will be moved later on a different place - for now just a collection of ideas
ideas for easy to do task based on html5. if you want to use some of these examples look at first on a compatible license.
html 5
drop of files check as alternative for creating new items in moin-2.0
editable content check parallel edits
slides can it be used for singlepage slideshow
html5 browser test investigate report browser problems
audio podcast code item for podcast
geolocation code item for geolocation
- find something to code stat chart for page edits, access, (rgraph isn't free software)
capture avi code an item for capturing an avi
if items are based on jquery, we need to store some results as meta data or data.
crop images Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. code a feature for image manipulation
detailed zoom JQZoom allows you to realize a small magnifier window close to the image or images on your web page easily. code a feature for image manipulation
star rating code an item which has star rating capability
table sorter or docs code a tablesorter into an example table, e.g. admin userbrowser
table Row CheckboxToggle - check where we can use that (unknown if we want something like this for some kind of meta)
table editor code a table item which is editable
datepicker code an item for date selection.
pagination code pagination for index
slider code navigation for subitems
hover investigate moin where we can use this
jPlayer as a stylish audio player is based on flash - we should look for something else too