1 2013-03-08T00:00:03 <dreimark> they entered the name and the password instead of the mail
2 2013-03-08T00:00:35 <dreimark> because of the two input fields
3 2013-03-08T00:00:46 <ThomasWaldmann> ah
4 2013-03-08T00:00:48 <ThomasWaldmann> well...
5 2013-03-08T00:01:15 <dreimark> this was really surprising.
6 2013-03-08T00:02:56 <dreimark> i decided to skip this idea until we have a sane account approval method which also verifies that the email is working
7 2013-03-08T00:03:00 <ThomasWaldmann> can you try if a browser auto-fills in those fields?
8 2013-03-08T00:03:55 <dreimark> not now, may be tom. i am not sure if i kept that action
9 2013-03-08T00:04:07 <dreimark> have to look for it
10 2013-03-08T00:04:26 <dreimark> but i think they really entered it
11 2013-03-08T00:06:06 <dreimark> i guess it is solved if the two password fields are readonly
12 2013-03-08T00:06:15 <dreimark> it makes the form different
13 2013-03-08T00:10:14 <dreimark> if you have the notification for new accounts, you also get those data mailed
14 2013-03-08T00:10:43 <dreimark> so you know at least which users never can recover on their own the acoount
15 2013-03-08T00:14:03 <dreimark> gn
16 2013-03-08T00:14:11 <ThomasWaldmann> hm, the pw recovery link isn't that great. user needs to enter his name.
17 2013-03-08T00:14:20 <dreimark> or email
18 2013-03-08T00:14:32 <dreimark> one of both is enough
19 2013-03-08T00:14:47 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, but a bit less convenient than just click the link and set the pw.
20 2013-03-08T00:15:38 <dreimark> ah, yes
21 2013-03-08T00:16:27 <ThomasWaldmann> timing might be an issue if the token timeout is less than the reaction time of the user
22 2013-03-08T00:16:31 <dreimark> it could also be separated from the token input form.
23 2013-03-08T00:16:44 <dreimark> we can do that in m2
24 2013-03-08T00:17:34 <dreimark> timing is also a tz problem, default is 12h
25 2013-03-08T00:17:52 <dreimark> and a much longer token lifetime is also a problem
26 2013-03-08T00:18:13 <dreimark> the best solution for us was to explain the user how to get a token for a password
27 2013-03-08T00:19:18 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, if the token times out, user just does a new recovery. ok, that solves it...
28 2013-03-08T00:19:39 <dreimark> the text must explain how do that
29 2013-03-08T00:24:16 <dreimark> ok, tired - good night
30 2013-03-08T00:57:54 <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
31 2013-03-08T01:19:10 <ThomasWaldmann> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytracemalloc
32 2013-03-08T01:20:03 <ThomasWaldmann> argh, needs a patched python interpreter
33 2013-03-08T01:29:51 *** xorAxAx
34 2013-03-08T01:39:13 *** xorAxAx
35 2013-03-08T01:41:02 *** MattMaker
36 2013-03-08T04:44:00 *** MattMaker
37 2013-03-08T05:22:25 *** dwcramer
38 2013-03-08T06:40:51 *** dwcramer
39 2013-03-08T06:55:21 *** dwcramer
40 2013-03-08T08:04:49 *** dwcramer
41 2013-03-08T08:41:57 <moinBot> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/rev/378bfb1d0eec 2013-03-08 Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> AttachList: introduced search_term parameter (optional) for listing attachments by a regular expression
42 2013-03-08T09:39:23 *** haseeb
43 2013-03-08T10:17:00 *** haseeb
44 2013-03-08T10:40:04 *** haseeb
45 2013-03-08T10:40:04 *** haseeb
46 2013-03-08T10:51:43 *** spy
47 2013-03-08T11:20:27 *** greg_f
48 2013-03-08T11:45:20 *** haseeb
49 2013-03-08T12:42:53 *** rihnapstor
50 2013-03-08T12:44:37 *** rihnapstor
51 2013-03-08T12:44:37 *** rihnapstor
52 2013-03-08T13:35:46 *** dave_largo
53 2013-03-08T13:45:00 *** greg_f
54 2013-03-08T13:48:23 *** greg_f
55 2013-03-08T14:06:20 *** dwcramer
56 2013-03-08T14:17:10 *** dwcramer
57 2013-03-08T14:36:20 *** rihnapstor
58 2013-03-08T14:48:22 *** rihnapstor
59 2013-03-08T15:06:59 *** rihnapstor
60 2013-03-08T15:38:26 *** RogerHaase
61 2013-03-08T15:46:48 *** dwcramer
62 2013-03-08T18:15:11 *** vaishaks
63 2013-03-08T18:18:03 <vaishaks> Hi, I want to participate in GSOC 2013. I know python and my way around web technologies like php, javascript, jquery etc. I want to start patching some bugs right away. Can anyone tell me where to start? Thank you!
