1 2011-02-14T00:32:23 *** izibi
2 2011-02-14T01:22:35 * ThomasWaldmann kills MoinMoin.filter
3 2011-02-14T01:38:26 <CIA-65> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 10439:7a070bc1aae4 2.0-dev/ (25 files in 4 dirs):
4 2011-02-14T01:38:26 <CIA-65> remove MoinMoin.filter + filter plugin package
5 2011-02-14T01:38:26 <CIA-65> Current not used / not usable - see moin 1.9 repo (in 1.9.x, this stuff
6 2011-02-14T01:42:42 *** MattMaker
7 2011-02-14T02:16:34 *** Trip_
8 2011-02-14T02:28:43 <CIA-65> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 10440:d38d60a71c9f 2.0-dev/wiki/data/plugin/action/__init__.py: remove action plugin package, not used any more
9 2011-02-14T03:30:52 *** Trip__
10 2011-02-14T03:33:58 *** Trip__
11 2011-02-14T03:34:19 *** Trip_
12 2011-02-14T05:07:44 <Trip__> idea: new plugin system should automatically generate its own usage info ("how to use this plugin, why to use this plugin") which would appear next to it in a list of all plugins on a PluginStatus page; each plugin would also auto-generate a page about itself in the wiki's help section, the page *about* the plugin would be populated with author vanity info and an InterWiki link to the home site where the plugin originates; but it's
13 2011-02-14T05:07:44 <Trip__> a writable page so that users can make notes and tips about how they use the plugin. In summary, the specs for a plugin require that it provide this metadata, which automatically becomes part of the in-wiki documentation.
14 2011-02-14T05:09:40 <Trip__> on http://test.moinmo.in:8080/WikiSandbox , [[#test | test]] works, but <<Anchor(test)>> doesn't
15 2011-02-14T05:17:35 *** Trip__
16 2011-02-14T05:20:02 *** Trip_
17 2011-02-14T05:21:04 *** kursor
18 2011-02-14T05:23:38 *** Trip_
19 2011-02-14T05:24:03 *** Trip_
20 2011-02-14T07:04:21 *** kursor
21 2011-02-14T07:30:36 *** Marchael
22 2011-02-14T07:44:03 <Marchael> moin
23 2011-02-14T08:11:18 <Marchael> What difference between revert and delete operations?
24 2011-02-14T08:12:19 <Marchael> That a bit strang what in revert.html posting data to /+delete instead of /+revert
25 2011-02-14T08:12:57 <Marchael> s/strang/strange
26 2011-02-14T08:15:37 <ronny_> xorAxAx: {% include "standard_congrats.txt" %}
27 2011-02-14T08:16:12 <ronny_> hmm
28 2011-02-14T08:16:15 <ronny_> or not
29 2011-02-14T08:16:46 * ronny_ concludes serious lack of coffee and leaves
30 2011-02-14T08:35:34 <Marchael> ThomasWaldmann:
31 2011-02-14T08:41:47 <Marchael> and also renaming HelpContents deleted all text on the page, but not renamed.
32 2011-02-14T08:44:00 <dreimark> Marchael: that is a bug
33 2011-02-14T08:44:13 <Marchael> and 500 once again http://test.moinmo.in:8080/+rename/BUGS?rev=None
34 2011-02-14T08:46:40 <dreimark> Marchael: see http://moinmo.in/EasyToDo
35 2011-02-14T08:46:43 <dreimark> search for revert
36 2011-02-14T08:47:12 <dreimark> i just want to say known, but yet not fixed
37 2011-02-14T08:48:17 <dreimark> and there some more bugs, thats why the title of the window is Minefield
38 2011-02-14T08:48:35 <dreimark> otherwise it may be alpha.x or beta.x
39 2011-02-14T08:49:10 <dreimark> if you find one try to fix it or write it at EasyToDo page until the bug tracker on bb is on place
40 2011-02-14T09:00:25 <Marchael> dreimark: so, what differeance between revert and destroy?
