThomasWaldmann> you can just ask btw, if someone has an answer, you'll have it earlier
596 2011-01-07T19:28:35 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: btw, review places where you introduce html into templates. we'll have autoescape soon and then it'll stop working if not done the right way.
597 2011-01-07T19:29:44 <NikitaUtiu> introduced html into templates ?
598 2011-01-07T19:30:43 <ThomasWaldmann> form_html = ...
599 2011-01-07T19:30:53 <ThomasWaldmann> then giving form_html to the template
600 2011-01-07T19:31:36 <ThomasWaldmann> currently, such stuff works, but as soon as izibi is finished, it won't any more, because it'll automatically escape all strings.
601 2011-01-07T19:31:56 <ThomasWaldmann> except if you explicitely tell it, that this is Markup()
602 2011-01-07T19:36:22 <NikitaUtiu> i don't think i have anything like that, i changed the one in the views and it now returns raw html, no render_template
603 2011-01-07T19:36:59 <ThomasWaldmann> oh? doesn't that look rather plain then? :)
604 2011-01-07T19:38:44 <NikitaUtiu> it doesn't look anyway, it contains some js that redirects you :D
605 2011-01-07T19:39:29 <ThomasWaldmann> so why isn't it going to right place directly?
606 2011-01-07T19:41:21 <NikitaUtiu> i guess it's a post request not a get
607 2011-01-07T19:42:03 <ThomasWaldmann> ah
608 2011-01-07T19:45:57 <NikitaUtiu> should i leave the python-openid version requirements in openidrp.py too?
609 2011-01-07T19:48:26 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: if it is in requirements then not
610 2011-01-07T19:48:34 <NikitaUtiu> ok
611 2011-01-07T19:48:37 <dreimark> because then we need two places to care for
612 2011-01-07T19:48:53 <dreimark> and usually we forget that one
613 2011-01-07T19:49:17 <NikitaUtiu> aa
614 2011-01-07T19:49:27 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
615 2011-01-07T19:52:49 <NikitaUtiu> fixed these too
616 2011-01-07T19:53:13 <NikitaUtiu> https://bitbucket.org/NikitaUtiu/moin-2.0-deva you can check my repo
617 2011-01-07T19:53:13 *** Samm
618 2011-01-07T19:55:08 <NikitaUtiu> brb
619 2011-01-07T20:12:11 *** Samm
620 2011-01-07T20:14:45 *** Samm
621 2011-01-07T20:18:46 <NikitaUtiu> back
622 2011-01-07T20:19:20 <ThomasWaldmann> re
623 2011-01-07T20:20:58 <NikitaUtiu> pushed the changes to my repo
624 2011-01-07T20:28:17 <ThomasWaldmann> i'll pull in some minutes
625 2011-01-07T20:28:37 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: set something to review
626 2011-01-07T20:28:45 <dreimark> so we can close the task
627 2011-01-07T20:28:49 <NikitaUtiu> ok
628 2011-01-07T20:29:03 <dreimark> brb
629 2011-01-07T20:29:56 <Roobolo> Hey thomas
630 2011-01-07T20:30:00 <Roobolo> Hi!
631 2011-01-07T20:30:19 <NikitaUtiu> done
632 2011-01-07T20:31:03 <Roobolo> Im working on the task, but at the time of saving the progress I don't have the permission to do it
633 2011-01-07T20:35:00 <ThomasWaldmann> create account, add yourself to MoinPagesEditorGroup
634 2011-01-07T20:36:48 <Roobolo> im in the list already
635 2011-01-07T20:37:15 <dreimark> Roobolo: your name
636 2011-01-07T20:37:34 <Roobolo> AlbertoCabral
637 2011-01-07T20:37:37 <Roobolo> is in the list
638 2011-01-07T20:38:21 <dreimark> your login name has a blank
639 2011-01-07T20:38:27 <dreimark> http://master19.moinmo.in/4ct10n/info/MoinPagesEditorGroup?action=info
640 2011-01-07T20:38:42 <dreimark> may be change it
641 2011-01-07T20:38:54 <dreimark> the usual way it to have a WikiName
642 2011-01-07T20:38:58 <dreimark> as user name
643 2011-01-07T20:39:14 <dreimark> or correct it on the page
644 2011-01-07T20:39:22 <Roobolo> ok
645 2011-01-07T20:39:27 <Roobolo> so i will erase that blank
646 2011-01-07T20:39:33 <dreimark> yes
647 2011-01-07T20:39:35 <Roobolo> thanks dreimark xD
648 2011-01-07T20:40:09 *** greg_f
649 2011-01-07T20:42:23 <dreimark> since 3 years the first new entries on LocalSpellingWords
650 2011-01-07T20:43:20 <dreimark> Roobolo: you could have asked earlier
651 2011-01-07T20:43:42 <dreimark> 19:27 < ThomasWaldmann> you can just ask btw
652 2011-01-07T20:50:40 *** Samm
653 2011-01-07T20:51:50 <Roobolo> it says
654 2011-01-07T20:51:50 <Roobolo> ¡No tienes permisos para cambiar las ACLs en esta página porque no posees derechos de administrador sobre ella!