64 2013-03-08T18:30:17 <RogerHaase> vaishaks: see various links here: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoin2.0. Known bugs are on issue tracker link found on that page
65 2013-03-08T18:34:28 *** vaishaks
66 2013-03-08T18:39:02 *** vaishaks
67 2013-03-08T18:40:47 <RogerHaase> vaishaks: see various links here: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoin2.0. Known bugs are on issue tracker link found on that page (repeat in case you missed it)
68 2013-03-08T18:41:03 *** haseeb
69 2013-03-08T18:48:57 *** rihnapstor
70 2013-03-08T18:49:24 *** rihnapstor
71 2013-03-08T18:57:22 *** greg_f
72 2013-03-08T19:14:17 <rihnapstor> moin ThomasWaldmann , RogerHaase , dreimark :)
73 2013-03-08T19:19:07 *** haseeb
74 2013-03-08T19:23:04 *** vaishaks
75 2013-03-08T19:31:06 *** haseeb
76 2013-03-08T19:32:13 <RogerHaase> ThomasWaldmann: fixed the safari issue by adding a width: https://codereview.appspot.com/7577043/
77 2013-03-08T19:36:32 <RogerHaase> ThomasWaldmann: will commit the above and work on small css change to fix old, minor safari, chrome, and IE issues; plus try to make foobar and modernized css more similar
78 2013-03-08T19:44:26 *** vaishaks
79 2013-03-08T19:48:43 <rihnapstor> RogerHaase: you guys focusing on gae branch as well as mod-wsgi apache branch ?
80 2013-03-08T19:51:57 <RogerHaase> rihnapstor: I have only worked on default branch using default server and apache wsgi
81 2013-03-08T19:52:47 <RogerHaase> default server/built-in server
82 2013-03-08T20:00:50 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
83 2013-03-08T20:01:30 <ThomasWaldmann> RogerHaase: great :)
84 2013-03-08T20:02:26 <ThomasWaldmann> rihnapstor: moin is a wsgi app and mostly gae is also just wsgi serving. some special adaptations are required for gae though, because the python there has some limitations.
85 2013-03-08T20:05:28 *** dwcramer
86 2013-03-08T20:14:47 <rihnapstor> so moin2 will run on any wsgi compatible server.
87 2013-03-08T20:15:28 <ThomasWaldmann> yup
88 2013-03-08T20:20:07 *** dwcramer
89 2013-03-08T20:28:00 <rihnapstor> for production deployment of moin wiki how does the config to apache takes place ? using some build script(eg shell script)
90 2013-03-08T20:39:12 *** dwcramer
91 2013-03-08T20:51:16 <ThomasWaldmann> server configuration is admin's task, not our
92 2013-03-08T20:57:26 <rihnapstor> ok thanks ThomasWaldmann :)
93 2013-03-08T20:59:47 <rihnapstor> i was thinking about how operator's of the moin wiki will enable the gateway interface for apache?
94 2013-03-08T21:00:18 <rihnapstor> i mean mod-wsgi for apache.
95 2013-03-08T21:32:19 *** bruno_
96 2013-03-08T21:46:58 *** haseeb
97 2013-03-08T21:52:35 *** dwcramer
98 2013-03-08T21:57:23 * ThomasWaldmann plays with pyotp
99 2013-03-08T21:57:53 <ThomasWaldmann> rihnapstor: mod-wsgi has docs how to configure it for a wsgi app, moin is a wsgi app
100 2013-03-08T22:02:06 <rihnapstor> ok thanks :) ThomasWaldmann i figured that out here http://webpython.codepoint.net/wsgi_environment_dictionary
101 2013-03-08T22:02:18 <rihnapstor> a bit clear now :)
102 2013-03-08T22:05:27 *** jmduke
103 2013-03-08T22:06:02 <jmduke> hey y'all! I was referred to MM for some possible open-source work! i've got a solid python/django/flask background as well as sharp html/css/js skills -- any good jumping-off points?
104 2013-03-08T22:09:21 <rihnapstor> moin jmduke :)
105 2013-03-08T22:14:50 <RogerHaase> jmduke: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoin2.0
106 2013-03-08T22:15:03 *** haseeb
107 2013-03-08T22:15:03 *** haseeb
108 2013-03-08T22:27:03 <rihnapstor> bye RogerHaase :) need to get sleep for couple of hours.
109 2013-03-08T22:28:18 <RogerHaase> gn
110 2013-03-08T22:34:14 *** jmduke
111 2013-03-08T22:35:53 *** dave_largo
112 2013-03-08T22:36:24 *** haseeb
113 2013-03-08T22:46:22 <dreimark> re
114 2013-03-08T23:03:46 *** rihnapstor
115 2013-03-08T23:25:46 *** bruno_
116 2013-03-08T23:29:06 *** RogerHaase
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2013-03-08 (last edited 2013-03-07 23:15:06 by IrcLogImporter)