41 2011-02-14T09:04:19 <dreimark> Marchael: revert should revert to a revision
42 2011-02-14T09:04:27 <dreimark> and destroy should purge it
43 2011-02-14T09:05:02 <dreimark> in 1.x revert is in principle read older revision store it as current revision
44 2011-02-14T09:05:17 <dreimark> destroy wasn't there implemented
45 2011-02-14T09:06:00 <dreimark> deleting in 1.x was 0 byte revision but one was able to get the old content back
46 2011-02-14T09:08:03 <dreimark> Marchael: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2009-08-02?highlight=%28destroy%29
47 2011-02-14T09:09:13 <dreimark> trashbin is not or yet not completly implemented
48 2011-02-14T09:14:12 <Marchael> > 2009-08-02T14:23:31 <ThomasWaldmann> revert is gone due to being pointless
49 2011-02-14T09:14:13 <Marchael> hmm, so why is t stays?
50 2011-02-14T09:14:26 <Marchael> *is it
51 2011-02-14T09:15:20 <dreimark> it simpliefies to operations, in case of spam you want to have one easy tool
52 2011-02-14T09:15:37 <dreimark> in the past it was duplicated code
53 2011-02-14T09:16:49 <dreimark> Marchael: we don't have an revert right now any more but we have the function to do it
54 2011-02-14T09:17:39 <dreimark> s/to/two/
55 2011-02-14T09:18:01 *** kasun
56 2011-02-14T09:18:36 <dreimark> in 1.x it was a separate acl right, which was superflous because if you have read and write you could "revert" to everything
57 2011-02-14T09:46:01 <dreimark> bbl
58 2011-02-14T09:54:57 *** Marchael
59 2011-02-14T10:34:05 *** kasun
60 2011-02-14T11:02:24 *** greg_f
61 2011-02-14T11:07:15 *** Marchael
62 2011-02-14T11:21:37 <Marchael> when http://moinmo.in/GoogleSoc2011/InitialProjectIdeas will be available for view?
63 2011-02-14T11:54:04 <ThomasWaldmann> i think it'll be publich in ~ 2 weeks, when we apply for SOC
64 2011-02-14T11:54:16 <ThomasWaldmann> -h
65 2011-02-14T11:58:20 <ThomasWaldmann> Marchael: and the revert template is buggy, it of course needs to be revert_item and maybe also the rev is missing
66 2011-02-14T11:59:09 <Marchael> ThomasWaldmann: you mean revert() in item.py?
67 2011-02-14T11:59:20 <ThomasWaldmann> apps.frontend....
68 2011-02-14T11:59:43 <Marchael> item.revert() in POST is never used...
69 2011-02-14T12:00:10 <Marchael> because in revert.html all data posts in delete
70 2011-02-14T12:00:15 <Marchael> *delete.html
71 2011-02-14T12:02:29 <ThomasWaldmann> revert is usually called from History by clicking on the revert GET link
72 2011-02-14T12:02:42 <ThomasWaldmann> then it shows the revert template with the form
73 2011-02-14T12:02:59 <ThomasWaldmann> and that shall be POSTed to revert_item url to do the job
74 2011-02-14T12:03:24 <ThomasWaldmann> likely that template got just copied from delete template and not fixed at all places
75 2011-02-14T12:07:56 <ThomasWaldmann> see how destroy.html is made
76 2011-02-14T12:57:11 *** kursor
77 2011-02-14T13:10:07 <dreimark> re
78 2011-02-14T13:12:49 *** kursor
79 2011-02-14T15:32:00 *** izibi
80 2011-02-14T16:21:32 *** greg_f
81 2011-02-14T16:50:58 *** greg_f
82 2011-02-14T16:52:47 *** greg_f
83 2011-02-14T16:58:26 *** Marchael
84 2011-02-14T17:42:31 <dreimark> bbl
85 2011-02-14T18:46:02 *** Marchael
86 2011-02-14T18:51:21 *** Marchael
87 2011-02-14T18:51:27 *** Marchael
88 2011-02-14T18:58:12 *** cosmos_thought
89 2011-02-14T18:58:16 <cosmos_thought> moin
90 2011-02-14T18:58:18 <cosmos_thought> :D
91 2011-02-14T18:58:25 <cosmos_thought> i did it!!!
