1 2013-02-05T00:31:46 *** dwcramer
2 2013-02-05T01:03:28 *** dwcramer
3 2013-02-05T01:21:24 <moinBot> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0/rev/b751a12e8239 2013-02-05 Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> namespaces moin save docs: mention --all-backends
4 2013-02-05T01:23:24 *** bilal
5 2013-02-05T02:15:18 *** bilal
6 2013-02-05T04:29:02 <ThomasWaldmann> http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2013-02-02/
7 2013-02-05T05:37:19 <prologic> haha yeah
8 2013-02-05T05:37:21 <prologic> read that this morning
9 2013-02-05T05:37:22 <prologic> quite good ;)
10 2013-02-05T07:46:40 *** ronny2
11 2013-02-05T07:49:36 *** ronny2
12 2013-02-05T07:51:58 *** ronny2
13 2013-02-05T09:47:40 *** ronny
14 2013-02-05T09:48:41 *** ronny
15 2013-02-05T10:09:02 *** greg_f
16 2013-02-05T10:25:30 *** greg_f
17 2013-02-05T10:26:54 *** greg_f
18 2013-02-05T10:43:41 <dreimark> moin
19 2013-02-05T10:43:48 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: http://rn0.ru/show/kjHzKtGHHIZBuVZQlIZS/
20 2013-02-05T10:44:10 <dreimark> moin item-get works but not item-put with the just downloaded item
21 2013-02-05T10:44:40 <dreimark> I did beforehand a new env without any content
22 2013-02-05T11:54:25 *** Guest12752
23 2013-02-05T12:03:59 *** spy
24 2013-02-05T12:52:01 <dreimark> hi spy
25 2013-02-05T12:53:59 <moinBot> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0/rev/dfef4a080377 2013-02-05 Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> namespaces item-put: rather use the ITEMID, fix exception caused by meta NAME being a list
26 2013-02-05T12:54:12 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ^
27 2013-02-05T12:54:35 <dreimark> ah, good
28 2013-02-05T13:00:42 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: just seen, not namespace related, but item-put did not create a new revision, so twice uploaded it is twice the same id
29 2013-02-05T13:03:00 <dreimark> hmm, wait
30 2013-02-05T13:04:05 <dreimark> it just looks like that moin index-build without any parameter makes that look like that
31 2013-02-05T13:05:42 <ThomasWaldmann> it created a new rev for me
32 2013-02-05T13:06:43 <dreimark> it does recogn too. i did a mistake running moin index-build
33 2013-02-05T13:06:55 <dreimark> looking then on the history i have many times the same rev
34 2013-02-05T13:09:26 <dreimark> moin index-build, should not do that if there is an index already
35 2013-02-05T13:27:26 <ThomasWaldmann> moin index-build is intended to build an index, starting from an empty or also not empty index (the latter is needed for farms)
36 2013-02-05T13:37:12 <dreimark> yes but if it is not empty it duplicates its entries
37 2013-02-05T13:40:11 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, that is because you are using it for something it is not intended for
38 2013-02-05T13:40:48 <ThomasWaldmann> and being empty is not a valid criteria
39 2013-02-05T13:41:24 <ThomasWaldmann> as it is not empty after the first farm wiki also, but updating it with the contents of the next one is valid then
40 2013-02-05T13:41:55 *** ronny2
41 2013-02-05T13:42:39 <dreimark> true, but it would be good it would check which farm wiki is already indexed
42 2013-02-05T13:42:47 <dreimark> so that it knows the next is the next
43 2013-02-05T13:43:31 *** spy
44 2013-02-05T13:46:36 *** dave_largo
45 2013-02-05T13:48:47 <ThomasWaldmann> you usually do that in a script, so starting with an empty index and then indexing one after the other isn't that hard
46 2013-02-05T13:55:34 <sunu> ThomasWaldmann: https://codereview.appspot.com/7289046/ needs review :)
47 2013-02-05T14:06:26 * ThomasWaldmann must go, bbl
48 2013-02-05T14:15:56 *** dwcramer
49 2013-02-05T14:28:44 *** santagada
50 2013-02-05T14:30:09 <dreimark> sunu: answered
51 2013-02-05T14:35:01 *** santagada
52 2013-02-05T14:46:18 <sunu> dreimark: replied . https://codereview.appspot.com/7289046/
53 2013-02-05T14:51:46 *** santagada
54 2013-02-05T14:56:10 <santagada> which issues need to be closesd for the next release of moin 2?
55 2013-02-05T14:56:29 <santagada> only the ones marked as 2.0.0a1?
56 2013-02-05T15:01:27 *** RogerHaase
57 2013-02-05T15:02:30 <dreimark> santagada: some more, but they are already identified
58 2013-02-05T15:02:55 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: will soon merge the namespace branch back (hopefully soon)
59 2013-02-05T15:07:47 <santagada> dreimark: thanks... I will take a look to see if I can help :)
60 2013-02-05T15:09:00 <dreimark> santagada: :)
61 2013-02-05T15:11:23 *** dave_largo
62 2013-02-05T15:11:37 <dreimark> santagada: an overview is on http://moinmo.in/MoinMoin2.0
63 2013-02-05T15:12:03 <dreimark> sunu: works currently on gae integration
64 2013-02-05T15:25:55 <sunu> dreimark: Sorry, I couldn't get you again :(
65 2013-02-05T15:44:24 <dreimark> sunu: what happens if one enters something else than the index commands?
66 2013-02-05T15:45:28 <dreimark> i want it more secure not something similar like an exploit
67 2013-02-05T16:02:50 <sunu> ok we need some kind of filter then. I'll work on it :)
68 2013-02-05T16:03:05 <sunu> dreimark:
69 2013-02-05T16:03:06 *** dwcramer
70 2013-02-05T16:06:12 *** dave_largo
71 2013-02-05T16:24:52 *** diofeher
72 2013-02-05T16:28:48 *** diofeher_
73 2013-02-05T16:30:23 *** diofeher_
74 2013-02-05T16:31:47 *** diofeher
75 2013-02-05T18:54:20 *** greg_f
76 2013-02-05T21:27:00 *** ChanServ
77 2013-02-05T21:33:57 *** ChanServ
78 2013-02-05T21:33:57 *** pratchett.freenode.net
79 2013-02-05T21:38:55 *** jek
80 2013-02-05T21:38:55 *** jek
81 2013-02-05T21:39:47 *** ChanServ
82 2013-02-05T21:41:19 *** ChanServ
83 2013-02-05T21:41:19 *** pratchett.freenode.net
84 2013-02-05T21:41:57 *** ChanServ
85 2013-02-05T21:43:09 *** ChanServ
86 2013-02-05T21:43:09 *** pratchett.freenode.net
87 2013-02-05T22:16:14 *** dave_largo
88 2013-02-05T22:46:06 *** ChanServ
89 2013-02-05T22:49:54 *** ChanServ
90 2013-02-05T22:49:54 *** pratchett.freenode.net
91 2013-02-05T23:25:55 *** dwcramer
92 2013-02-05T23:33:53 *** RogerHaase
93 2013-02-05T23:44:33 *** MattMaker
94 2013-02-05T23:46:50 *** MattMaker
95 2013-02-05T23:56:18 *** bruno_
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2013-02-05 (last edited 2013-02-04 23:45:03 by IrcLogImporter)