1 2014-06-26T00:28:08  *** magu_cic has quit IRC
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  12 2014-06-26T06:18:59  *** skathpalia has joined #moin-dev
  13 2014-06-26T06:20:25  <skathpalia> dimazest, for the removal of unnecessary variable 'ret' in my cr I need to use {% do %} statement of jinja2
  14 2014-06-26T06:21:05  <skathpalia> For that I need to add extension as specified here http://librelist.com/browser/flask/2011/3/25/jinja-and-expression-statements/
  15 2014-06-26T06:21:14  <dimazest> better move this code out of the template to the python file
  16 2014-06-26T06:21:33  <dimazest> but it seems that there should be a simpler solution
  17 2014-06-26T06:21:42  <dimazest> without list manipulation
  18 2014-06-26T06:22:58  <skathpalia> I think this one is also a simple solution as we are just doing simple list manipulation
  19 2014-06-26T06:23:51  <dimazest> but it's unnecessary, imho
  20 2014-06-26T06:24:00  <dimazest> what do you want to achieve with that code?
  21 2014-06-26T06:24:40  <skathpalia> Just I want to perform list append and list remove operation
  22 2014-06-26T06:24:58  <skathpalia> without displaying the return value
  23 2014-06-26T06:24:59  <dimazest> what for?
  24 2014-06-26T06:25:14  <dimazest> what do you do it for?
  25 2014-06-26T06:26:23  <skathpalia> suppose the user selects tag1 which was earlier deselected then the selected_tag list should have one more element tag1 so here we use append
  26 2014-06-26T06:27:02  <dimazest> well, but what is the goal?
  27 2014-06-26T06:27:09  <dimazest> to apply different styling for tags?
  28 2014-06-26T06:27:11  <skathpalia> and then if he deselects tag1 then the selected_tag list should have one less element with tag1 removed so here we need to use remove
  29 2014-06-26T06:27:40  <skathpalia> I am just trying to do something similar to that of github
  30 2014-06-26T06:27:56  <skathpalia> You can see issue tracker of github
  31 2014-06-26T06:27:56  <dimazest> it seems that the line 92 is the most important
  32 2014-06-26T06:28:57  <skathpalia> here is a github issue tracker https://github.com/bepasty/bepasty-server/issues
  33 2014-06-26T06:29:17  <skathpalia> Here in the left there is filter by tags option
  34 2014-06-26T06:29:26  <skathpalia> I am trying to have something like that
  35 2014-06-26T06:30:12  <skathpalia> Yeah in line 92 we have buttons for tags selection and deselection
  36 2014-06-26T06:31:09  <dimazest> there you chek whether tag is in selected_tags
  37 2014-06-26T06:31:22  <skathpalia> Yeah
  38 2014-06-26T06:31:23  <dimazest> but before, you remove, or append the tag
  39 2014-06-26T06:32:15  <dimazest> that's so confusing
  40 2014-06-26T06:32:26  <dimazest> why selected_tag is a *list*?
  41 2014-06-26T06:32:37  <dimazest> e.g. line 87
  42 2014-06-26T06:32:55  <skathpalia> because user can select multiple tags
  43 2014-06-26T06:33:09  <dimazest> why is then called as a singular
  44 2014-06-26T06:33:17  <dimazest> it suggests that it refers to one tag
  45 2014-06-26T06:33:23  <dimazest> to several of them
  46 2014-06-26T06:33:47  <skathpalia> Ok I will change the name
  47 2014-06-26T06:35:06  <skathpalia> dimazest, how can I add extension to jinja2 environment?