92 2011-02-14T18:58:53 <cosmos_thought> i passed my finnal Test for my apprenticeship :D
93 2011-02-14T19:05:03 <cosmos_thought> anyway bbl
94 2011-02-14T19:05:05 *** cosmos_thought
95 2011-02-14T19:11:20 *** grzywacz
96 2011-02-14T19:11:20 *** grzywacz
97 2011-02-14T19:26:03 * dreimark fixes revert
98 2011-02-14T19:28:00 <Marchael> dreimark can you commit your changes?
99 2011-02-14T19:28:17 <Marchael> I`m implementing textcha on revert template
100 2011-02-14T19:29:03 <Marchael> for now that`s done only for modify and destroy
101 2011-02-14T19:38:36 <dreimark> after i have tested it
102 2011-02-14T19:38:47 <dreimark> soon
103 2011-02-14T19:39:08 <Marchael> ok
104 2011-02-14T19:39:45 <Marchael> is realy 'rename' have some bugs?
105 2011-02-14T19:40:00 <Marchael> if so, I can try to fix them
106 2011-02-14T19:41:48 <CIA-65> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 10441:3adcc341d24c 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (apps/frontend/views.py templates/revert.html): fixes revert (template similiar to destroy)
107 2011-02-14T19:42:09 <dreimark> Marchael: ^
108 2011-02-14T19:42:20 <Marchael> ok, thx
109 2011-02-14T19:42:21 <dreimark> Why do you think that rename is broken?
110 2011-02-14T19:42:50 <Marchael> because it doesn`t rename item, but erase him content
111 2011-02-14T19:43:15 <dreimark> works for me
112 2011-02-14T19:44:51 <dreimark> http://test.moinmo.in:8080/svg1
113 2011-02-14T19:45:02 <dreimark> Marchael: renamed that already three times
114 2011-02-14T19:45:29 <dreimark> http://test.moinmo.in:8080/+history?item_name=svg1&rev=2
115 2011-02-14T19:46:26 <Marchael> I`m try rename BUGS to BUGSSSS, but have no result
116 2011-02-14T19:46:36 <Marchael> or I`m do something wrong?
117 2011-02-14T19:46:41 <Marchael> *am I
118 2011-02-14T19:47:46 <dreimark> Marchael: if i remember right you are behind a proxy, or?
119 2011-02-14T19:48:23 <Marchael> hm, yes
120 2011-02-14T19:48:35 <dreimark> that may be sends wrong headers.
121 2011-02-14T19:49:33 <dreimark> a fix should prevent moin to do anything if it can't be done correctly
122 2011-02-14T19:50:00 <dreimark> likly this needs to be done in werkzeug lib
123 2011-02-14T19:51:33 <dreimark> Marchael: you can verify it on you localhost test wiki
124 2011-02-14T19:53:24 <dreimark> also it would be interesting if it is also a problem in moin-1.9
125 2011-02-14T19:53:34 <dreimark> Marchael: try to rename http://moinmo.in/WikiSandBox/1
126 2011-02-14T19:58:02 <Marchael> I haven`t seen rename in list, and http://moinmo.in/+rename/WikiSandBox/1 tell me 'This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.'
127 2011-02-14T20:00:39 <Marchael> ok, see this
128 2011-02-14T20:01:03 <dreimark> Marchael: this wiki is 1.9
129 2011-02-14T20:01:15 <Marchael> works fine
130 2011-02-14T20:02:39 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: ^ 1.9 rename works
131 2011-02-14T20:02:57 <dreimark> it seems related to 2.0 only.
132 2011-02-14T20:05:49 <Marchael> After renaming and reloading page, it is offers me to create new page with old header
133 2011-02-14T20:07:56 <dreimark> Marchael: you mean browser button reload?
