See also CategoryMarket.
This is a marketplace for your processors. Please state your name, your email, and the release of MoinMoin your processor is developed for (if you used a CVS snapshot, also state the revision number). For information on standard processors, see HelpOnProcessors.
Use a subpage /YourProcessor and start it with the line
#format python
This way, the code can directly be put on the page without any modification, and as easily copied from that page. See the examples below. You can also upload your source code an an attachment to this page, and then use "" to link to it.
Support for processors was removed.
Note: It is recommended to write a Parser instead of a Processor for Moin 1.3. This version of moin allows Parsers to be used as an Processor. See UnifyParsersAndProcessors and ParserMarket.
Processor |
Author |
Designed for MoinMoin Release |
Sample |
1.3.x |
See / |
Conditional wiki blocks. (I know it should be a parser, sorry !) |
Processor |
Author |
Designed for MoinMoin Release |
Sample |
1.2.3 |
use - SyntaxHighlighting of more than 150 languages |
1.2.3 |
Allows you to get and modify databasecontent |
1.2.3 |
spreadsheet calculations in wiki table rows using sc |
1.2.3 |
simple calculations in wiki table rows using awk |
<adl AT gnu DOT org> |
1.2.2 |
Run bibtex entries through bibtex2html and hlins. |
<adl AT gnu DOT org> |
1.2.2 |
Render graphs, trees, and other place/transition diagrams (with optional client-side image map) using dot. |
1.2 |
... |
!LaTeX processor |
1.2.3 |
!LaTeX processor (no changes in UPDATED SOURCE -- ReimarBauer 2004-08-16 11:00:34 |
1.2.3 |
!LaTeX processor (no changes in Modified for Cygwin -- YaroslavBulatov2025-03-03 20:22:59 |
Robert Kleemann & others |
robertk at oz dot net |
1.2 (1.1 ok, too) |
I have lots of long lists of items that either bunch together in an unreadable glob or cascade down the page in a long single column. I didn't want to use the existing table syntax because it is difficult to insert or delete a single item (as opposed to an entire row) from the table. It's also difficult to change the number columns once a table is made. The SimpleTable processor just takes a list of wiki markup and treats each line as a cell in a table. I suspect there is a simpler way to solve my problem but, oh well, I already wrote the thing. |
1.2 |
See doc in |
Makes large tables damn easier to write. Everything allowed with regular tables syntax is supported. Additionally, allows headings and lists in cells. |
R.Bauer (AT )fz-juelich (DOT) de |
1.2.1 |
R.Bauer (AT )fz-juelich (DOT) de |
1.2.1 |
This processor is used to draw Gantt charts by pygantt |
1.2.1 |
Allows you to insert chunks of HTML text |
Nathan Whitehead |
nwhitehe at |
1.2 |
1.1 or older
Note: Most of these use print or sys.stdout to output data. To get them theoretically running with a newer version of moin output has to be done via request.write. This might not be the only change required...
Processor |
Author |
Designed for MoinMoin Release... |
... and Revision... |
Sample |
Paul Jimenez |
pj at deepfile dot com |
0.11 |
- |
none |
A way to incorporate webdot graphs in your wiki easily and get the versioning benefits of the wiki applied to your graph source |
midified version by WkPark |
wkpark @ |
1.0 |
- |
... |
UTF8 support, no uniqkey, map support |
for 1.x |
- |
... |
syntax highlighting with the VIM. a havy version for a syntax hilighting. |
for 1.x |
- |
... |
lighter version for a syntax highlighting with the Enscript. java sh c fortran etc. |
for 1.x |
- |
... |
Gnuplot processor |
for 1.x |
- |
... |
Latex processor |
1.0 |
- |
see link |
This small patch against and parser/ enable the use of any parser with the processor. This is set through a configuration options. |
schcats |
1.0 |
- |
A processor for creating an "pretty" event calendar. DEPRECATED - see also new Calendar parser at ParserMarket. |
Mike at Geary dot com |
1.1 |
- |
I frequently use a bit of page layout with a photo on the left and several lines of text on the right. This can be done with standard MoinMoin table syntax, but it is clumsy. TextOnRight provides a clean and simple way to do this. (Updated 7-27-03 to fix an alignment problem.) |
R.Bauer (AT )fz-juelich (DOT) de |
1.1 |
1.173 |
This processor is used to draw Gantt charts by pygantt |
senya at exposol dot com |
1.x |
- |
... |
A simple tool to create Simple ASCII UML Diagrams: block diagrams, class diagrams etc. see SB. |
0.11 |
- |
A UnifiedRecentChanges implementation. Threads to retrieve feeds. |
Note that the samples will only work after I added the extensions to the active code base.
For more extensions, see UtilityScripts and SeaPig:SeattleMoinMoinExtensions.
If you are not familiar with Python and/or the MoinMoin code base, but have a need or an idea for a processor, this is the place to ask for it. Someone might find it useful, too, and implement it.
This isn't really a request for a parser or processor, but a related idea. It would be nice if there was some sort of hook in moin so that the plugin could be notified when the user was in "edit" mode and offer an optional special editor for the section of content its in charge of. Perhaps this is way too difficult and just a dream, but content specific editors would really be nice. For example, the "dot" parser above could use the java based applet to edit it on the fly, as demonstrated here .. -- EvanLanglois
VectorGraphic - tool to include graphics (scetches, diagrams, scheemes, etc.) in pages
- It's in there.
Lilypond - like the /LatexProcessor, but allowing one to embed Lilypond code, have lilypond run on it, and display the resulting images inline.
- Support for TWikiDraw's URL map file
- You can currently add hyperlinks in the applet, which results in a .map file getting attached to the page, but it doesn't get referenced in the Wiki-generated IMG tag. It would be really cool to have hyperlinked drawings! (I don't know if this counts as a processor or an action, or what. Sorry if this request is in the wrong place -- please move it if it is)
I have problems with on MoinMoin 1.2.3. Is there a version for 1.2.3? (The AttachFile option works fine and the LaTeX processor too.)
The same user: I was wrong. It works now! The problem was that the dot program was not installed on the server
and I could not see any result. Other: I think that an alt member should be added to the img html tag on the produced page.
This list contains processors that are now part of the standard distribution, possibly with a (slightly) different implementation.
Processor |
Author |
Designed for MoinMoin Release... |
... and Revision... |
Sample |