  48 2014-06-26T06:35:16  <skathpalia> in order to use do statement
  49 2014-06-26T06:35:27  <dimazest> i don't think it's needed
  50 2014-06-26T06:35:42  <dimazest> in line 89
  51 2014-06-26T06:36:21  <dimazest> you want to set selected_tag (despite a confusing name) to the list of selected tags with the current tag (if it's not there) or wihtout it if it's there
  52 2014-06-26T06:37:27  <skathpalia> yeah
  53 2014-06-26T06:38:17  <dimazest> see my latest comment
  54 2014-06-26T06:41:35  <skathpalia> dimazest, we can use difference and union in case of sets not in lists
  55 2014-06-26T06:41:50  <skathpalia> this shows error
  56 2014-06-26T06:42:17  <dimazest> then make them lists
  57 2014-06-26T06:42:21  <dimazest> sorry, sets
  58 2014-06-26T06:42:50  <skathpalia> I think we cannot define set in jinja2
  59 2014-06-26T06:43:05  <skathpalia> as jinja2 has {%  set %} tag also
  60 2014-06-26T06:43:33  <skathpalia> I tried {% set selected_tags = set(selected_tags) %} but this shows error
  61 2014-06-26T06:47:40  <dimazest> pass selected_tags as a set in views.py
  62 2014-06-26T06:50:26  <skathpalia> yeah that is working
  63 2014-06-26T06:50:39  <skathpalia> I will update the cr in 5 minutes
  64 2014-06-26T06:53:12  <skathpalia> dimazest,updated the cr
  65 2014-06-26T06:53:19  <dimazest> cool
  66 2014-06-26T06:54:02  <skathpalia> Can I commit it?
  67 2014-06-26T06:56:41  <skathpalia> dimazest, ^^
  68 2014-06-26T06:56:52  <dimazest> not yet
  69 2014-06-26T06:56:59  <dimazest> there are some things to be changed
  70 2014-06-26T07:02:32  <skathpalia> Can you please point to those things?
  71 2014-06-26T07:02:45  <dimazest> i've just submitted a review
  72 2014-06-26T07:07:37  <skathpalia> dimazest, we need to pass a list only otherwise it doesn't work
  73 2014-06-26T07:08:17  <skathpalia> If I don't pass a list and select tag1 then url becomes
  74 2014-06-26T07:08:53  <skathpalia> and if we pass a list the url is
  75 2014-06-26T07:09:27  <dimazest> selected_tags=list(selected_tags.difference([tag])) if tag in selected_tags else selected_tags.union([tag]))
  76 2014-06-26T07:10:07  <dimazest> or, you can create a variable, so this goes to a separate line
  77 2014-06-26T07:10:20  <dimazest> then #81 will be shorter
  78 2014-06-26T07:10:40  <skathpalia> Ok I am creating a new variable
  79 2014-06-26T07:10:44  *** sl33k_ has joined #moin-dev
  80 2014-06-26T07:10:45  <dimazest> you can also write a comment why this union, difference opearation is needed
  81 2014-06-26T07:14:17  <skathpalia> dimazest, updated th cr
  82 2014-06-26T07:15:12  *** sl33k_ has quit IRC
  83 2014-06-26T07:20:39  <skathpalia> dimazest, just removed a typo in the comment
  84 2014-06-26T07:30:07  <dimazest> well, the comment doesn't explain why you do this
  85 2014-06-26T07:30:31  <dimazest> you just translate from Python to English
  86 2014-06-26T07:33:27  <dimazest> see more comments
  87 2014-06-26T07:37:14  *** sl33k_ has joined #moin-dev
  88 2014-06-26T07:43:22  <skathpalia> dimazest, updated the cr
  89 2014-06-26T07:43:42  <skathpalia> changed the comment and added empty line in views.py
  90 2014-06-26T07:46:12  <dimazest> the last thing
  91 2014-06-26T07:46:15  <dimazest> then it's ready
  92 2014-06-26T07:46:54  <dimazest> btw, does ThomasWaldmann check the changes before they are merged into default?
  93 2014-06-26T07:47:42  <skathpalia> yeah
  94 2014-06-26T07:48:32  <skathpalia> dimazest, I think that line should be added in 2225 as selected_tags is used in 2226
  95 2014-06-26T07:49:16  <dimazest> right
  96 2014-06-26T07:50:49  <skathpalia> dimazest, done updated the cr also
  97 2014-06-26T07:51:37  <skathpalia> dimazest, Can I commit it now?
