1 2014-04-16T05:32:18 *** penguinRaider
2 2014-04-16T05:33:44 *** penguinRaider
3 2014-04-16T07:53:57 *** greg_f
4 2014-04-16T08:34:01 *** penguinRaider
5 2014-04-16T09:14:45 *** penguinRaider
6 2014-04-16T16:22:01 *** dave_largo
7 2014-04-16T17:14:20 *** RogerHaase
8 2014-04-16T18:02:29 *** greg_f
9 2014-04-16T18:15:28 *** penguinRaider
10 2014-04-16T18:31:44 *** penguinRaider
11 2014-04-16T18:38:27 *** randomax
12 2014-04-16T18:46:31 *** punit
13 2014-04-16T18:57:31 <randomax> moin
14 2014-04-16T20:51:39 <randomax> what bootstrap version is moin currently using ? has it been changed from bs 3.0.0rc2 ?
15 2014-04-16T20:53:47 *** dave_largo
16 2014-04-16T20:54:09 <RogerHaase> if you are at current tip it is You must rerun "./m quickinstall" to install changes from setup.py
17 2014-04-16T20:57:59 <randomax> ok.. thanx :)
18 2014-04-16T21:06:28 <RogerHaase> randomax: "./m css" will compile the bootstrap files for the basic theme. the less files for are in the virtualenv .../xstatic/pkg/bootstrap/data/less - do not manually copy the bootstrap less files
19 2014-04-16T21:15:14 <randomax> RogerHaase, ok made a patch for https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/issue/423/css-for-highlighting-in-show-item-section
20 2014-04-16T21:15:25 <randomax> https://codereview.appspot.com/88010045
21 2014-04-16T21:32:25 *** punit
22 2014-04-16T21:36:28 <ThomasWaldmann> hi randomax
23 2014-04-16T21:37:16 <RogerHaase> randomax: done
24 2014-04-16T21:39:22 <RogerHaase> ThomasWaldmann: I pushed those 2 patches and updated pull request
25 2014-04-16T21:43:28 <ThomasWaldmann> RogerHaase: read your comment, pulling your stuff now...
26 2014-04-16T21:44:16 * ThomasWaldmann .oO(while downloading doctorow's/wheaton's new audiobook \o/ )
27 2014-04-16T21:47:54 <randomax> ThomasWaldmann, Hi :)
28 2014-04-16T21:48:30 <RogerHaase> randomax: if you look in modernized/static/css/stylus, it looks like basic theme is missing other css as well: smileys.css, moin-diff.styl
29 2014-04-16T21:51:45 * ThomasWaldmann pulled / pushed
30 2014-04-16T21:51:46 <randomax> RogerHaase, Ok.. I'll fix it :)
31 2014-04-16T21:58:21 <RogerHaase> randomax: it will probably be easier if you revert, pull,and then run ./m quickinstall again, and start over with a new code review
32 2014-04-16T22:19:49 <randomax> ok.. :)
33 2014-04-16T22:58:04 *** RogerHaase
34 2014-04-16T23:20:57 *** derdon
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2014-04-16 (last edited 2014-04-16 05:45:02 by IrcLogImporter)