Moving And Merging MoinMoin
Note: There seems to be a number of questions in the Unsorted and Administration sections that belong in this sub-page. However, I'm hesitant to move the content of other contributors and hope they will move their own content here if appropriate.
How can I move my wiki from one MoinMoin server to another?
I would like to be able to move a MoinMoin wiki from one server to the other without being the administrator of either machine. This seems like a very natural function for Python and MoinMoin - very Pythonish! Shouldn't MoinMoin include export and import functions to package (export) a complete MoinMoin wiki (as a zip file?) and then import it on another MoinMoin wiki server? This should include all attachments as well. I've seen the MoinDump but that simply exports flat HTML files.
In prinziple this could be done with HelpOnPackageInstaller. Since 1.6 it will support attachment on pages. But the form is curently only usefull for a small amount of pages. In 1.6 anther tool is added: HelpOnSynchronisation. Using that you can download a set of pages to an other wiki or to sync them in between. -- ReimarBauer 2007-08-21 06:53:08