  98 2014-06-26T07:51:56  <dimazest> yes, it looks good now
  99 2014-06-26T07:52:20  <skathpalia> Ok committing changes to my repo
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 113 2014-06-26T11:50:49  <randomax> ThomasWaldmann, updated the cr https://codereview.appspot.com/108020043/
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 119 2014-06-26T13:59:02  <skathpalia> ThomasWaldmann, updated th cr https://codereview.appspot.com/107060043/
 120 2014-06-26T13:59:14  <skathpalia> Now used for loops in ticket.styl
 121 2014-06-26T14:53:16  *** RogerHaase has joined #moin-dev
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 123 2014-06-26T15:22:32  <randomax> RogerHaase, Hi
 124 2014-06-26T15:22:37  <randomax> updated the cr  updated the cr https://codereview.appspot.com/108020043/
 125 2014-06-26T15:22:53  <randomax> oops double copy :)
 126 2014-06-26T15:33:25  *** magu_cic_ has joined #moin-dev
 127 2014-06-26T15:35:35  <RogerHaase> randomax: I saw and just published some comments.  Works well per my testing :)
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 130 2014-06-26T15:53:35  <randomax> RogerHaase, added replies
 131 2014-06-26T16:18:27  <RogerHaase> randomax: see cr, add comments to basic.less and commit
 132 2014-06-26T16:18:59  <randomax> RogerHaase, ok :)
 133 2014-06-26T16:34:19  *** skathpalia has joined #moin-dev
 134 2014-06-26T16:37:21  <randomax> RogerHaase, cr needed https://codereview.appspot.com/110210043/
 135 2014-06-26T16:37:30  <randomax> made some changes in the metadata UI
 136 2014-06-26T16:38:29  <randomax> currently only made changes to the basic theme
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 140 2014-06-26T17:20:47  <RogerHaase> randomax: the old format has several fields (adtion, address, comment...) that are missing from the new format
 141 2014-06-26T17:24:31  <randomax> ok i will try to add those..
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 146 2014-06-26T18:26:07  <randomax> RogerHaase, i would need to remove action, address, comment, dataid, name_old, revid, sha1, size from kill keys
 147 2014-06-26T18:26:14  <randomax> https://bitbucket.org/ajgupta93/moin-2.0/src/9645576dd44d90f608cca417288a9f4d5fc63470/MoinMoin/items/__init__.py?at=default#cl-384
 148 2014-06-26T18:26:49  <randomax> as those parts were already being shown to the users previously
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 150 2014-06-26T18:41:30  <RogerHaase> randomax:  look at modifying items/__init__.py so it does not filter out those names.  Maybe meta_text_to_dict needs a use_filter parameter similar to meta_dict_to_text
 151 2014-06-26T18:43:29  <randomax> RogerHaase, so after adding the parameter i only use the kill keys when the filter is set to true.. right ?
 152 2014-06-26T18:45:22  <RogerHaase> randomax: yes, that would be my plan.  I did not look at where else that is used and whether it impacts other code.
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 159 2014-06-26T18:48:00  <RogerHaase> randomax: yes, that would be my plan.  I did not look at where else that is used and whether it impacts other code. (repeat, in case you missed it on first try)
 160 2014-06-26T18:48:15  *** vpv has quit IRC
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 162 2014-06-26T18:48:25  <randomax> RogerHaase, ok i'll so that
 163 2014-06-26T18:55:00  <randomax> RogerHaase, i was thinking instead of first converting from text to dict and then from dict to text.. should i make a new function that just converts it to a python dictionary and apply filters ?
 164 2014-06-26T18:56:55  *** derdon has quit IRC
 165 2014-06-26T19:00:37  <RogerHaase> randomax: dk, you have to see where and how existing code is used to see if it is better to change that or write a new method.
 166 2014-06-26T19:05:01  *** derdon has joined #moin-dev
 167 2014-06-26T19:29:16  <randomax> RogerHaase, updated the cr https://codereview.appspot.com/110210043/
 168 2014-06-26T19:56:15  <RogerHaase> randomax: old version was in alphabetical order which is helpful if you want to see a particular field.  Still missing some fields: comment, name, name_old...others
 169 2014-06-26T20:06:45  <RogerHaase> randomax: updated cr
 170 2014-06-26T20:30:41  <randomax> ok.. will update the cr tomorrow.. need some sleep now.. gn :)
 171 2014-06-26T20:30:58  <RogerHaase> gn
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MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2014-06-26 (last edited 2014-06-26 00:30:02 by IrcLogImporter)