655 2011-01-07T20:52:03 <Roobolo> but my name is already on the list...
656 2011-01-07T20:59:37 *** Samm
657 2011-01-07T21:08:02 <Roobolo> I can't save the work...
658 2011-01-07T21:08:21 <Roobolo> What dou you think i'm missing?
659 2011-01-07T21:08:47 <dreimark> Roobolo: add a # for the acl line
660 2011-01-07T21:09:26 <dreimark> the acls will be set later
661 2011-01-07T21:10:33 <Roobolo> THANKS Dreimark
662 2011-01-07T21:12:05 <jacktheripper> this gives me the entry feeling -> "last modified since (e.g. 2 weeks before)". Is the entry to be written in arabic (meaning I should translate the e.g.)
663 2011-01-07T21:17:05 *** rfw
664 2011-01-07T21:17:05 *** rfw
665 2011-01-07T21:18:52 <Roobolo> I need to wait for Thomas for a work revision true?
666 2011-01-07T21:19:02 <Roobolo> I only want to know if im going good
667 2011-01-07T21:19:50 *** Trip__
668 2011-01-07T21:23:51 <dreimark> jacktheripper: yes
669 2011-01-07T21:24:13 <ThomasWaldmann> Roobolo: on your translation of missinghomepage, the master-data is not correct
670 2011-01-07T21:24:19 <dreimark> Roobolo: which task, url is helpful
671 2011-01-07T21:24:35 <ThomasWaldmann> that date is not the current date, but the date/time of the revision you translated
672 2011-01-07T21:24:37 * dreimark watches clonewars
673 2011-01-07T21:24:47 <ThomasWaldmann> which is likely 2009-12-21 19:14:34
674 2011-01-07T21:24:58 <Roobolo> mmmm ok O:
675 2011-01-07T21:25:20 <ThomasWaldmann> (you can copy and paste it from info action view of the master page)
676 2011-01-07T21:25:29 <dreimark> or from checktranslation
677 2011-01-07T21:25:48 <ThomasWaldmann> same applies for the other pages you did
678 2011-01-07T21:26:26 <Roobolo> ok perfect let me correct it
679 2011-01-07T21:26:34 <ThomasWaldmann> the sense of this stuff is to identify the master page (by name) and its revision (by datetime)
680 2011-01-07T21:28:30 <jacktheripper> since there aren't any cases in arabic, I'm to translate 'case sensitive search' to just 'search' ?
681 2011-01-07T21:30:49 <jacktheripper> but I think the option should be removed.
682 2011-01-07T21:31:23 <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: arabs can also search for english words :)
683 2011-01-07T21:31:46 <jacktheripper> oh yeah
684 2011-01-07T21:31:48 <jacktheripper> lol
685 2011-01-07T21:31:53 <ThomasWaldmann> %)
686 2011-01-07T21:32:36 <ThomasWaldmann> in fact, you found an issue in the search system: we don't even know the language the search words are in
687 2011-01-07T21:32:57 * dreimark fixed the description
688 2011-01-07T21:33:16 <Roobolo> a message apears
689 2011-01-07T21:33:32 <Roobolo> it says that the date cannot be the same as the original..
690 2011-01-07T21:33:46 <dreimark> where?
691 2011-01-07T21:34:27 <Roobolo> missingHomePage
692 2011-01-07T21:34:31 <Roobolo> in checking translation
693 2011-01-07T21:34:47 <dreimark> you mean you edit that page?
694 2011-01-07T21:35:17 <dreimark> or the translation of it?
695 2011-01-07T21:37:35 <Roobolo> i edit only the translation
696 2011-01-07T21:37:45 <Roobolo> actually my name is in the translation
697 2011-01-07T21:37:58 <dreimark> which name
698 2011-01-07T21:38:14 <dreimark> http://master19.moinmo.in/P%C3%A1ginaPersonalInexistente?action=raw This ?
699 2011-01-07T21:39:35 <dreimark> where does it say this?
700 2011-01-07T21:40:17 <Roobolo> yeap but in the "CheckingTranslation" page it apear a message
701 2011-01-07T21:41:07 <dreimark> can you show me a url, that i can look at it
702 2011-01-07T21:41:20 <NikitaUtiu> htg
703 2011-01-07T21:41:22 <NikitaUtiu> bye
704 2011-01-07T21:41:36 <dreimark> bye
705 2011-01-07T21:41:41 <Roobolo> PáginaPersonalInexistente [raw] [edit] 1056 AlbertoCabral 2011-01-07 20:27:03 (!) Translated page is outdated: it has master date 2009-12-21 19:14:34, but original page last edited at 2009-12-21 19:14:34. Diff of original page.
706 2011-01-07T21:42:17 <Roobolo> http://master19.moinmo.in/4ct10n/CheckTranslation/MoinI18n/es?action=CheckTranslation&pageset=all_pages&language=es
707 2011-01-07T21:42:18 <dreimark> ignore this for now, i fix it later
708 2011-01-07T21:42:22 <Roobolo> in that link
709 2011-01-07T21:42:26 <Roobolo> ok :D
710 2011-01-07T21:42:37 <Roobolo> perfect i will change that in all the documents
711 2011-01-07T21:42:37 <Roobolo> and
712 2011-01-07T21:42:38 *** m4k3r
713 2011-01-07T21:42:58 <Roobolo> update the translation
714 2011-01-07T21:43:05 <Roobolo> in the others.
