HowTo install from a repository

see also HowTo/Run Moin from a Mercurial work directory

If you patch the moin repo with your stuff it might be easier doing it this way.

It can become easier to call the script from your repository clone instead of manually copying files to various places. That is best done if you do use the clone under your own account and install it by when you think it works well with all your additional plugins/patches.

make pagepacks from the toplevel dir creates the underlay pagepacks.

Before you execute the installation script remove all unwanted (test) pages from the wiki/data dir otherwise they will be installed too and remove by MoinMoin/script/moin maint cleancache all cache files.

You can add a prefix where setup installs all the files by --install-data. If you did it the second time you want to remove first the old underlay dir from /srv/share/moin/underlay otherwise you mix old and new pages.

The moin wikisoftware will be installed below site-packages of your python path. If you want to keep your old version you can use symlinks e.g ln -s MoinMoin-1.8.1 MoinMoin in e.g. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages


sudo python install --install-data=/srv/

After the installation is done you may have to change accessrights to the directories. That depends on how you configure the deployment method.

At the next time do a hg pull -u and repeat the installation process

MoinMoin: ReimarBauer/InstallFromRepository (last edited 2009-07-05 08:00:39 by ReimarBauer)