Adam's Wishlist
Non-Wiki Word Auto-linking: If a non-wiki word page is created (eg. 802.11b), then that word should be automatically linked to when it's found in a page. This can be quite important for intranets where you spend a lot of time linking to vendor names (without convents like referring to every vendor as VendorFoo).
Categorization: Moin's category system is basically a "label" system and I belive a hierarchical browsing system would make it easier for people to navigate large wiki sites. Pages would continue to be given labels, but if the labels could be put into a hierarchy and then displayed in the sidebar you could have a beautiful site map system. See AdamShand/2004-06-19" for a more verbose explaination.
Blogging Features: I've been blogging with Moin at AdamShand for quite a while now. I use the MonthCalendar macro to create blog entires on SubPages and mostly it works pretty well though there are still some rough edges.
No built in ReferrerTracking, it'd be nice to know who's linking to me etc.
No built in TrackBack support (see WikiTrackBack for details and a link to a prototype).
A way to set the HTML title from inside a page (eg. "#title this is the page title"). My blog doesn't get indexed well because my titles are in the form of "AdamShand/2004-03-01" which Google doesn't pay much heed to.
- I would like other people to be able to use my wiki as a blog and be able to aggregate posts on the front page. Currently there is no macro which will work in this way since the Include macro sorts all posts by the primary page name not the subpage name (eg. AdamShand/2004-01-01 will always sort before OtherPerson/2004-06-06).
HTML in RSS Feed: Minor additonal request. I use Bloglines to track changes to the various wiki's I care about. It would be really nice if there was a way to get the side by side HTML diff output in the RSS feed.
Pages from my own wiki where I've talked about Moin and other content management systems (kudos to Moin that no matter how much I try I always end up coming back to it :-). 1
Wacky Musings
It would be interesting if Moin could deal with a nested page repository. For example I'm thinking of pointing Moin and PyBlosxom at the same collection of pages to allow different ways of browsing the data.
according to WikiWeblogs "pyblosxom comes with a wiki formatter for integrating it with MoinMoin, and a genericwiki formatter for integrating it with any wiki." -- DavidAndel
I think the current bayesian ideas are really cool.
A WebDav interface to attachment management.
Things can happen here, since WebDav is a topic at work. I'd very much like people to co-operate on improving to get up-to-date with newer things (DASL and the like). The 4Suite crowd has stakes in this, too. --jh
- As you saw on #moin I'm not sure I can offer significant help, but I'll do whatever I can. The easy solution would just be to enable mod_dav in Apache, but it seems like there are greater opportunities with integration to Moin. -- Adam.
I'd find WebDav access to Moin very useful. A WebDav path could yeild a collection of Wiki pages with matching titles. Sometimes you just want to edit a page in Vim, instead of Firefox. WebDav is an excellent fit for Moin & Wiki - "Distributed Authoring & Versioning" -- Jack
There is a MoinMoin plugin for jedit allowing you to edit MoinMoin pages remotely with syntax highlighting etc.
also have a look at Mozex and WikiGateway -- DavidAndel
There's a Python implementation of the Advogato trust metric. An interesting way to implement an AccessControlList would be to let users rate each other and then state which pages are read/write/deletable by observer/apprentice/journeyer/master certifications.
Create a photo album macro, syntax could be [[PhotoAlbum(*.jpg)]]. Macro should create and display thumbnails for attached images. Clicking on thumbnails should get you a medium or full sized image. Could use SlideShow type system to offer slide shows of all images with a different CSS.
For something kinda fun see the PersonalTelco interface to our GIS system using Moin as the front end (see GeoWiki, MoinMap). On an unrelated note there's even an IRC interface where you can ask how close the nearest node is by giving it your address :-).
Note that Jürgen put these links here, they are all in varying states of completness. They were primarily written as part of a thinking exercise for myself to figure out what I actually wanted to use a wiki for and to try and figure out what it was that I liked so much about them. In other words, take with a grain of salt.