
Contact: <Patrick DOT Guenther AT web DOT de>

Customized "old" Wiki

My MoinMoin 1.128 is slightly modified

Since my existing Wiki has about 1000 Pages with Discussions and many of those Lists (indented Text under a List-Element) and the new Layout would change a lot there. But maybe ich can change the formatting of the new wiki with all those great features and improvements back to the old style just in this case... I will try someday. --PatrickGuenther

Different RecentChanges for MoinMoin Version 1.1 [Revision 1.160]

For my old MoinMoin i created "new" RecentChanges that showed all Editors of a page since the Bookmark. Now MoinMoin has built in RecentChanges with even more features but my friends an me are used to a different display. So i tried to chang the current (CVS) RecentChanges so they have "our" display but the new comments. This is definitively a bad sloppy hack but it works for now. I will revise my changes if anyone else wants to use "my" RecentChanges. Then they could also be added to the MacroMarket... Right now i don't want to publish that sloppy code to that audience...

Right now i only have a german description of the changes. They will be translated soon...

I anyone wants to try out my custom RecentChanges, save this file to your /data/plugin/macro/ Directory and include [[RecentChangesPatrick]] in any Page. After saving that page an Error occurs. But if you then open the Page everything works fine.



MoinMoin: PatrickGuenther (last edited 2008-04-17 07:36:31 by mail)