(btw. i missed the WishTemplate)
Create one
it would be fine if we could add the keyID of a gpg key to the UserPreferences and a switch if this should be used to sent the diffs decrypted with this key.
There are two reasons why I like to have this:- The person who is logged in to your wiki shows he is really this person
- Simple Example: At the moment everyone who like to have an account could create one. There is no authentication possible or necessary. This could be done probably by changing the user creation that way that's the new users get an email with static and random text. They need to sign this mail and sent it back. The signing is tested and if true the user gets the account otherwise the wiki admin is informed or it goes to the bad list. This way the wiki is open for each person too but the system knows the persons. At the moment the email input field is not used for user confirmation. It could / should be used this way or probably without signing the same as it is used for a majordomolist.
If the reply was checked for a valid signature, you still cannot trust the person if the web of trust cannot reach it. I admit that authentication is a problem in a wiki if you want to be sure that the user is really the particular person because the user supplies the credentials on his own. Requiring PGP/GPG in order to solve this problem is not an option, we should think about a more flexible solution. I think we need a good PAM system first.
I did have a look into linux-pam. This idea seems to be much better as my one. But probably it could be used to add the keyID as an user parameter too.
- Simple Example: At the moment everyone who like to have an account could create one. There is no authentication possible or necessary. This could be done probably by changing the user creation that way that's the new users get an email with static and random text. They need to sign this mail and sent it back. The signing is tested and if true the user gets the account otherwise the wiki admin is informed or it goes to the bad list. This way the wiki is open for each person too but the system knows the persons. At the moment the email input field is not used for user confirmation. It could / should be used this way or probably without signing the same as it is used for a majordomolist.
- mails are sent (if someone wants this) encrypted. It does not make sense to have an https site when the diffs are sent not encrypted.
This is true of course. But maybe this should be accomplished by the mail daemon. It would be nice if MoinMoin could use sendmail wrappers, though. -- AlexanderSchremmer 2005-02-03 23:49:08
- The person who is logged in to your wiki shows he is really this person
- the next step of this could be the probabilty (if browsers are supporting this feature) to sign a section you have written. I think this could be a very important feature. Because of some openaccess libraries it will be an important feature to know who are the referers. I believe there will be a feature to sign implemented by all browsers soon.
Then you need inmutable sections. Is this useful in a wiki? Maybe you do not need them if you are willing to check the signature in a historical revision of the page. But even then you can accomplish that already nowadays, just check the clipboard features of your desktop encryption application. -- AlexanderSchremmer 2005-02-03 23:49:08