134 2011-02-14T20:09:30 <dreimark> Marchael: a UserName has no blanks in between (usually)
135 2011-02-14T20:20:48 <Marchael> Looks like item rename works normal in moin2 too, but I`m just not expected what page moves from 'Find Page' for example to 'something' and dissapears from Find Page
136 2011-02-14T20:21:28 <Marchael> I`m expect what 'Find Page' will be call 'something' :)
137 2011-02-14T20:30:18 <dreimark> Marchael: please rephrase the last sentence 'Find Page' is unclear to me
138 2011-02-14T20:30:29 <dreimark> (in that line)
139 2011-02-14T20:31:07 <dreimark> what is that in 2.0
140 2011-02-14T20:32:14 * dreimark looks at diff and rev None
141 2011-02-14T20:33:41 <dreimark> ah, not relevant any more
142 2011-02-14T20:35:40 <Marchael> After creating 'FindPage' item, I renamed it and then it shows me 'FindPage does not exist. Create it?'. I expect what after renaming 'FindPage' will be called 'something'
143 2011-02-14T20:37:59 <dreimark> hmm. i guess you did it locally http://test.moinmo.in:8080/+history is not showing it
144 2011-02-14T20:38:20 <dreimark> however it should load the item it is renamed too
145 2011-02-14T20:39:09 <dreimark> that works for me
146 2011-02-14T20:39:28 <dreimark> i haver renamed svg1 to svg2 and I am on that page now
147 2011-02-14T20:40:08 <dreimark> /page/item/
148 2011-02-14T20:43:21 <Marchael> Yes, it`s works just strange to me
149 2011-02-14T20:59:20 <Trip_> okay, so I am about to put a copy of my 1.9.3 wiki into a moin2 instance so that I can have better content to "shake out" bugs with... is there a most preferred way to do this transfer at present? if there is already a docs page on this, a pointer to it is most welcome, thanks in advance :)
150 2011-02-14T21:01:02 *** Marchael
151 2011-02-14T21:20:54 <ThomasWaldmann> re
152 2011-02-14T21:25:41 <ThomasWaldmann> Trip_: not much docs yet. i could write a draft version maybe and you fix the bugs while trying it? :)
153 2011-02-14T21:25:53 <Trip_> sure :)
154 2011-02-14T21:26:06 <CIA-65> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 10442:de908c2d5099 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/themes/__init__.py: themes.actions_menu_options: disable options based on existing item
155 2011-02-14T21:26:32 <ThomasWaldmann> Trip_: you start with using fs19 as backend to read your old stuff
156 2011-02-14T21:26:40 <Trip_> or I can fumble through it and write that up, but i think I would have more success with your deaft to work from :)
157 2011-02-14T21:26:45 <Trip_> *draft
158 2011-02-14T21:30:31 <ThomasWaldmann> Trip_: can i see your old 1.9 config?
159 2011-02-14T21:30:57 <Trip_> ok, let me grab and paste
160 2011-02-14T21:40:36 <Trip_> gosh, there's a lot
161 2011-02-14T21:41:02 <Trip_> I almost feel like, maybe there should be a way to have *the wiki itself* expose these config files
162 2011-02-14T21:41:46 <dreimark> Trip_: SystemInfo
163 2011-02-14T21:41:57 <dreimark> scroll down
164 2011-02-14T21:42:58 <Trip_> that is some good info, this is where my thought would begin
165 2011-02-14T21:43:10 <Trip_> next, the links to the files would be clickable
166 2011-02-14T21:43:32 <Trip_> after that, add links to the higher-up config, such as your webserver and farm scripts if applicable
167 2011-02-14T21:44:13 <Trip_> so that I could point you to this page and answer the question, "how do I set up this wiki from scratch, just like yours is arranged?"
168 2011-02-14T21:44:25 <Trip_> assuming proper security in place of course
169 2011-02-14T21:46:12 <Trip_> btw, what does 'active threads: 3' tell me? can I conclude from that information that anyone is currently using it?
170 2011-02-14T21:46:22 <dreimark> and next become root
171 2011-02-14T21:46:31 <Trip_> (as in, they are logged in to the wiki)
172 2011-02-14T21:52:51 <ThomasWaldmann> Trip_: http://etherpad.osuosl.org/moin2-migration
173 2011-02-14T21:55:38 <Trip_> cool, looking there now
174 2011-02-14T21:56:05 <Trip_> I am running both my 1.9.3 and my moin2 from Mercurial checkouts
175 2011-02-14T22:23:06 <dreimark> gci winners announced
176 2011-02-14T23:15:42 *** m4k3r
177 2011-02-14T23:23:50 *** vpv
178 2011-02-14T23:25:08 <dreimark> http://docs.python.org/library/collections.html#collections.defaultdict nice
179 2011-02-14T23:34:37 *** vpv
180 2011-02-14T23:34:38 *** vpv
181 2011-02-14T23:44:10 *** vpv