715 2011-01-07T21:46:17 *** NikitaUtiu
716 2011-01-07T22:04:15 <CIA-56> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 544:02470d83aab9 extensions/data/plugin/action/CheckTranslation.py: action.CheckTranslation: the master page revision is identified by the timestamp given at master-date. Only if the translated page is older it should give a hint about that
717 2011-01-07T22:07:15 <Roobolo> so the message is still showing
718 2011-01-07T22:07:29 <Roobolo> I continue?
719 2011-01-07T22:07:44 <dreimark> Roobolo: yes, because this is the extension repo
720 2011-01-07T22:07:54 <Roobolo> ok perfect
721 2011-01-07T22:07:56 <dreimark> we will apply it to the wiki later
722 2011-01-07T22:08:00 <Roobolo> :)
723 2011-01-07T22:08:51 <izibi> so let's continue with the autoescape task
724 2011-01-07T22:12:54 <dreimark> ;)
725 2011-01-07T22:16:12 <izibi> so i have to mark data_rendered as Markup. where shall i do this? Change the return type of Item._render_data() or change it in the view?
726 2011-01-07T22:19:49 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: ^
727 2011-01-07T22:20:32 <dreimark> i am not sure, it depends. i would prefer in the view
728 2011-01-07T22:22:32 <izibi> the question is how deep shall this be integrated in moin
729 2011-01-07T22:22:36 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, view
730 2011-01-07T22:25:29 *** kursor
731 2011-01-07T22:26:01 *** kursor
732 2011-01-07T22:27:37 *** kursor
733 2011-01-07T22:30:28 <izibi> and what about MoinMoin.util.diff_html.diff()? make it return Markup?
734 2011-01-07T22:31:26 <izibi> this gets called by Item._render_data_diff which is directly called from the template
735 2011-01-07T22:32:10 <ThomasWaldmann> do the Markup() close to the template
736 2011-01-07T22:33:21 <izibi> actually _render_data_diff calls render_template. interesting :D
737 2011-01-07T22:34:38 <izibi> that's the only place where this diff function is used
738 2011-01-07T22:34:56 <izibi> and Markup is a direct subclass of unicode
739 2011-01-07T22:35:07 <izibi> so it wouldn't make that much of a difference i think
740 2011-01-07T22:35:29 <izibi> (if we return Markup from html_diff.diff())
741 2011-01-07T22:41:33 <dreimark> we also have diff for non ascii items
742 2011-01-07T22:45:15 <Roobolo> Hi
743 2011-01-07T22:45:21 <Roobolo> Im back!
744 2011-01-07T22:46:54 <Roobolo> Mr. Waldmann can you please review my work after y send the "request for review" in melange system?
745 2011-01-07T22:49:44 *** Samm
746 2011-01-07T22:51:45 <dreimark> Roobolo: if you use ThomasWaldmann name he gets highlighted
747 2011-01-07T22:52:44 <izibi> wait. now i understand how this works
748 2011-01-07T22:54:33 <ThomasWaldmann> Roobolo: you will be requesting review by submitting work
749 2011-01-07T22:55:33 *** cosmos_thought
750 2011-01-07T22:55:36 <cosmos_thought> moin
751 2011-01-07T22:56:39 <izibi> that looks kind of fucked up oO
752 2011-01-07T22:56:56 <izibi> moin cosmos_thought
753 2011-01-07T22:57:48 <izibi> why does a template call a method that renders another template? gives you interesting results :D
754 2011-01-07T22:58:14 <Roobolo> ThomasWaldmann What archives I nedd to upload if the modifications are online in http://master19.moinmo.in/4ct10n/CheckTranslation/MoinI18n/es?action=CheckTranslation&pageset=all_pages&language=es
755 2011-01-07T22:58:15 <Roobolo> ?
756 2011-01-07T22:58:53 <Roobolo> ThomasWaldmann:
757 2011-01-07T22:59:20 <ThomasWaldmann> submit url
758 2011-01-07T23:01:14 <Roobolo> Thank's for all Thomas and Dreimark (:
759 2011-01-07T23:01:30 <Roobolo> I wait your comments.
760 2011-01-07T23:19:15 <dreimark> Roobolo: currently WikiHomePage, WikiName, WikiTipOfTheDay is not translated
761 2011-01-07T23:19:44 <dreimark> i think these are important pages for one who don't know much english
762 2011-01-07T23:20:04 <dreimark> will wonder to get english descriptions on those pages
763 2011-01-07T23:22:55 <dreimark> OrphanedPages , WantedPages , PageSize etc. also not translated
764 2011-01-07T23:25:21 <dreimark> gn
765 2011-01-07T23:26:43 <Roobolo> ok
766 2011-01-07T23:26:50 <Roobolo> i'll work on that ;)